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Orientation for Annual Conference

Orientation for Annual Conference. June 2011 Stephen Hundley. Virginia Conference UMC Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) Some Proposed Changes. CHANGES PROPOSED FOR 2012. No more averages Split Funds Numbers will change Clergy Health – Active Pension Liability World Service.

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Orientation for Annual Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OrientationforAnnual Conference June 2011 Stephen Hundley

  2. Virginia Conference UMCCouncil on Finance and Administration (CFA)Some Proposed Changes

  3. CHANGES PROPOSED FOR 2012 • No more averages • Split Funds • Numbers will change • Clergy Health – Active • Pension Liability • World Service

  4. No More Averages • In the past, we used a three year average of reported expenses • Proposed change to using statistics from the last reported year • 2010 year for 2012

  5. Split Funds • Look of the budget is different First Section is Virginia Fund 401 is Virginia Conference In the past, this was with World Service. • Check the Schedules A, B, & C

  6. Numbers will Change • For your treasurers, the numbers of the apportioned funds will change • The three sections represent – • Virginia Conference • Clergy Benefit Apportionments • General/Jurisdictional Apportionments.

  7. Increase/Decrease • Virginia Conference • -7.20% • Clergy Benefit Apportionments • +11.83% • General/Jurisdictional Apportionments • -1.59%

  8. Clergy Health- Active • Two Tiers • Tier 1: $5,000 per full time appointed pastor • Tier 2: Based on total clergy compensation • Based on last full year of reporting (2010 for the coming year 2012) This will total $8,713,713 (Fund 407)

  9. Pension Liability • Past Pension Liability • Fund 409 • We have no control over this • Based upon asking from GBOPHB • This is less than we first expected

  10. World Service • This separated out from the previous year • This is as usual apportionment based on the figures received from Statistical Tables for the last reported year (2010 for 2012). • NOTE: the General Jurisdictional amounts are decreasing. Why is this?

  11. Active Clergy Health Care Apportionment 2012 Changes Each full time appointed pastor – local church will be apportioned$5,000 as a flat rate. Then all churches will be apportioned a decimal of the total of all appointed clergy salaries in the conference as of the last year reported. For example, the figures for 2012 will be based on salaries paid in 2010. This means that the smallest churches where there is no full time pastor will NOT be apportioned the $5,000 but will participate in the apportionment through the additional decimal of clergy salaries. This means that where there is a multi-clergy staff church, the church will be apportioned $5,000 for each of the full time clergy (including deacons) and will also be apportioned on the decimal of all conference clergy salaries. For all of the churches with one full time appointed pastor, the church will be paying the $5,000 and an active health care apportionment based on their clergy salary. The higher the salary, the higher the apportioned amount.

  12. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Annual Conference means thinking and conferencing for the whole, not just your back yard! These are estimates!

  13. Some ESTIMATED examples forApportioned Fund 407A (formerly 404): Blacksburg • Three clergy, (2 elders, one deacon) $15,000 • Salary % $20,598 • Change from 2011 ($7,448)

  14. Goodwin Memorial • One appointed clergy $ -0- • Salary % $ 1048 • Change from 2011 ($249)

  15. Pembroke Charge First: Pembroke • One appointed clergy $ 2,500 • Salary % $ 2,583 • Change from 2011 $999 Mt. Lebanon • One appointed clergy $ 2,500 • Salary% $ 948 • Change from 2011 $2,547

  16. Rockingham Court • One appointed clergy $ 5,000 • Salary % $ 3,859 • Change from 2011 $4,730

  17. Other Notes • CPP Holiday – three years (2011-2012-2013) • Health of clergy – clergy health claims • Change of Disability percentage – income replacement

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