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Changing G-RSM options

Changing G-RSM options. Files in def/model_config. debug.h : extra message dumping mainly for debugging depend.h : option dependency / consistency setting diag.h : for 1-point output, zonal mean, etc. dynamics.h : options for dynamic process function.h : dependency on machine type

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Changing G-RSM options

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  1. Changing G-RSM options

  2. Files in def/model_config • debug.h: extra message dumping mainly for debugging • depend.h: option dependency / consistency setting • diag.h: for 1-point output, zonal mean, etc. • dynamics.h: options for dynamic process • function.h: dependency on machine type • gdas.h: options for GDAS • legacy.h: old options • misc.h: miscellaneous options, e.g., spectral nudging, output type, tracers, etc. • nhm.h: options for RSM-NHM coupling • physics.h: options for physical process, e.g., cloud physics, convection, etc. • roms/: options for RSM-ROMS coupling • roms_depend.h: option dependency for RSM-ROMS coupling • rsm_depend.h:

  3. physics.h (deep convection) /* convective parameterization */ #undef KUO /* Kuo scheme */ #undef SAS /* Simplified Arakawa Schubert scheme */ #define RAS /* Relaxed Arakawa Schubert scheme */ #undef RASC1 /* RAS with detarained cloud water */ #define RASC2 /* RAS with detarained cloud water like RASV2 */ #undef RASV2 /* RAS with downdraft */ #undef CCMCNV /* Zhang McFarlane scheme */ #undef ZM2 /* modified Zhang McFarlane scheme */ #undef KF2 /* Kain Fritsch convective parameterization from WRF */ #undefCCMSCV /* Hack shallow conve. scheme to be used with CCMCNV */

  4. physics.h (land) /* land scheme */ #undef OSULSM2 /* OSU version 2 land scheme with USGS data */ #undef HYDRO /* Residual free hydrology with osu2 */ #undef OSULSM1 /* OSU version 1 land scheme */ #define NOALSM1 /* NOAH land scheme */ #define NOAHYDRO /* Residual free hydrology with noah */ #define NOAH_JUN05 /* updated version of NOAH by Massimo */ #undef VICLSM1 /* VIC single tile scheme */ #undef NOBSFLW /* remove base flow from osu2 */ #define CRITSNOW 269.66 /* snow threshold temperature at 850 hPa*/

  5. physics.h (cloud microphysics) /* cloud water prediction */ #define CLD1 /* diagnostic */ #undef CLD2 /* Zhao and Carr */ #undef CLDT93 /* Somerville and Iacobellis */ #undef CLDWSMMPS /* Updated version of CLD3 */ #undef CLD3 /* Song-You Hong prognostic qc/qi, qr/qs */ #undef CLD5 /* Song-You Hong prognostic qc, qi, qr, qs */ #undef CLD6 /* Song-You Hong prognostic qc, qi, qr, qs, qg */ #define NEW_MPHYS /* additional option for CLD3/CLD5/CLDWSMMPS */ #undef VCI /* additional option for CLD3/CLD5/CLDWSMMPS */ #undef T93PR2 /* new precipitation physics for CLDT93 */

  6. misc.h #define STDAMP /* Spectral tendency damping scheme for rsm */ #define STDAMP3 /* area average log pscorrection */ #undef GSMDAMP /* Spectral nudging scheme for gsm */ #define MRG_POST /* merge postprocessor into forecast code */ #undef PGB_PARALLEL /* pgb parallel io and parallel computation */ #define PGB_SEMIPARALLEL /* pgb parallel computation but serial io */ #undef PGB_NOPARALLEL /* serial pgb */ #undef SETMTNZERO /* set orography to zero over ocean */ #undef NOPRINT /* suppress print out */ #undef RESET_FHOUR /* reset fhour to zero at the end of the year */ #undef RMPGP2F_GLB /* use global memory */ #undef BASEOUT /* rsm output post processed base field */ #undef ADJSOILW /* adjustment of soil moisture using obsP */ #undef NFDR /* national fire danger rating system */ #undef RIV1 /* river routing scheme, 1deg */ #undefRIV05 /* river routing scheme, 0.5deg */ #undef SPNG_WID /* wide (original) sponge zone in rsml/rltbini.F */ #define SPNG_NRW /* narrow sponge zone in rsml/rltbini.F */ #undef CO2PROG /* prognostic co2 */ #define ZERBZDIA /* zero out precip at the boundary buffer zone */ #define SMTHBZ /* smoothing in the buffer zone for cosmetics */ #define LEHMANN /* Lehmann's boundary nudging coeffs*/ #define COMR4 true /* communication with real*4 */ #undef ISOTOPE /* enable isotope prediction (RAS is needed)*/ #undef NOFRAC /* vapor tracer mode (ISOTOPE is needed) */

  7. physics.h (diffusion, GHG, etc.) /* thermodynamics */ #define ICE /* compute saturation on ice */ /*diffusion */ #define DIFFQ /* horizontal diffusion of moisture */ #undef DIFUC /* horizontal diffusion of cloud water variables */ /* trace gasses */ #define O3C /* o3 climatology */ #undef CO2PPM /* default co2 concentration of 348 ppm */ #undef CH4PPM /* default ch4 concentration of 1.75 ppm */ #undef N2OPPM /* default n2o concentration of 0.28 ppm */ /* miscellaneous */ #undef R2 /* simulate Reanalysis-2 physics */ /* below are untested options */ #undef KIMGWD /* Arakawa Kim gravity wave drag */ /* roms ocean model vertical number of levels */ #define ROMS_LEVS 30 /* ocean model bathimetry file */ #define BATH_FILE topo_R2.nc /* low resolution bathimetry */

  8. Changing model options • Change .h file(s) in def/model_config directory. • Execute followings: • Exercise: choose different cloud microphysics option in physics.h, and re-compile the model. • Please understand there might be error during compilation / execution. In this case, please let the developers know. $ cd rsm $ ./configure-model $ make clean $ make

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