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Psychology Fifth Edition

Don H. Hockenbury and Sandra E. Hockenbury. Psychology Fifth Edition. Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior. Neuroscience and Behavior Trying to help your friend maintain his balance on a skateboard, laughing and talking as you simultaneously walk and scan the path for

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  1. Don H. Hockenbury and Sandra E. Hockenbury Psychology Fifth Edition Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior

  2. Neuroscience and Behavior Trying to help your friend maintain his balance on a skateboard, laughing and talking as you simultaneously walk and scan the path for obstacles or other people, thinking about how to help him if he falls—even seemingly simple behaviors involve the harmonious integration of multiple internal signals and body processes. What kinds of questions might neuroscientists ask about the common behaviors shown here?

  3. Figure 2.1 Glial Cells: Not Just Glue This fluorescence micrograph of human brain tissue shows star-shaped glial cells (red) and their nuclei (yellow). Outnumbering brain neurons by about 10 to 1, glial cells provide support and nutrition for neurons. The type of glial cells shown here, called astrocytes, provide connections between neurons and blood vessels in the brain. Other types of glial cells form the myelin sheath, a fatty insulating substance wrapped around some neuron axons. Beyond those functions, researchers now know that glial cells are much more actively involved in regulating neuronal communication and activity than previously believed (see Gibbs & others, 2008; Theodosis & others, 2008).

  4. Figure 2.2 The Parts of a Typical Neuron The drawing shows the location and function of key parts of a neuron (next slide). The photograph, made with the aid of an electron microscope, reveals actual cell bodies, dendrites, and axons in a cluster of neurons. The green coloring was added to provide contrast in the photograph to make the neurons more visible.

  5. Figure 2.3 Electrical Changes During an Action Potential This graph shows the changing electrical charge of the neuron during an action potential. When the neuron depolarizes and ions cross the axon membrane, the result is a brief positive electrical impulse of 30 millivolts—the action potential. During the refractory period, the neuron reestablishes the resting potential negative charge of 70 millivolts and then is ready to activate again.

  6. Figure 2.4 Communication Within the Neuron: The Action Potential These drawings depict the ion channels in the membrane of a neuron’s axon. When sufficiently stimulated, the neuron depolarizes and an action potential begins. At each progressive segment of the axon’s membrane, sodium ion channels open and sodium ions rush into the interior of the axon. A split second later, the sodium ion channels close and potassium channels open, allowing potassium ions to flow out of the axon. As this sequence occurs, there is a change in the relative balance of positive and negative ions separated by the axon membrane. The electrical charge on the interior of the axon briefly changes from negative to positive. Once started, an action potential is self-sustaining and continues to the end of the axon. Following the action potential, the neuron repolarizes and reestablishes its negative electrical charge.

  7. The Brain Capturing a Thought In thebrain, as in the rest of the nervous system, information is transmitted by electrical impulses (red area) that speed from one neuron to the next.

  8. Figure 2.5 Communication Between Neurons: The Process of Synaptic Transmission As you follow the steps in this progressive graphic, you can trace the sequence of synaptic transmission in which neurotransmitters are released by the sending, or presynaptic, neuron, cross the tiny fluid-filled space called the synaptic gap, and attach to receptor sites on the receiving, or postsynaptic, neuron.

  9. Figure 2.6 Neurotransmitter and Receptor Site Shapes Each neurotransmitter has a chemically distinct shape. Like a key in a lock, a neurotransmitter must perfectly fit the receptor site on the receiving neuron for its message to be communicated. In this figure, NE is the abbreviation for the neurotransmitter norepinephrine and Ach is the abbreviation for acetylcholine.

  10. Nerve Gas and Acetylcholine By filteringthe air, the gas mask protects this soldier against chemical weapons, like nerve gas. Nerve gas kills by causing acetylcholine to be continuously released by the motor neurons. Excessive acetylcholine builds up in the synaptic gap, causing muscle spasms that are so severe the victim is unable to breathe and quickly suffocates. Atropine is an effective antidote for nerve gas. When injected, atropine counteracts the effects of nerve gas by blocking acetylcholine receptor sites.

  11. Dopamine and Parkinson’s Disease Boxing legend Muhammad Ali fakes a swing at actor Michael J. Fox before both testified at a Congressional hearing on Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease affects approximately 1.5 million Americans with an estimated 60,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Parkinson’s disease usually affects older adults, but Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 30. Muhammad Ali has Parkinson’s syndrome, a related disease thought to be caused by brain damage he suffered from years of professional boxing. Caused by the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons, Parkinson’s symptoms include uncontrollable trembling, rigid or stiff muscles, impaired balance, and movement and speech difficulties. To help ease their symptoms, both Ali and Fox take medications containing L-dopa, which temporarily increases brain levels of dopamine. Fox’s foundation has raised over $100 million for Parkinson’s research. Intel founder Andy Grove has joined this effort, donating millions of his personal fortune to support Parkinson’s research after he too was diagnosed with the disease (Dolan, 2008).

  12. Endorphins and Runner’s High After two hours of endurance running, highly conditioned athletes underwent PET scans. Yellow and orange highlight regions in which opioid receptors were blocked by the athlete’s naturally produced endorphins. Endorphin activity was highest in regions known to be involved in positive emotion and mood, including the frontal cortex. The scans also showed that endorphin activity was positively correlated with subjective experience: The more intense the euphoria experienced by the individual runner, the higher the level of endorphin activity in his brain.

  13. Figure 2.7 How Drugs Affect Synaptic Transmission Drugs affect brain activity by interfering with neurotransmitter functioning in the synapse. Drugs may also affect synaptic transmission by increasing or decreasing the amount of a particular neurotransmitter that is produced.

  14. Figure 2.8 The Nervous System The nervous system is a complex, organized communication network that is divided into two main divisions: the central nervous system (shown in blue) and the peripheral nervous system (shown in yellow).

  15. Nerves and Neurons Are Not the Same A cross section of a peripheral nerve is shown in this electron micrograph. Each black circle represents the end of one axon. As you can see, a nerve is actually composed of bundles of neuron axons.

  16. Figure 2.9 A Spinal Reflex A spinal reflex is a simple, involuntary behavior that is processed in the spinal cord without brain involvement. If you accidentally shock yourself by using a metal fork to pry a bagel out of a plugged-in toaster, you’ll instantly pull your hand away from the painful stimulus—an example of the withdrawal reflex. The sequence shown below illustrates how the withdrawal reflex can occur before the brain processes the conscious perception of pain.

  17. Figure 2.10 The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Branches of the Autonomic Nervous System Hikers in the southern United States memorize a simple rhyme to distinguish the venomous coral snake (red stripes touch yellow stripes) from its harmless mimic, a scarlet king snake (red stripes touch black stripes). Arousal of the sympathetic nervous system (left) prepares the hiker to fight or flee the dangerous snake. When the hiker realizes that the snake is harmless (right), the parasympathetic nervous system calms the body and gradually restores normal functioning.

  18. Figure 2.11 Organization of the Nervous System

  19. Activating the Sympathetic Nervous System The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system gears the body up in response to perceived threats. This arousal of the body’s systems prepares organisms to flee from danger or confront it head-on—the essence of the fight-or-flight syndrome. When the sympathetic nervous system activates in humans, tiny muscles in the skin contract, which elevates your hair follicles, producing the familiar sensation of “goose bumps” and making your hair stand on end. A similar process takes place in many mammals, making the fur or hair bristle, with rather spectacular results in this long-haired cat.

  20. Figure 2.12 The Endocrine System The endocrine system and the nervous system are directly linked by the hypothalamus in the brain, which controls the pituitary gland. In turn, the pituitary releases hormones that affect the hormone production of several other endocrine glands. In the male and female figures shown here, you can see the location and main functions of several important endocrine glands.

  21. Figure 2.13 Interacting Systems Breastfeeding is an example of the complex interaction among the nervous system, the endocrine system, and behavior. Nerve impulses from sensory receptors in the mother’s skin are sent to the brain. The hypothalamus signals the production of oxytocin by the pituitary gland, which causes the mother’s milk to let down and begin flowing.

  22. The Human Brain Weighing roughly three pounds, the human brain is about the size of a small cauliflower. Although your brain makes up only about 2 percent of your total body weight, it uses some 20 percent of the oxygen your body needs while at rest. The oxygen is used in breaking down glucose to supply the brain with energy.

  23. Mapping the Brain? Phrenology was a popular pseudoscience throughout the nineteenth century. As shown on this 1870 phrenological map, different “faculties” or psychological traits were thought to be located in different brain areas or “organs.” Bumps on the skull were associated with greater development of particular brain regions and the traits that corresponded with them. At the height of phrenology’s popularity, some physicians even used leeches to drain blood from areas of the head that were believed to correspond to overdeveloped characteristics, such as “Combativeness” or “Amativeness” (McCoy, 2000).

  24. The Psycograph Henry Lavery invented the psycograph in the early 1900s to improve the accuracy of phrenology measurements. More than 30 probes in the helmetlike headpiece made contact with the skull. The machines stamped out brief summaries of the different “faculties” measured, such as: “You are fairly secretive but can improve. You tell things to your friends. Don’t do it.” Forty of the machines were built, and they were popular attractions in department stores and theater lobbies throughout the United States (McCoy, 1996, 2000).

  25. Elizabeth Gould: Challenging Scientific Dogma After earning her psychology doctorate at UCLA, Gould investigated the effect of stress hormones on rats. In the process, she found evidence of the development of new neurons in the rats’ brains, a discovery that, if true, contradicted scientific understandings at that time. Her research eventually showed that neurogenesis takes place in the adult brains of many species, from rats to primates. Today, Gould’s research in her Princeton University lab focuses on the effects of environmental deprivation and enrichment on the mammalian brain (Lehrer, 2006). You can visit Gould’s Princeton lab at: http://www.princeton.edu/~goulde/index.html.

  26. Neurogenesis in the Adult Human Brain Using laser microscopes to examine sections of the adult hippocampus, researchers Peter Eriksson and Fred Gage (1998) documented the presence of new neurons, shown in green, amid already established neurons, shown in red. In the area of the hippocampus studied, each cubic centimeter of brain tissue contained from 100 to 300 new neurons. Research on adult mice has shown that the newly generated neurons develop into fully functional neurons that form synaptic connections with existing cells in the hippocampus (van Praag & others, 2002).

  27. Learning a New Skill Makes Its Mark on the Brain The yellow inthese MRIs shows the brain areas that temporarily increased by 3 to 4 percent in size in those participants who learned to juggle. These brain regions are involved in the ability to perceive, remember, and anticipate complex visual motions.

  28. Figure 2.14 Major Regions of the Brain Situated at the base of the brain, the hindbrain’s functions include coordinating movement and posture, regulating alertness, and maintaining vital life functions. The midbrain helps process sensory information. In combination, the hindbrain and the midbrain comprise the brainstem. The forebrain is the largest brain region and is involved in more sophisticated behaviors and mental processes.

  29. Figure 2.15 Evolution and the Cerebral Cortex The brains of these different animalspecies have many structures in common, including a cerebellum and cortex. However, the proportion devoted to the cortex is much higher in mammals than in species that evolved earlier, such as fish and amphibians. The relative size of the different structures reflects their functional importance (Kaas & Collins, 2001). The cross section of the human brain shows how the cerebral cortex has developed around and above more primitive brain structures.

  30. Figure 2.16 The Cerebral Hemispheres and the Corpus Callosum This transparent view of the brain shows the corpus callosum, the C-shaped bundle of axons that links the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.

  31. Figure 2.17 Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex Each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex can be divided into four regions, or lobes. Each lobe is associated with distinct functions. The association areas, shaded in purple, make up most of the cerebral cortex.

  32. Figure 2.18 The Body’s Representation on the Primary Motor Cortex and on the Somatosensory Cortex This illustration depicts the left cerebral hemisphere. Because of the brain’s contralateral organization, the left side of the brain processes functions for the right side of the body, and vice versa. Touch, temperature, pressure, and pain sensations for different areas of the body occur at distinct locations on the parietal lobe’s somatosensory cortex. Similarly, the initiation of movement for different parts of the body occurs at distinct locations on the frontal lobe’s primary motor cortex. If body parts were proportional to their representation on the somatosensory cortex and primary motor cortex, they would look like the misshapen human figures on the outer edges of the drawings.

  33. Figure 2.19 Key Structures of the Forebrain and Limbic System In the cross-sectional view shown here, you can see the locations and functions of four important subcortical brain structures. In combination, these structures make up the limbic system, which regulates emotional control, learning, and memory.

  34. Figure 2.20 The Thalamus Almost all sensory and motor information going to and from the cerebral cortex is processed through the thalamus. This figure depicts some of the neural pathways from different regions of the thalamus to specific lobes of the cerebral cortex.

  35. A Model of Gage’s Injury Computer simulated reconstruction of Gage’s skull by Damasio and her colleagues (1994) suggests that Gage’s left and right frontal lobes were both damaged.

  36. The Corpus Callosum Brain tissue from the top of the brain has been cut away to expose the thick fibers of the corpus callosum, the structure that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain. As you’ll read in this section, cutting the corpus callosum eliminates the transfer of information between the two hemispheres, with some surprising consequences.

  37. Paul Broca (1824–1880): Evidence for the Localization of Speech Paul Broca was already a famous scientist and surgeon when he announced in 1861 that he had discovered solid evidence for the localization of language functions in the human brain. His patient was an unpleasant middle-aged man universally known as Tan because that was the only word he could speak— aside from a single swear word when angered. Of normal intelligence, Tan could comprehend the speech of others but could not produce language himself. After Tan’s death, an autopsy revealed a distinct lesion on the lower left frontal lobe. This area is still known as Broca’s area.

  38. Karl Wernicke (1848–1905): Evidence for the Localization of Language Comprehension Born in Poland but educated in Germany, psychiatrist and neurologist Karl Wernicke was only 26 when he published his findings on a type of aphasia that differed from that identified by Paul Broca. Wernicke’s patients were unable to comprehend written or spoken language, although they could produce speech. Wellknown for his research in clinical neurology, Wernicke published many articles and books, including a comprehensive textbook on psychiatry.

  39. Figure 2.21 Broca’s and Wernicke’s Areas of the Cerebral Cortex Broca’s area, located in the lower frontal lobe, is involved in the production of speech. Wernicke’s area, found in the temporal lobe, is important in the comprehension of written or spoken language. Damage to either of these areas will produce different types of speech disturbances, or aphasia. In most people, both areas are found on the left hemisphere.

  40. Sex Differences and the Brain Subtle gender differences in brain function and structure make headlines. This headline implies that new discoveries about the brain will explain “why men and women think differently.” How valid is this conclusion?

  41. Left-Handed Orangutans and Right- Handed Chimpanzees Like humans, many animals also display a preference for one hand or paw. Even fish display a preference for a right eye or left eye to look at novel objects (Brown & others, 2007). Unlike humans, who are predominantly right-handed, animals tend to vary by species, population, and task (Hopkins & Cantalupo, 2005). For example, bonobos tend to be right-handed, and orangutans, like the one shown here, tend to be lefthanded (Hopkins, 2006). Chimpanzees are more likely to be right-handed, especially when raised in captivity. One recent study found that chimpanzees who are strongly right-handed tend to have more asymmetrical brain hemispheres than chimpanzees who use both hands for tools and simple reaching tasks (Hopkins & others, 2007).

  42. Roger Sperry (1913–1994) For his pioneering research using split-brain patients to investigate the relationship between brain and behavior, Sperry received the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

  43. Figure 2.22 Testing a Split-Brain Person As a split-brain person focuses his attention on the middle of the screen, information is briefly flashed to either the left or right side of the midpoint. In Task 1, information is flashed to his right visual field, sending it to his left verbal hemisphere. When asked about the information, he easily names it. In Task 2, information is directed to his left visual field, sending it to his right nonverbal hemisphere. When asked about the information, he is unable to verbally reply with the correct answer. But when asked to use his left hand, which is controlled by the same right nonverbal hemisphere that detected the flashed image, he is able to reach under the screen, feel the different objects, and pick up the correct one.

  44. Specialization in the Left and Right Hemispheres The red arrow at the top of each PET scan points to the front of the brain. The red and yellow colors indicate the areas of greatest brain activity. Listening to speech involves a greater degree of activation of the language areas of the left hemisphere. Listening to music involves more activation in right-hemisphere areas. Notice, however, that there is some degree of activity in both hemispheres during these tasks.

  45. Figure 2.23 Specialized Abilities of the Two Hemispheres Most people are left-hemisphere dominant for speech and language tasks and right-hemisphere dominant for visual-spatial tasks. Although the hemispheres display some specialized abilities, many functions are symmetrical and performed the same way on both hemispheres.

  46. Asha’s Recovery After leaving the hospital, Asha began retraining her brain with speech therapy. Asha’s husband Paul and her mother Nalini helped her with the speech drills. Day after day, Asha repeatedly paired words with objects or identified numbers, weekdays, or months. As Asha recalls, “My mom was a Montessori teacher for many years and she was incredibly patient with me, like she was with her own students and with us as children.” As Asha gradually made progress, Nalini began taking her to stores. “She’d tell the clerk I was from India and that my English wasn’t very good and ask them to please be patient with me. She basically forced me to talk to the sales clerks.” Today, more than five years after the stroke, Asha has completely recovered and resumed teaching.

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