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Parliamentarians and Mainstreaming Energy Access

Parliamentarians and Mainstreaming Energy Access. Gregory Woodsworth Energy Policy Advisor United Nations Development Programme. EAC energy access strategy. 84% of households use biomass 3% rural, 32% urban connected to grid Bonn Conference, GFSE, E4D

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Parliamentarians and Mainstreaming Energy Access

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  1. Parliamentarians and Mainstreaming Energy Access Gregory Woodsworth Energy Policy Advisor United Nations Development Programme

  2. EAC energy access strategy • 84% of households use biomass • 3% rural, 32% urban connected to grid • Bonn Conference, GFSE, E4D • Ministers: Move beyond Business as Usual • Commitment to meet the MDGs • MDG framework: domestic fuels, electricity where cost effective, motive power • Energy Access = Electrification from national grid

  3. Sources Extraction Treatment Conversion Technologies Carriers (fuels) Distribution Electricity, grid, truck, railway, women Service Technologies Services transportation communication keeping warm/cold food potable water health care security consumer goods Architecture of the Energy System coal oil natural gas sunlight wind biomass Coal mining, tree felling, oil/gas recovery etc Coal/gas fired power plant, photovoltaic panels wind turbines, biogas digester electricity charcoal biofuels LPG/propane light bulb, automobile, refrigerator, gas stove, arc welder, water pump

  4. Development of the Energy Access Strategy August 2005 November 2006

  5. Energy Access Strategy Profile • will provide improved energy access for about 50% (48 million people) of the region’s population. • Energy access targets can be met with an approach that has high impact, low cost and is scaleable by 2015 • Development of priority MDG-based energy access investment programmes • EAC - regional coordinating institution

  6. MDG-based Energy targets for 2015 Target 1: Enable the use of modern fuels for 50% of those who at present use traditional biomass for cooking - improved cookstoves, reduce indoor air pollution, increase sustainable biomass production. Target 2: Access to electricity for all urban and peri-urban poor. Target 3: Access to modern energy services such as lighting, refrigeration, information and communication technology, and water treatment and supply forall schools, clinics, hospitals and community centres. Target 4: Access to mechanical power within the community for all communities for heating and productive uses.

  7. Uses of funds Sources of funds Overall Investment Plan US$M $290 $290 Soft costs $510 $3500 $220 $1020 $3000 $2660 Total: $3170 Baseline subsidy $1050 $2500 $2000 $1610 $1500 $1000 $500 $0 Capital Expenditure Programs Loan Guarantees Conces-sional Finance National Budget and Donor Grants End User Willingness to Pay

  8. Mainstreaming Energy Access • Investments will not happen without prioritization of energy access • Mainstreaming energy access at present: • Political commitment; approval by EAC Council of Ministers and Heads of State (top down) • Technical response; multi-sectoral working groups (bottom up)

  9. Working Hypothesis Aligning political commitment, public policy and public expenditure. Strategies that provide: • regional and national quantifiable and time-bound energy access targets, • programme implementation frameworks, • investment plans, and • Backed by political commitment, present Parlimentarians the means to influence the policy framework (PRSP) and budgetary allocations (MTEF) Mechanisms: • finance/budget committees and • sector committees • Special cases: Constituency Development Funds

  10. More Questions than Answers • Role of parliament in influencing energy access policy framework and budgetary allocations? • What can parliamentarians do with a regional strategy vs. energy access legislation? • Relationship between regional and national assemblies? • What are the most effective interventions? • Awareness raising? • Capacity building? • Model legislation? • Technical support?

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