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Mary Amanda Stewart, Texas Woman’s University

Social Networking, Workplace, and Entertainment Literacies : The Out-of-School Literate Lives of Newcomer Latina/o Adolescents. Mary Amanda Stewart, Texas Woman’s University. Theoretical Framework.

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Mary Amanda Stewart, Texas Woman’s University

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  1. Social Networking, Workplace, and Entertainment Literacies: The Out-of-School Literate Lives of Newcomer Latina/o Adolescents Mary Amanda Stewart, Texas Woman’s University

  2. Theoretical Framework • Studies illustrate adolescent immigrants’ advanced linguistic repertoires (de la Piedra, 2010; Godina, 2004; Orellana, 2009) • Global perspectives (Lam, 2004; McGinnis, Goodstein-Stolzenberg, & Saliani, 2007) through online platforms (Lam & Rosario-Ramos, 2009; Yi, 2007) • But ELs have lower graduation rates and academic achievement scores than their peers (Garcia, 2012) • No Child Left Behindpolicies do not adhere to research on effective educational reform, second language acquisition, and culturally relevant teaching that needs to be considered for immigrant students (Hopkins, Thompson, Linquanti, Hakuta, & August, 2013; Menken, 2008; O'Brien & Roberson, 2012)

  3. literacies • Brian Street's (1995) ideological model of reading influences the construct of literacies used in the present study. Literacy becomes literacies • Embracing the political nature of the term, the working concept of literacy is based on Gee’s (2008) definition of Discourses which he defines as "saying(writing)-doing-being-valuing-believing combinations" (p. 154). An out-of-school literacy is any way of sending and receiving meaning that is NOT part of the academic classroom.

  4. Research Questions • What are the out-of-school literacies of four newcomer Latina/o adolescents? • What meanings do these literacies have for the individuals? • How do these literacies demonstrate the adolescents’ linguistic, cultural, and social resources that could be leveraged for academic achievement? Assumption: Students possess literacy skills they use outside of school that are valuable for academic learning.

  5. Participants *All names and workplaces are pseudonyms. *Information as of January 2012

  6. School/Data • Suburban high school • 2000 middle class students • Only 14 in ESL classes • Facebook data • Everything on wall • About section • Conversations • Pictures • Observations • In ESL class • At lunch • Before/after school • Workplace • Interviews • 5-8 interviews with each student • Primarily in Spanish • Analysis • On-going • Nvivo 10

  7. Social Networking: Facebook

  8. Social Networking "Ella estáaquí, pero era mi vecina en México.” [She is here, but she was my neighbor en Mexico.]

  9. Social Networking cuantos likes a nuestrabandera? Soy purochaplin

  10. Social Networking • Reading & Writing Posts • Codes omg: "Hola mi amiga? No?“ [Hello my friend? Right?] “omg tomorrow i have test”

  11. Workplace: Fast Food, Tire Shop

  12. workplace

  13. workplace “Cadavez me preguntanmás, como a veceslasseñoras de la cocina le preguntanalgo a Bob y Bob no entiende, y Bob ‘Celia! Celia!!! Necesitotuayuda!’” [Every time they ask me, like when the ladies in the kitchen ask Bob something and Bob (shouts) "Celia! Celia!!! I need your help!"]

  14. workplace • Make Money • Save "Porquepuesasícuandotrabajomáshoras, ganomásdinero, y puesguardomás.” [Because this way, when I work more hours, I make more money, and then I save more.]

  15. Entertainment: Music and TV

  16. entertainment Spanish music: "Me recuerda de México. Allálos escuchaba y luegoaquí, puespiensoqueestoy en México.” [It reminds me of Mexico. I listened to it there and then here, well, I think that I am in Mexico.]

  17. “Yo soy mexicana….porque como nací en México, y viví toda mi vida en México sin conocer aquí nada. Ya me vine cuando ya estaba grande. Ya conocí todo como es México y nunca voy a olvidar como es.” [I am Mexican….because like I was born in Mexico and I lived all of my life in Mexico without coming here or anything. I came when I was already big. I already knew everything about Mexico and I will never forget how it is.]

  18. entertainment

  19. More opportunities in the u.S. English acquisition through Facebook and workplace litercies “No hay oportunidades [en mi país.]” [There are no opportunities (in my country.)]

  20. What they left behind Connect to home through Facebook and entertainment literacies “Todosmisrecuerdosestánen México.” [All of my memories are in Mexico.]

  21. remittances Support themselves through workplace literacies “[Teníamos] más que algunas. Sí, porque mi papá nos llevaba ropa o también como zapatos.” [(Wehad) more thanothers. Yes, because my father sent us clothes or like shoes too.]

  22. To Be Someone Maintain identity and find a place to succeed through workplace, entertainment, and Facebookliteracies “para ser alguien” [to be someone]

  23. Out-of-School Literacies Multilingual Multiliterate Transnational Multimodal

  24. In-School literacies Monolingual Monoliterate Monocultural Monomodal

  25. Whose literacies count? Bring the outside in: Language Skills Social Networking Transnational Perspectives through Media Seal of Biliteracy on Diplomas National Association of Bilingual Education’s goal for all states What literacies are needed in the 21st Century? Who already possesses these literacies? Do we actively value all literacies? Or do we passively privilege monolingualism?

  26. Everyone benefits if we recognize, validate, and use immigrant students’ full repertoire of literacies. The students are emergent multilingualand multiliteratetransnationalswho communicate in multimodalways. They cannot be viewed through a narrow monolingual, monoliterate, monocultural, andmonomodallens.

  27. Publications from this study Stewart, M. A. (2013). "What up" and "TQM": Latina/o English learners writing on Facebook to acquire English and maintain their Latina/o identities. In K. E. Pytash & R. E. Ferdig (Eds.), Exploring Technology forWriting and Writing Instruction. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 328-344. Stewart, M. A. (2014). Living here, yet being there: Facebook as a transnational space for newcomer Latina/o adolescents. Tapestry Journal, 5(1), 28-43. Stewart, M. A. (2013). Giving voice to Valeria's story: Support, value, and agency for immigrant adolescents. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 57(1), 42-50. Stewart, M. A. (2013). What is "educated" in the 21st century? Phi Delta Kappan, 94(7), 57-60. Maryamandastewart.com MStewart7@twu.edu @DrMandyStewart

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