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The Green Standard

The Green Standard. Standard 189.1-2011, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings. What is Standard 189.1?. ANSI standard developed in model code language Provides minimum requirements for high-performance, green buildings

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The Green Standard

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  1. The Green Standard Standard 189.1-2011, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings

  2. What is Standard 189.1? • ANSI standard developed in model code language • Provides minimum requirements for high-performance, green buildings • Applies to all buildings except low-rise residential (same as ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1) • Optional compliance path to the International Green Construction Code • Not a design guide or a rating system

  3. Standard 189.1 Provides • Mandatory criteria in all topic areas • Simple prescriptive compliance options • Flexible performance compliance options • Complement green building rating programs

  4. Sponsors and Project Committee • Sponsor and co-sponsors: • ASHRAE • USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) • IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) • Project committee: 35+ voting members; variety of disciplines, industries & organizations

  5. Standard 189.1 Building Blocks Std 189 CA DHS EHLB R-174 Std 62.1 Std 90.1 Std 180 Std 55 Guideline 0 BIFMA ASME ASTM US EPA US DOE IESNA USGBC Green Seal

  6. Standard 189.1 Topic Areas Sustainable Sites Water Use Efficiency Energy Efficiency Indoor Environmental Quality Building’s Impact on the Atmosphere, Materials & Resources Construction and Operations Plans SS WE EE IEQ MR CO

  7. Standard 189.1 Basic Structure x.1: Scope x.2: Compliance x.3: Mandatory (required for all projects) x.4: Prescriptive path(simple option, minimal choices, very few calculations) x.5: Performance path(more sophisticated, flexibility, but more effort)

  8. Compliance Paths Mandatory Prescriptive Path + (simple option, very few calculations) Performance Path Mandatory + (more options, but more effort)

  9. Sustainable Sites

  10. Sustainable Sites Highlights • Site Selection • Reduce heat island effect • Reduce light pollution

  11. Water

  12. Water Use Efficiency Mandatory Provisions • Site water use • Building water use • HVAC Systems, equipment • Water consumption management

  13. Energy

  14. Energy Efficiency • Original Standard 189.1-2009 goal 30% lower than Standard 90.1-2007 INCLUDING PROCESS • Standard 189.1-2011 goal 5-15% lower than Standard 189.1-2009 • Appendix G from Standard 90.1 is incorporated as a Normative Appendix

  15. Energy Efficiency Mandatory requirements • Renewable energy provisions • Remote or automatic reading meters criteria based on size • Meters communicate to central recording system • Data storage for minimum 36 months

  16. Indoor Environmental Quality

  17. Indoor Environmental Quality Highlights • Outdoor airflow • Tobacco smoke control • Outdoor air monitoring • Filtration and air cleaning • Daylighting • Thermal comfort • Acoustics

  18. Building’s Impact on Atmosphere, Materials and Resources

  19. Building’s Impact on Atmosphere, Materials and Resources Mandatory: • Construction waste management • No CFC based refrigerants • Recyclables storage areas

  20. Construction and Operation Plans

  21. Construction and Operation Highlights • Building acceptance testing/commissioning • IAQ construction management plan • Plans for operation • High performance building operation • Maintenance • Service Life • Transportation Management

  22. Why Consider Adopting Standard 189.1? • Minimum green building requirements developed using ANSI consensus process with balanced committee, consensus must be reached by materially affected parties • ASHRAE and USGBC offers training to code officials on detailed requirements of standard

  23. Further Information • Standard 189.1: www.ashrae.org/greenstandard • International Green Construction Code: www.iccsafe.org/cs/IGCC • User Manual available to assist in understanding in how to apply the standard

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