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CJK CONSER Funnel Training Module 4: When Do I Need a New Description? & CJK-specific Issues

CJK CONSER Funnel Training Module 4: When Do I Need a New Description? & CJK-specific Issues. p resented by Charlene Chou & Shi Deng August 22 nd , 2017. Outlines. CONSER training documents & CJK related instructions

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CJK CONSER Funnel Training Module 4: When Do I Need a New Description? & CJK-specific Issues

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  1. CJK CONSER Funnel TrainingModule 4: When Do I Need a New Description? & CJK-specific Issues presented by Charlene Chou & Shi Deng August 22nd, 2017

  2. Outlines • CONSER training documents & CJK related instructions • Basic Serials Cataloging Training, Module 8--When Do I Need a New Description?, with the addition of CJK examples & summary tables • CEAL CJK serials title change: study and report • Some CJK examples integrated in this training session

  3. CONSER Training Documents & Others • Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop(rev. 2014) • CONSER RDA Bridge Training Webinars (2013) • CEG & CCM • PCC Provider-Neutral E-Resource Guidelines, Serials and Other Formats • CJK-specific Issues • CEG Update 18 = CEG Appendix O: CJK Records (2009) (PDF, 353KB) [Caution: some in AACR2] • PCC Guidelines for Creating Bibliographic Records in Multiple Character Sets (rev. 04/12/2017) • RDA—Major Changes--Languages and Scripts That Do Not Divide Text into Words (2015-04)

  4. PCC Guidelines for Creating Bibliographic Records in Multiple Characters Sets (rev. 04/12/2017)

  5. Besides PCC documents, the following rules may be applicable • Recording publication dates (related MARC tags--260/264/362/515/588) • LC-PCC PS for 1.8.2 First alternative • RDA 2.8.6, “core” element—calendar preferred by the agency, e.g. Gregorian calendar only • RDA, optional addition: Minguo 28 [1939] • LCSH: SHM H182 CJK Subject Headings • CEAL best practices under discussion (03/14/2017) • CJK serial title change: study & report(presented in the 2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop) • CJK numerals & CJK relationship designators(presented in the 2017 CEAL Cataloging Workshop)

  6. Basic Serials Cataloging, Module 8: When Do I Need a New Description? • What constitutes a major title change? • What other situations require a new record? • How do I close out a record for a serial that has ceased? • How do I link records?

  7. Changes that require a new record • Major changes in title proper • Corporate body portion of authorized access point (110 heading or 130 qualifier) • Edition statement (in some cases) • Translations/language editions • Mode of issuance • Carrier Characteristics (in some cases) • Media type, carrier type

  8. Usually note the change • Minor title changes • Numbering • Edition statement (in some cases) • Changes other than corporate body qualifiers in an authorized access point (i.e. 130)

  9. Decision process • RDA and LC-PCC PS • 1.6.2, other RDA instructions, LC-PCC Policy Statements • CONSER Cataloging Manual, Module 16 • Publisher really intend to change the title? • Look at all the issues in hand • Check utility (e.g., OCLC)

  10. Decision process (2): Other factors • History--Legacy data • Successive vs. latest entries (pre-AACR2) • Before 2002 updates to AACR2 chapter 12: title changes (first five words) • After 2002 updates to AACR2 chapter 12: major/minor changes • Languages and scripts that do not divide into words-- Major changes (2015/04) • A) … any component (i.e., a character or group of characters) of the title proper that changes … • Minor changes: a)-b), f), h)-i)

  11. Changes in Title Proper Includes both English examples (RDA and Scripts That Divide Text into Words) & CJK examples (RDA and Scripts That Do Not Divide Text into Words)

  12. Changes in Title Proper: A few considerations • Consider only the title proper ($a, $n, $p) • Changes to other title information do not matter! • When considering whether a title has changed, always test it against the title proper (recorded in field 245) • Notagainst the latest variant in 246! • In comparing a serial title to an existing record, use the same chief/preferred source of information for the comparison • Read all instructions on major AND minor changes (RDA, PS, CCM 16) • Use reference tools if available • ISSN Portal • CiNii catalog (http://ci.nii.ac.jp/books/) and available bibliographic history map (e.g. 東海区水産研究所研究報告http://mokuren.nii.ac.jp/cgi-bin/map/map-frame.cgi?encode=UTF-8&ncid=AN00156834&fid=10075800&cgi=http%3A%2F%2Fci.nii.ac.jp%2Fncid%2F)

  13. Major changes in title proper of a serial: RDA (MARC 245 $a, $n, $p) • Major title changes: • If a serial is in English, apply RDA Languages and scripts that divide texts into words • If a serial is in one of the CJK languages, apply RDA Languages and scripts that do not divide texts into words • Major title changes: “Hidden instruction” under LC-PCC PS Minor changes • e & g) Consider that there has been a major change if there is evidence that the publisher intentionally changed the title; such evidence may include, for example, a statement by the publisher or a new ISSN printed on the publication. • i) The change from one word to another that indicates the type of resource (e.g., the change from "magazine" to "journal") is a major change. • Major title changes: “Hidden instruction” under CCM 16.2.4 on Minor changes • Minor changes in title proper, category i) Changes in frequency words in the title are not affected by this instruction and still constitute a major change.

  14. Major title changes: RDA • RDA a) Changes that occur in the first five words (or six when initial article) (Note: there are many exceptions to this rule) The vocational guidance quarterly → Career development quarterly Iowa historical record → Iowa journal of history Chemical engineering and mining review →Mining & chemical engineering review • RDA a) Changes meaning of the title, or 新使命 (Xin shi ming) 絲綢之路 (Si chou zhi lu) 国際交流 (Kokusai Kōryū)  をちこち (Ochikochi) 民族 音樂學  (Minjok ŭmakhak) 동양 음악 (Tongyang ŭmak) (** meaning: 東洋音樂) 航空工程与维修 (Hang kong gong cheng yu wei xiu) 航空维修与工程 (Hang kong wei xiu yu gong cheng)?

  15. Major title changes: RDA • RDA b) Changes that occur after the first five words that change the meaning or subject matter The best bed & breakfast in the world→ The best bed and breakfast in England, Scotland, & Wales World meetings. Social & behavioral sciences, education & management → World meetings. Social & behavioral sciences, human services & management • RDA a) … or indicates a different subject matter 國外法学 (Guo wai fa xue)  中外法学 (Zhong wai fa xue) 日本蠶絲學雜誌 (Nihon sanshigaku zasshi) 蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック (Sanshi, konchū baiotekku)

  16. Major title changes: RDA • A change in the corporate body anywhere in the title proper if the changed name is for a different corporate body • RDA c) Reports of the Institute of High Speed Mechanics, Tohoku University  Reports of the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University • RDA b) 南京药学院学报 (Nanjing yao xue yuan xue bao) 中国药科大学学报 (Zhongguo yao ke da xue xue bao) 北海道開発土木研究所月報 (Hokkaidō Kaihatsu Doboku Kenkyūjo geppō)  寒地土木研究所月報 (Kanchi Doboku Kenkyūjo geppō) 公州 師大 論文集 (Kongju Sadae nonmunjip) 公州大 論文集 (Kongjudae nonmunjip) • Notes: Also check minor change rule–RDA c)

  17. Major Title Changes: RDA • Major or minor title change? Scientific papers of the College of General Education  Scientific papers of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo • Check NAR: 010   n  50078560  ǂz n  88091687  110 2 Tōkyō Daigaku. ǂb Kyōyō Gakubu 410 2 Tōkyō Daigaku. ǂb College of Arts and Sciences 410 2 Tōkyō Daigaku. ǂb College of General Education • Notes: minor change rule–RDA c) apply here

  18. Major title changes: “hidden instruction” Parallel titles became title proper, and original title proper dropped • RDA Minor Changes e)A different order of titles when the title is given in more than one language on the source of information, provided that the title chosen as a title proper still appears as a parallel title proper. • LC-PCC PS Minor Changes e) … consider that there has been a major change if there is evidence that the publisher intentionally changed the title; such evidence may include, for example, a statement by the publisher or a new ISSN printed on the publication. • CCM16.2.4 Minor changes in title proper, category e: … However, if the title chosen as title proper no longer appears on the serial as a parallel title, consider the change to be major. 貝類學雜誌 (Kairuigaku zasshi)= Venus : Japanese journal of malacology  Venus : ǂb Japanese journal of malacology • Japanese title as the title proper was dropped • ISSN changed: 0042-3580  1348-2955

  19. Major title changes: “hidden instruction” Fluctuating titles • RDA Minor Changes g) Two or more titles proper used on different issues of a serial according to a regular pattern. • LC-PCC PS Minor Changes g) …consider that there has been a major change if there is evidence that the publisher intentionally changed the title; such evidence may include, for example, a statement by the publisher or a new ISSN printed on the publication.

  20. Major title changes: “hidden instruction” Change in words that changes resource type • RDA Minor Changes i) The addition, deletion, or rearrangement anywhere in the title of a word, words, or other component (i.e., a character or group of characters) that indicates the type of resource, such as “magazine,” “journal,” or “newsletter” or their equivalent in other languages. • LC-PCC PS Minor Changes i) The change from one word to another (e.g., the change from "magazine" to "journal") is a major change 中華民國統計題要 (Zhonghua Minguo tong ji ti yao) 中華民國統計年鑑 (Zhonghua Minguo dong ji nian jian) 加工出口區簡訊(Jia gong chu kou qu jian xun) 加工出口區區刊 (Jia gong chu kou qu qu kan) 花袋研究会々報(Katai Kenkyūkai kaihō) 花袋研究会々誌 (Katai Kenkyūkai kaishi) 地域 社會 發展 硏究(Chiyŏk sahoe palchŏn yŏn'gu) 地域 社會 發展 學會 論文集(Chiyŏk Sahoe Palchŏn Hakhoe nonmunjip) (**Journal to Thesis)

  21. Major title changes: “hidden instruction” Changes in frequency words • LC-PCC PS Minor Changes i) A word denoting frequency (e.g., "monthly") does not indicate a type of resource • CONSER Cataloging Manual 16.2.4 on Minor Changes i) Changes in frequency words in the title constitute a major change 中華詩學 (Zhonghua shi xue) 中華詩學季刊 (Zhonghua shi xue ji kan) (addition of frequency) 協大月刊(Xie da yue kan)  協大季刊 (Xie da ji kan) (Change of frequency) 不動産研究 (Fudōsan kenkyū) 季刊不動産研究 (Kikan fudōsan kenkyū) 月刊エネルギーフォーラム (Gekkan enerugī fōramu)[1980.5-1981.3]  エネルギーフォーラム (Enerugī fōramu) [1981.3-1981.12]  月刊エネルギーフォーラム (Gekkan enerugī fōramu) [1982.1-1984.12] エネルギーフォーラム (Enerugī fōramu) [1985.1-2010.3] 月刊エネルギーフォーラム (Gekkan enerugī fōramu) [2010.4-] 朝鮮 研究 月報 (Chōsen kenkyū geppō)  朝鮮 研究 (Chōsen kenkyū) Weekly economist  Economist

  22. Minor title changes • RDA and LC-PCC (CCM 16.2.4) list 9 categories of minor changes • Most of these are exceptions to the first major change rule • RDA a) Changes in the first five words • RDA a) -- …, or other component (i.e., a character or group of characters) anywhere in the title

  23. Minor title changes Includes 9 provisions: Category a. Representation of a word Category b. Articles, prepositions, conjunctions Category c. Name of corporate body Category d. Punctuation Category e. Order of titles (parallel titles) Category f. Words linking to numbering Category g. Fluctuating titles Category h. Words in a list Category i. Words that denote type of resource

  24. Minor title changes: category (a) Category a: Changes in the representation of a word or words • Includes case, plural vs. singular, spelled out vs. abbreviated form., compound vs. separate words, etc. • Now also includes acronyms and initialisms vs. full form

  25. Examples of category (a) Openhouse → Open house Africa news → African news Fishery report → Fisheries report Saint Paul report → St. Paul report Los Angeles woman → LA woman ADC electronic news → ADC e-news

  26. CJK examples of category (a) • Change in the form of the character 臺灣詩學 (Taiwan shi xue) 台灣詩學 (Taiwan shi xue) • Abbreviated word or sign or symbol vs. spelled-out form 中国广播影视发展报告 (Zhongguo guang bo ying shi fa zhan bao gao) 中国广播电影电视发展报告 (Zhongguo guang bo dian ying dian shi fa zhan bao gao) 経済セミナー (Keizai seminā)  経セミ (Keisemi)

  27. Minor title changes: category (b) • Category b: Article, preposition, or conjunction is added, deleted, or changed anywhere in the title Annual report of pipeline safety → Annual report onpipeline safety 经济预测与分析  经济预测和分析 (made-up example)

  28. Minor title changes: category (c) • Category c: Name of same corporate body in the title is: • Added, dropped or moved • Or parts of the hierarchy are added/dropped • Or the form of the name is changed (e.g., from full to abbreviated form) • Also included: • Names of officials • Recipients of reports

  29. Examples of category (c) • English: • London → Bantam’s London • ONS newsletter → Newsletter • Amalgamated Engineering Union monthly → AEU monthly • CJK: 重庆师范学院学报 (Chongqing shi fan xue yuan xue bao) 重庆师院学报 (Chongqing shi yuan xue bao)(alternative short form) 辽河石油勘探局年鉴 (Liaohe shi you kan tan ju nian jian) 中国石油辽河石油勘探局年鉴 (Zhongguo shi you Liaohe shi you kan tan ju nian jian) (hierarchy)

  30. Examples of category (c) • English: • Forestry annual report → Forestry Department annual report • Biennial report → Biennial report to the Governor and Legislature BUT NOT: Europe through the back door → Rick Steves’ Europe through the back door {John Muir publisher} • CJK: 淡江大學中文學報 (Danjiang da xue Zhong wen xue bao) 中文學報(Zhong wen xue bao) 由香港郵政署署長 ... 頒布 ... 財政年度部門年報 (You Xianggang you zheng shu shu zhang ... ban bu ... cai zheng nian du bu men nian bao) 香港郵政署年報 (Xianggang you zheng shu nian bao)

  31. Minor title changes: category (d) • Category d: The only change is one of punctuation • GBB → G.B.B.

  32. Minor title changes: category (e) • Category e: changes in the order of titles when there are parallel titles South African medical journal = Suid Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde changes to: Suid Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde = South African medical journal • But not: if the title chosen as title proper is dropped. In that case, consider the change to be major

  33. Minor title changes: category (f) • Category f: words linking the title to the numbering are added, deleted, changed Annual report 2000  Annual reportfor2001 平成 ... 年における麻薬. 覚せい剤行政の槪況 (Heisei ... nen ni okeru mayaku, kakuseizai gyōsei no gaikyō) 麻薬・覚せい剤行政の概況(Mayaku kakuseizai gyōsei no gaikyō)

  34. Minor title changes: category (g) • Category g: two or more titles proper used according to a regular pattern Example of fluctuating title: 245 00 Daily gleaner.246 1# $iSunday issues have title: $a Sunday gleaner

  35. Minor title changes: category (h) • Category h: Addition to, deletion from, or change in the order of words in a list anywhere in the title, provided that there is no significant change in the subject matter • LC-PCC PS h): consider a list to consist of at least 3 or more terms. Quarterly returns of trade for the ports of Jenchuan, Chinnampo, Kunsan, Mokpo, Fusan, Masampo, Wonsan, and Songchin  Quarterly returns of trade for the ports of Chemulpo, Chinnampo, Kunsan, Mokpo, Fusan, Masampo, Wonsan, and Songchin 早稲田大学大学院文学硏究科紀要. ǂn 第2分册,​ ǂp 英文学, フランス文学, ドイツ文学, ロシヤ文学, 中国文学  早稲田大学大学院文学硏究科紀要. ǂn 第2分册,​ ǂp英文学, フランス語フランス文学, ドイツ語ドイツ文学, ロシヤ語ロシヤ文学, 中国語中国文学

  36. Examples of category (h) Cook’s business directory covering Canberra—special new section, Northern Territory, West Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, New Zealand → Cook’s business directory covering Canberra—special section, Northern Territory, Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia, West Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, New Zealand

  37. Minor title changes: category (i) • Addition or deletion anywhere in the title of words that indicate the type of resource such as “magazine,” “journal,” or “newsletter” • Not included: • changes from one “type of resource” word to another • words that indicate frequency

  38. Examples of category (i) Outlook → Outlook magazine → Outlook Active projects → Active projects report Brasileiras & brasileiros → Jornal brasileiras & brasileiros Organic chemistry review → Organic chemistry → Review of organic chemistry BUT NOT: Atlantic → Atlantic monthly SFRA review → SFRA newsletter Biennial report → Annual report

  39. CJK examples of category (i) 東南亞硏究 (Dong nan Ya yan jiu) 东南亚硏究資料 (Dong nan Ya yan jiu zi liao) 新药与臨床 (Xin yao yu lin chuang) 中国新药与臨床杂志 (Zhongguo xin yao yu lin chuang za zhi) 赤旗 (Akahata)  しんぶん赤旗 (Shinbun Akahata)

  40. Major or minor title changes: • Not covered by instructions for title change?  Minor In case of doubt, consider the change to be minor. 抗菌素 (Kang jun su)  抗生素 (Kang sheng su) 矿物岩石地球化学通讯(Kuang wu yan shi di qiu hua xue tong xun)  矿物岩石地球化学通报 (Kuang wu yan shi di qiu hua xue tong biao) 現代日本人名錄(Gendai Nihon jinmeiroku)  現代日本人名選 (Gendai Nihon jinmeisen) 회원 명부 (Hoewŏn myŏngbu)  회원 인명록 (Hoewŏn inmyŏngnok)  (** 會員名簿  人名錄)

  41. Other major changes • Corporate bodies in authorized access points (110 headings and as qualifiers in 130 headings) • Edition statement (indicating changes in subject, scope) • Translations/language editions. • Mode of issuance • Carrier type (some cases)

  42. Changes to corporate body creator • Where are the instructions? • RDA • RDA • LC-PCC PS Changes in the name of the creator (different body or different name for the same body) that require a new heading are major changes.

  43. Corporate body creator changes Changes in name (different body or different name for the same body) that require a new heading are major changes: Record 1:110 2# $a International Harvester Company. 245 10 $a Annual report 785 00 $a Navistar International Corporation. $t Annual report Record 2:110 2# $a Navistar International Corporation. 245 10 $a Annual report 780 00 $a International Harvester Company. $t Annual report

  44. Changes in Additions to Authorized Access Points (130)

  45. Change in corporate body qualifier Record 1:130 0# $a Technical bulletin (Illinois. Department of Conservation) 245 10 $a Technical bulletin 785 00 $t Technical bulletin (Illinois. Division of Game Management) Record 2:130 0# $a Technical bulletin (Illinois. Division of Game Management) 245 10 $a Technical bulletin 780 00 $t Technical bulletin (Illinois. Department of Conservation)

  46. Change in corporate body qualifier Record 1:130 0# $a Corporate management (Excelsior (Firm)) 245 10 $a Corporate management. 785 00 $t Corporate management (Enterprise Excelsior (Firm)) Record 2:130 0# $a Corporate management (Enterprise Excelsior (Firm)) 245 10 $a Corporate management. 780 00 $t Corporate management (Excelsior (Firm))

  47. Minor changes: place name, frequency 130 0# $a Critique (Santa Rosa, Calif.) 245 10 $a Critique. 264 #1 $3 1990-1997: $a Santa Rosa, Calif. : $b Banovitch Enterprises, $c1990- 264 31 $3 1997- : $a West Vancouver, B.C. : $b Xanthyros Foundation

  48. Changes in Edition Statement(

  49. Edition statement (, 2.17.4) Create new description when there is a significant change in scope or subject coverage. Health professional/researcher  Health industry [Change is significant-- make a new description]

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