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Donn R. Grenda, Ph.D., RPA 1 Michael Heilen, Ph.D., RPA 1 Teresita Majewski, Ph.D., RPA, FSA 1,2

Characterizing the U.S. Cultural Heritage Management Industry with Independently Collected and Analyzed Data. Donn R. Grenda, Ph.D., RPA 1 Michael Heilen, Ph.D., RPA 1 Teresita Majewski, Ph.D., RPA, FSA 1,2

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Donn R. Grenda, Ph.D., RPA 1 Michael Heilen, Ph.D., RPA 1 Teresita Majewski, Ph.D., RPA, FSA 1,2

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  1. Characterizing the U.S. Cultural Heritage Management Industry with Independently Collected and Analyzed Data Donn R. Grenda, Ph.D., RPA1 Michael Heilen, Ph.D., RPA1 Teresita Majewski, Ph.D., RPA, FSA1,2 1Statistical Research, Inc.; 2Statistical Research, Inc. and president, American Cultural Resources Association European Association of Archaeologists 19th Annual Meeting Pilsen, Czech Republic 2013

  2. American Cultural Resources Association National trade organization for CHM firms in the US Promotes common interests of CHM firms Prioritizes political advocacy and education regarding best practices

  3. Industry Surveys ACRA recently conducted two industry surveys: A rapid survey to gauge overall industry size A detailed survey of firms to understand their composition and operation

  4. Industry-Size Survey The industry size survey sampled CHM firms (within and outside ACRA) to collect data on: firm size (numbers of FTEs) employee educational levels, and firm revenues

  5. Industry-Size Survey A comprehensive list of more than 1000 CHM firms was developed The survey obtained responses from 230 firms (more than 20 % of invited firms) Several cases had to be removed from analysis because of anomalous or contradictory information that skewed metrics Statistical techniques were applied to reduce the effects of bias and obtain estimates

  6. Industry-Size Survey Sources of bias: Large firms better represented than small firms Several firms had unusually high revenues per FTE (removed; likely pass-through firms) A few firms had revenues far in excess of other firms and likely were including non-CHM revenues (removed)

  7. Industry-Size Survey To account for bias in making estimates, industry metrics were calculated using: Bootstrap analysis with outliers removed (20% sample, 10,000 iterations, 95% confidence interval Survey weights (0.5 for large firms, 0.75 for medium-sized firms, 1.0 for small firms) Range of estimates of number of operating firms (1000 to 1300 firms)

  8. Industry-Size Survey • These firms generated over $1 billion in revenue in calendar year 2012

  9. Industry-Size Survey • These firms generated over $1 billion in revenue in calendar year 2012 The analysis results were used to support the following statistics (1300 firms was considered the best estimate): 1300 firms employ some 10,000 CRM professionals nationwide These firms generated over $1 billion in revenue in calendar year 2012

  10. Industry-Size Survey • These firms generated over $1 billion in revenue in calendar year 2012

  11. Detailed Firm Survey The detailed survey collected data from ACRA member firms on: annual sales firm composition business practices employee benefits and compensation, and how ACRA can benefit the industry

  12. Detailed Firm Survey – Services Offered

  13. Detailed Firm Survey - Employees

  14. Detailed Firm Survey - Wages

  15. Detailed Firm Survey – Biggest Challenges

  16. Detailed Firm Survey – ACRA Activities

  17. Detailed Firm Survey – Member Benefits

  18. Detailed Firm Survey – Ways for ACRA to Grow

  19. Conclusions • Provided the first industry-size estimates for law makers • CHM is strong in the USA but it has been flat over the past few years. • The industry employees over 10,000 professionals and generates over $1 Billion in revenue • ACRA now has a detailed understanding of how to support the industry Lessons Learned • Start the survey early • Have multiple people review the potential questions • Hire an outside firm to conduct the survey (cost about $20k) • Have various people take the survey online prior to starting

  20. Thank You!

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