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Investing For The Workforce - Partnership in it’s Broadest Sense

Investing For The Workforce - Partnership in it’s Broadest Sense . Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures. Ensure that the NHS has the ability to plan effectively for future workforce needs Support NHS organisations to achieve their workforce objectives

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Investing For The Workforce - Partnership in it’s Broadest Sense

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  1. Investing For The Workforce - Partnership in it’s Broadest Sense

  2. Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures • Ensure that the NHS has the ability to plan effectively for future workforce needs • Support NHS organisations to achieve their workforce objectives • Find solutions to future workforce planning challenges

  3. Themes • Child at the centre of care • Collaboration amongst professionals, recognising different skills and perspectives • Working across boundaries and organisations

  4. Future Workforce Direction - Flexible workforce who can work across teams and organisations- multiple providers • Workforce which is designed around the needs of patients responding to expectations of the public • Workforce which matches demand and supply • Workforce who is fit for purpose • Flexible workforce who can work across teams and organisations • Opportunities for continual increasing skills and career pathways that are flexible and respond to the service • Leadership at all levels • Widening participation • A workforce which is representative of the community • Safe and regulated workforce • Modernising Healthcare Careers

  5. So what is the SHA role? • Strategic overview of the workforce in line with SHA framework • Commission for supply and quality assure provision • Test and spread new ways of working and commission new roles • Link with DH for Modernising Health Care Careers • Recruit and train doctors • Enable and support best HR practice

  6. The children and young people’s health workforce • Health staff who work only with children • Health staff who work with both children and adults • Health staff who work occasionally with children • Wider children’s workforce who are well placed to promote healthy living, child protection and to spot issues early • Other professionals working in local authorities who support child health through the design, development and management of environments in which • children live

  7. Policy context • National Service Frameworks and Child Health Promotion Programme • Next Stage Review (NSR) – High quality workforce • Local NSR Clinical Visions • 20:20 Children and Young People’s Workforce Strategy • Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures • Operating Framework

  8. Workforce commitments in Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures • Each Children’s centre to have access to a Health Visitor • All local areas to develop School Health teams • Improved service for acutely ill children • Improved service for disabled children • Increased psychological therapy services for children • Ask Royal College of GPs to consider if GP training around child health needs should be given greater prominence • Develop modelling tools to estimate demand, supply and workforce • Capture importance of children in the Operating Framework

  9. ExistingPressure Points • Health Visiting • School Nursing • Neo-natal • Paediatric medicine • Obstetrics • Community Children’s Nursing • Speech and LanguageTherapy

  10. How to make the strategy a reality • What are the right systems and frameworks you need to have in place in your organisations to understand the skills and experience of the workforce in your local area? • What are the key barriers…….and key solutions? • What help and support is needed by PCTs, LAs, providers etc to deliver a world class workforce for Children and Young People ?

  11. DH -CurrentDevelopments • Scoping the available workforce tools • Developing a child health staffing modelling tool • WTD solutions • Discussions on the role of the paediatric consultant • Gap analysis and development of further resources

  12. NHS West Midlands Workforce - - Developments

  13. Acutely unwell child • Advanced Paediatric Life Support Training (APLS) supported for 65 Paed Nurses to close the current skills gap across the nursing workforce. Previously identified in the West Midlands Standards for the Care of the Critically Ill and Critically Injured Children and more recently through discussions locally with clinical staff. • Competency levels and education programmes to recognise the unwell child to enhance skills within the workforce to support reconfigurations and shift to primary care. Assessment of the Ill/Injured Child and Young Person 20 Credit CPD Module at 0 Level 3, running over 12 weeks developed at Coventry University. 75 places supported.

  14. Safeguarding Children • West Midlands was the second pilot with NHS East Midlands nationally for the National safeguarding leadership programme. 22 Designated and Named Safeguarding Professionals were supported 08. Jan 09 with 30 professionals on the programme over the next 6 months. • This will develop leadership, influencing and negotiating skills that will enable practitioners to progress through levels 1-4 of the key KSF Domains. • Increasing Medical Skills around Forensics in Safeguarding - Joint project with School of Paediatrics, which will cover three areas: • Expert witness training and mini-pupillage programme • Safeguarding– interpreting physical signs of Sexual abuse and coploscopy training for Paediatricans • 3 day safeguarding course for junior doctors • The innovative expansion of a nurse’s skills in the workforce to respond to one key element around the home visit when having to respond to an unexpected child death in accordance with Chapter 7 guidance of Working Together to Safeguard Children.

  15. Multi- agency working around safeguarding (Police, Education, Heath and Social Care) • Running an effective Child Death Overview Panel workshop supported in 10 localities across the West Midlands. • Responding to an unexpected child death workshop supported in 5 localities across the West Midlands for 30-40 multi-agency professionals. • 1 day programme supported for 'Train the Trainers' around the child death review process to ensure continuity, consistency and quality of the training

  16. CAMHS • The development of a CAMHS Foundation degree at Worcestershire University accredited in 2007. A cohort of 19 commenced in September 2008. • The development of a CAMHS Vocationally Related Qualification is currently taking place to support access into CAMHS employment and provide a key part of the career framework building on the Foundation degree development above. • A working group is being developed to focus on CAMHS support worker roles, to indentify the roles and the skills and competencies needed by this workforce.

  17. Paediatric Palliative Care • Development of a multi-professional Advanced Communication Skills Training (ASCST) in Paediatric End of Life Care. West Midlands Workforce Deanery is leading on this work with Rob Cockburn (National ASCST Lead, Cancer Action Cancer Team) • Paediatric palliative care module at BCU revalidated and 25 places supported to close the skills gap in west midlands. • Multi-professionals workshops have been delivered with the WM Pg School of Paediatrics around symptom management and paediatric ethics. • E –Learning module to be developed re paed palliative care ST4-ST8 (tbc 09/10)

  18. Adolescent Health Curriculum • Interdisciplinary training materials so that all doctors and nurses have the necessary skills to help their young patients make the necessary changes to lead healthier and more active lives. www.rcpch.ac.uk/ahp • Each session is approximately 20-30 minutes of study. • Talking at the PIP -West Midlands Nurses group on the 10th June 2009

  19. What's happening now? • Clinical Engagement Leads for: • Maternity • children • safeguarding children have been appointed 2 sessions a week. • Deans of Health from HEIs have been appointed to each of the Care Pathway Group to add educational expertise. • To look at 3-6 clinical pathways.

  20. SHA Board SHA HR Committee SHA Management Team Workforce Deanery Management Team WORKFORCE DEANERY STAKEHOLDER BOARD Health & Education Strategic Partnership (HESP) Workforce Locality Board Workforce Locality Board Workforce Locality Board Workforce Locality Board Workforce Locality Board Making it happen • 1 Regional and 5 locality workforce stakeholder boards • Health and Education Strategic Partnership • Embedding commitments into the Business Plan • IfH Project 9 – Workforce Transformation • Identified projects • Workforce and commissioning plans

  21. Locality Boards

  22. What are we doing------- • Education of high quality that is: • Fit for purpose • Develops a competent workforce at pre-registration • Investments in Supporting the infra structure Funding for HEIs Funding for PCTs • Learning + Development Agreements with WD + Employers • Curriculum change

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