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Mental Health, and wellbeing

Mental Health, and wellbeing. Professor Wasantha Gunathunga MBBS (Col.)M.Sc., MD ( Community Medicine ) Department of Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. Definitions - WHO.

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Mental Health, and wellbeing

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  1. Mental Health, and wellbeing Professor WasanthaGunathunga MBBS (Col.)M.Sc., MD (Community Medicine) Department of Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo

  2. Definitions - WHO Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/mental_health/en/index.html

  3. A new definition of mental health Mental health is a state of complete cessation of thoughts spontaneously emanating from the discriminate consciousness to the mind. This brings about freedom from fears, worries, anger, stress and the like. Though spontaneous flow of thoughts ceases the individual is able to retrieve any stored information whenever he wants, achieving control over thoughts. Different individuals have different levels of control, ones with major psychiatric illnesses the least control and those who appear ‘normal’ having sufficient control to conceal effects of undesirable thoughts from others. One who achieves total control experiences complete freedom from internal noise and attains complete mental health (3). Hence mental health varies in a spectrum that is called the mental health spectrum. (Gunathunga 2010)

  4. Mental health spectum Mental health spectrum.doc

  5. Mental health and mental illness Major illnesses Miner disorders Normal people Super normal

  6. Mental illness 11% 89% “Normal” Opportunity for improvement Mental states not amounting to mental illness 6

  7. Prevention and promotion what to prevent? What to promote?

  8. Anger

  9. Insatiable desires Insatiable desire

  10. Lack of concentration

  11. Expensive Mistakes

  12. Common cause Pop up thoughts Untrained individual has no control over

  13. Once you get control over your pop up thoughts You will enjoy ….

  14. Less violence Contentment Inner happiness (as opposed to showing happy) Less needs and demands Less NCDs (Rutledge etal 2000, Gunathungaetal 2010) Efficiency effectiveness Better immune function (Davidson etal 2003) 14

  15. Exercise • Close your eyes for 30 seconds

  16. Where mind visited 16 Home Baby Coldness Noises Back ache Burning pain in stomach Next step Can I do med

  17. Body Environment mind Consciousness- Memory

  18. Point where contemplation is applied Body Mind consciousness Attachment Conflict Accept / Reject 18

  19. Meditation exercise

  20. 25 parts of the body for scanning • Head, forehead, right eye, nose, left eye, right cheek, left cheek, mouth, chin, neck, (10) • chest upper, chest lower, abdomen upper, abdomen middle, abdomen lower, (5) • r. thigh, r. knee, r. shin, r. foot. r. toes, (5) • left thigh, l. knee, l. shin, l. foot, l. toes. (5) 22

  21. References • Ariyapariyesan sutta, Sathipattana sutta Mjjima Nikaya • Chandawimala (Ven.) R. .(1951) Basic facts of Abhidhamma, Sikuru publishers, Polgasowita, Sri Lanka. • Hennekens CH & Buring JE (1998) Epidemiology in Medicine, little brown • Perera, H. Gunathunga C.K. (2004)Screening for mental health problems in urban pre-school children – a pilot study. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health; 33: 39-42 • Songa – Barke E Thompson M JJ, Stevenson J, (1996) Mental health of pre-school children and their mothers in a mixed urban / rural population-Family and maternal factors and child behaviour British Journal of psychiatry 168, 21-25 • Cont…….next slide

  22. References • Stevenson J Thompson M JJ,, Songa – Barke E,, (1996) M Mental health of pre-school children and their mothers in a mixed urban / rural population- Latent variable models,British Journal of psychiatry 168, 26-32 • Thompson M JJ, Stevenson J, Songa – Barke E, Nott P, Bhatti S, Price A & Hudswell (1996) M Mental health of pre-school children and their mothers in a mixed urban / rural population- Prevalence and ecological factors British Journal of psychiatry 168, 16-20 • Wasantha Gunathunga. (2006)Health beyond death: a new paradigm, SATmag, The Island newspaper. Upali Newspapers Ltd. Colombo. Saturday 10th June 2006 p1. • Wikipedia Electronic Encyclopaedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health accessed on 28/04/05 • . MW Gunathunga, LS Wijeratne, A Ruwanchintani, D Perera, ASB Dissanayake Effect of an insight meditation program on the disease outcome of patients with rheumatoid and related arthritis. Annual Scientific sessions of SLMA 2010 31st May to 4th June, Cinnamon Grand, Colombo.

  23. Contact Wasantg@hotmail.com 0718022178

  24. Thank you

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