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The Building Up a Great Empire

By: Adolfo Izaquirre , Carlos Varela, Gabriela Casanova, Marianne Loewemberg and Alexandra Quiñonez. The Building Up a Great Empire. Vocabulary. Jaundice: Yellow staining of the skin and the white of the eyes. This is important for John to know how his wife is doing and if she is sick. .

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The Building Up a Great Empire

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  1. By: Adolfo Izaquirre, Carlos Varela, Gabriela Casanova, Marianne Loewemberg and Alexandra Quiñonez The Building Up a Great Empire

  2. Vocabulary Jaundice: Yellow staining of the skin and the white of the eyes. This is important for John to know how his wife is doing and if she is sick. Dysentery:An infection with inflammation of the intestine, with diarrhea and blood. This is another of the sicknesses in the army and it is important since John should know the army is a little weakened. Rheumatism: A term that is used to describe different disorders in different parts of the body. This is important since Abigail can suffer of anything and it could lead to her death.

  3. Important Topics To Cover (Footnotes) 2. Col. Warren: Colonel James Warren was the husband of Mercy Otis Warren. He was the essential part of this letter since he was the one to deliver it to John. 3. John was working in the Continental Congress. The Massachusetts House of Representatives gave the delegates another month to stay. This is important since some of the letters were written in that time. 1. Camp:The army in other words. She is making him know that not only she is the one sick, but that the sickness travels the army. This is important because John will know that the army is weakened. 4. Fabricating:Being made. It is important to this letter because John may leak some information to Abigail.

  4. Important Topics To Cover 9. Dropsies: This is a condition in which the body retains fluids in any part of the body with fevers. This is important in the letter since Abigail is telling John that she is not well and she is updating him on her condition. 5. Mr. Mason and Thaxter: Jonathan Mason, Jr., and John Thaxter, Jr. were law clerks living with Abigail. They are important as Abigail says because they keep her company and make her feel less desolated. 6. Susanna Adams: The daughter of Elihu and Thankful Adams, niece of John Adams. She is important because she is the only affection Abigail got.

  5. Rhetorical Devices • Appeal to reason: • “The great and incessant rains we have had this fall, (the like cannot be recollected) may have occasioned some of the present disorders.” (the building up a Great Empire 682)  -Abigail Adams begins the letter by telling how there are many diseases where she is at. Even she herself has caught them. This is an example of appeal to reason, because it makes people think that so much rain that has fell, is a logical explanation to so many diseases. • “When I consider these things and the prejudices of people in the favour of ancient customs and regulations, I feel anxious for the fate of our Monarchy or Democracy or whatever to take place.” (The building up a Great Empire 683)  -According to this quote, this is a perfect example of appeal to reason, because it makes the reader think about what is going to happen in the colonies after the new government has settled. It makes the reader rationalize about all the difficulties with factions must have raised.

  6. Rhetorical Devices • Appeal to Pathos: • “I was pleasing myself with the thoughts that you would soon be upon your return. Tis in vain to repine. I hope the publick will reap what I sacrifice.” (the Building uo a Great Empire 682) -We can see appeal to pathos in this quote, by how Abigail Adams states what she feels. How she states this, makes the reader feel pity for her because of how much she misses and longs to be with her husband.

  7. Rhetorical Devices • Appeal to Emotion: • “Our little ones send duty to pappa and want much to see him.” (the Building up a Great empire 683) -This quote resembles appeal to emotion, because it shows how Abigail’s children want to be with their father. This makes the reader connect with how the children are feeling about loving and caring for their parents. 

  8. Rhetorical Devices • Red Herring: • “Mr. Mason is a youth who will please you, he has spirit, taste and Sense.” (The Building up a Great Empire 683) -This is an example of red herring, because first Abigail is talking about how her worries about the government, and the people who will rise in power, then she starts talking about these two men which she is living with, which is completely our of topic.

  9. Rhetorical Devices • Rhetorical Question: • “If a form of government is to be established here what one will be assumed? Will it be left to our assemblies to chuse one? And will not many men have many minds? And shall we not run into dissentions among ourselves?” (The building up a great empire 682) -These are examples of rhetorical questions, because they make emphasis on Abigail is telling about the new governments. It also makes the reader try to make a guess about what will happen in the future. • “Can any government be free which is not administered by general stated Laws? Who shall frame these laws? Who will give them force and energy? (the building up a great empire 682).  - These are also questions of rhetorical questions, because they show how Abigail asks herself what will happen in the future. This helps the reader think about possible answers to these and what will end up happening.

  10. Works Cited • http://www.medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dropsies • http://www.medicinenet.com/jaundice/article.htm • http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-rheumatism.htm • http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dysentery Pictures: • http://commonsenseatheism.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/writing-a-letter.png • http://www.free2pray.info/John-Adams.jpg • http://www.timbenjaminart.com/benjie/interesting_stuff/quotes/abigail_adams_p46_lrg.jpg • http://www.civicamericana.org/index-05_files/image002.jpg • http://www.fishdeals.com/fish_diseases/dropsy/pictures/1.jpg • http://img.tfd.com/wn/AA/6D055-dropsy.gif • http://www.nataliedee.com/032507/not-a-good-reason.jpg • http://neil.fraser.name/writing/cyclingbritain/newcastle/pity.jpg • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_llE-oULjhVY/S9GIpRe2RsI/AAAAAAAAAIc/iju1l_9INyg/s1600/Shouting_Man_Cartoon.jpg • http://blog.girlsbydesign.com/wp-content/emoticons.gif • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lcQMMTaGQHs/SPYpOAwa8ZI/AAAAAAAAALQ/vgrAUBzJCM4/s320/rhetorical+question.jpg • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ONv0BAxnixo/S-MsG2JpbyI/AAAAAAAAAFs/v54V-hXIWjs/s1600/the-end.jpg


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