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Extensive Games with Perfect Information II

Extensive Games with Perfect Information II. Outline. One stage deviation principle Rubinstein alternative bargaining game Excess optimum Two paradoxes Chain store paradox Centipede game Review of the mid term exam. One-deviation property.

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Extensive Games with Perfect Information II

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  1. Extensive Games with Perfect Information II

  2. Outline • One stage deviation principle • Rubinstein alternative bargaining game • Excess optimum • Two paradoxes • Chain store paradox • Centipede game • Review of the mid term exam

  3. One-deviation property • Definition: One-Deviation property is satisfied if no player can increase her payoff by changing her action at the start of any subgame in which she is the first-mover, given the other player's strategies and the rest of her own strategy. • Proposition (One-Deviation Property). Let Γ be a (finite or infinite horizon) EGPI. The strategy profile s* is a subgame perfect equilibrium if and only if it satisfies the one-deviation property. • proof see Fudenberg and Tirole • Implication: Suppose we are given a strategic profile for an EGPI, and we wonder if it is indeed an SPE. The proposition says we need only check those alternative strategies with one deviation.

  4. Infinite horizon • For the proposition to hold also for infinite horizon games, we need the following very mild qualification: • Continuity at infinity: A game is continuous at infinity if for each player i the utility function ui satisfies • This condition says events in the distant future are relatively unimportant. It will be satisfied if the overall payoffs are a discounted sum of per-period payoffs git(at) and the per-period payoffs are uniformly bounded, i.e., for is a B such that

  5. Consider a one-player EGPI. You are told that s*=(A,C,F) is an SPE. To check this, according to the definition of SPE, you need to check s* against ALL other strategies. However, according to the one deviation principle, you just need to fare s* against three of them: (B,C,F), (A,D,F), and (A,C,E). So far as each of these alternative strategies does not give a strictly higher payoff for the subgame in which the deviation occurs, then s* is in an SPE. A B C D F E 1 2 0 0 One Stage Deviation Principle (OSDP): an illustration

  6. Rubinstein alternative offer game • One unit of cake is to be divided • (x₁,x₂) be an offer • Player 1 makes offers in periods t=0,2,4,..., and Player 2 makes offers in periods t=1,3,5,.... • An agreement (x₁,x₂) reached t periods later gives discounted payoffs of δtx₁ and δtx₂ to the two players. • The players are risk neutral; the objective of each player is to maximize his discounted expected payoff.

  7. An SPE • Let x*=(x₁*,x₂*)=((1/(1+δ)),(δ/(1+δ))) and y*=(y₁*,y₂*)=((δ/(1+δ)),(1/(1+δ))). • Player 1 always proposes x* and accepts any offer in which he is paid (δ/(1+δ)) or more. • Player 2 always proposes y* and accepts any offer in which he is paid (δ/(1+δ)) or more. • Proof: Check that nobody can benefit from unilaterally deviating once. Then by one deviation property proposition, nobody can benefit from multiple deviations. This indeed is an SPE.

  8. Unique SPE • Let Gi be a subgame in which i is the proposer. Different SPEs give different discounted payoffs to player i. Let Mi and mi be the supremum and infimum of them. • We claim that M₁=m₁=(1/(1+δ)) and M₂=m₂=(1/(1+δ)). • If this claim is true, then there is a unique SPE (not only unique SPE outcome). (verify this)

  9. Unique SPE (cont.) • We now turn to show the claim. It takes a few steps. • Step 1: m₂≥1-δM₁. Suppose it is 2's turn to make an offer. If 1 gets a chance to make an offer in the next period, 1 will get at most M₁. This most optimistic outcome for 1 is worth δM₁ now after discounting. Hence any offer to 1 giving him δM₁+ɛ now must be accepted by 1, leaving 1-δM₁-ɛ for player 2. Hence it cannot be the case that m₂<1-δM₁.

  10. Unique SPE (cont.) • Step 2: M₁≤1-δm₂. Suppose it is 1's turn to make an offer. If 2 gets a chance to make an offer in the next period, he will get at least m₂. Then 2 will not accept an offer giving him δm₂-ɛ right now. Hence, if agreement is to be reached immediately, 1 cannot make an offer so that x₂<δm₂ or x₁>1- δm₂; 1's offer has to satisfy x₁≤1- δm₂. Suppose 1's offer is rejected, the supremum of his present value will become δ(1-m₂)≤(1-m₂)≤1- δm₂. Whether 1's offer is accepted now or not, we have M₁≤1-δm₂ .

  11. Unique SPE • Step 1: m₂≥1-δM₁; and Step 2: M₁≤1-δm₂ • Also, Step 3: m₁≥1-δM₂; and Step 4: M₂≤1-δm₁. • Combining Steps 1 and 2, we have m₂ ≥ 1-δM₁ ≥ 1-δ(1-δm₂) ≥ (1-δ)+δ²m₂. Hence, we have m₂≥((1-δ)/(1-δ²))=(1/(1+δ)). Substituting this back to step 2, we have M₁≤(1/(1+δ)).Taking into account of symmetry and the existence of SPE, the claim is shown.

  12. Extension: Will Excess Optimum always lead to delay? • Consider the case where two risk-neutral players are trying to divide a dollar, which is worth 1 at t=0, δ∈(1/2,1) at t=1, and zero afterwards. It is also common knowledge that each player believes with probability one that he will be picked to make an offer at t=1 so long as no agreement is made at t=0. Find the unique SPE.

  13. Extension: Will Excess Optimum always lead to Delay? (cont) • Now consider a four-period version of the previous game. The dollar is worth 1, δ, δ², and δ³ at dates 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively, where δ∈(1/2,1/√2). The dollar is worth 0 afterwards. Assume that each player is always sure that he will make all the remaining offers. Find the unique SPE. • See Yildiz (Econometrica, 2004??)

  14. Competitor k In Out CS Fight Cooperate 0,0 2,2 Chain-store game • A chain-store (CS) has branches in K cities, numbered 1,...,K. • In each city k there is a single potential competitor, player k. ∙ • In period k, competitor k chooses to enter or not; if so CS either fights or cooperates in that period. That period's payoff is • at every point in the game all players know all the actions previously chosen. • The payoff of competitor k is its payoff in period k; the payoff of the chain-store in the game is the sum of its payoffs in the K cities.

  15. Chain store paradox • unique SPE • k always enters • CS always cooperate after entry of the competitor • Paradox: Suppose upon every time a competitor entered in the past, it was fought by the chain-store. Shouldn't the competitor who has the turn decides not to enter? The SPE says it should not!!

  16. Centipede game Two players 1 and 2 play a 6 stage centipede game.

  17. Centipede game • Using backward induction, we find that the game will end immediately. • unless the number of stages is very small it seems unlikely that player 1 would immediately choose S at the start of the game. • After a history in which both a player and his opponent have chosen to continue many times in the past, how should a player form a belief about his opponent's action in the next period? It is far from clear.

  18. Summary • The notion of Nash equilibrium is not particularly useful for the study of EGPI. • The notion of subgame perfect equilibrium is introduced to solve this problem. • SPE presumes that a history with zero probability according to the strategy profile is reached is viewed as an outcome of mistakes. • The prediction of SPE leads to famous paradoxes that call for re-examination of assumptions of the model. • One deviation property theorem • Alternative bargaining model as a building block in the modeling of many interesting issues (e.g., outside option, threat point, trade bargaining, bargaining between firm and union, the role of property rights, debt renegotiation, holdup, etc.)

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