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Constituent and Dependency Trees

Constituent and Dependency Trees. notes for CSCI-GA. 2590 Prof. Grishman. Constituent Structure Tree. S NP VP N V NP He ate ART N PP a salad P NP

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Constituent and Dependency Trees

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Constituent and Dependency Trees notes for CSCI-GA.2590 Prof. Grishman

  2. Constituent Structure Tree S NP VP N V NP He ate ART N PP a salad P NP with ADJ N fresh tomatoes

  3. Dependency Tree ate He salad a with tomatoes fresh

  4. Labeled Dependency Tree ate subjdobj He salad det prep a with pobj tomatoes adj fresh

  5. Constituent Tree  Dependency Tree S ate label each node with its head using head percolation rules NP He VP ate N He V ate NP salad He ate ART a N salad PP with a salad P with NP tomatoes with ADJ fresh N tomatoes fresh tomatoes

  6. Constituent Tree  Dependency Tree S ate make head of each non-head child depend on head of head-child NP He VP ate N He V ate NP salad He ate ART a N salad PP with a salad P with NP tomatoes with ADJ fresh N tomatoes fresh tomatoes

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