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Trust (Kepercayaan) Kuliah 05

Trust (Kepercayaan) Kuliah 05. Definisi Kepercayaan. “Trust is the belief that party’s word or promise is reliable and the party will fulfill its obligations” – Julian B Rotter

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Trust (Kepercayaan) Kuliah 05

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  1. Trust (Kepercayaan)Kuliah 05

  2. Definisi Kepercayaan • “Trust is the belief that party’s word or promise is reliable and the party will fulfill its obligations” – Julian B Rotter • Kepercayaan merupakan penggerak utama dari semua model bisnis eCommerce. Tanpa kepercayaan eCommerce tidak akan bisa berjalan. • Kepercayaan berasal antara pembeli dan penjual, perlu saling mempercayai antar kedua pihak. • Perlu dibangun mekanisme dalam eCommerce untuk memfasilitasi transaksi eCommerce yang dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan kedua belah pihak.

  3. Kepercayaan Pembeli • Pertanyaan pembeli berkaitan dengan kepercayaan : • Apakah barang akan dikirim bila pembayaran sudah dilakukan ? • Bagaimana bila barang yang dikirim tidak sesuai dengan yang ditawarkanpada situs web? • Bagaimana dengan garansi atau after sales service ? • Apakah pembayaran dengan kartu kredit cukup aman ?

  4. Kepercayaan Penjual • Adanya transaksi ‘sampah’ • Transaksi dengan menggunakan kartu kredit palsu • Resiko yang dialami penjual transaksi di Internet memang cukup tinggi dan masih kurang sebanding dengan nilai laba yang mereka dapatkan.

  5. Faktor Pendukung Kepercayaan Online • Brand (merek dagang) • Third–Party Ratings (peringkat) • Security and Privacy (keamanan dan privasi) • Technology (teknologi) • Order Fulfillment (pemenuhan pesanan) • Customer Service and Support (layanan pelanggan) • Management Knowledge (pengelolaan pengetahuan)

  6. Legal and Ethical Issues:an Overview Legal Isues • Privacy • Intellectual Property • Difficult to protect since it is easy and inexpensive to copy and disseminate digitized information • Free Speech • Internet provides the largest opportunity for free speech • Taxation • Illegal to impose new sales taxes on Internet business at the present time • Consumer Protection • Many legal issues are related to electronic trade

  7. Ethical Issues • Code of Ethics • Many companies and professional organizations develop their own codes of ethics • A collection of principles intended as a guide for its members • A guide for members of a company or an association • What is considered to be right and wrong? • What is unethical is not necessarily illegal. • Whether these actions are considered unethical depends on the organization, country, and the specific circumstances surrounding the scenarios.

  8. Organize IT Ethical Issues into a Framework • Privacy • Collection, storage, and dissemination of information about individuals • Property • Ownership and value of information and intellectual property • Accuracy • Authenticity, fidelity, and accuracy of information collected and processed • Accessibility • Right to access information and payment of fees to access it

  9. Isue Globalisasi dalam regulasi dan komunitas online How is Private Information Collected? • Reading your newsgroups’ postings • Finding you in the Internet Directory • Making your browser record information about you • Recording what your browsers say about you • Reading your e-mail

  10. IsueGlobalisasidalamregulasidankomunitas online Web-Site Self-Registration • Registration Questionnaires • type in private information in order to receive a password to participate in a lottery, to receive information, or to play a game • Uses of the Private Information • collected for planning the business • may be sold to a third party • used in an inappropriate manner

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