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AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to new Content Management Systems

AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to new Content Management Systems. Tomaž BARTOL a , Karmen STOPAR b , Simona JUVAN c. Presented at : Regional Training Workshop for AWCEE Portal Managers & Thematic Network Coordinators 20- 22 February 2008, Godollo, Hungary.

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AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to new Content Management Systems

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  1. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Tomaž BARTOL a, Karmen STOPAR b, Simona JUVANc Presented at:Regional Training Workshop for AWCEE Portal Managers & Thematic Network Coordinators20-22 February 2008, Godollo, Hungary a Agronomy Dept., Ljubljana Univ., Slovenia b ibid.c Central Biotechnical Library, Ljubljana Univ., Slovenia

  2. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Introduction Web pages of AgroWeb Slovenia are hosted by a server at the Biotechnical faculty of the University of Ljubljana. The AgroWeb Slovenia was launched in the period 1998-1999. A new Content Management System application was introduced at the Biotechnical Faculty in 2007. TYPO3 was chosen as an appropriate product for this purpose. The initial pages of the Slovenian AgroWeb application are still maintained at the old Web-domain at http://www.agroweb.bf.uni-lj.si/indexslo.html. Some linkshave already migrated to the new domain at at http://www.bf.uni-lj.si.

  3. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Presentation The example of TYPO3 The following slides illustrate some stages in the process of migration of the Web pages to the new domain. Initialslides show the existing AgroWeb Slovenia pages and thestructure created with MS FrontPage. The subsequentslides show new pages created with the use of TYPO3. This has been so far employed only at those AgroWeb pages that have direct relevance to the students and researchers at the departments of the Biotechnical Faculty. The concluding slides show some examples of page creation wit TYPO3.

  4. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems AgroWeb Slovenia - Slovenian-language homepage

  5. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems AgroWeb Slovenia – an example of an English-language page

  6. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems An example of an AW document: a glossary created by AgroWeb authors

  7. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Migration of data to Typo3 (e.g. Informacijski viri / Information resources) Typo3 application FrontPage application

  8. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Central Biotechnical Library - Typo3

  9. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Typo3 - login

  10. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems List of available files

  11. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems List of pages

  12. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Text editing mode

  13. AgroWeb Slovenia and migration of data to newContent Management Systems Inserting / draggingpicture filesfrom a pre-prepared folder

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