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By: Brianna b.

Astronomers. By: Brianna b. The Career and Job Description.

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By: Brianna b.

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  1. Astronomers By: Brianna b.

  2. The Career and Job Description Astronomers generally spend no more than several weeks a year at an observatory or satellite control station. They work in comfortable work places such as offices, laboratories, or Research facilities. The 21 century Astronomer uses research data to calculate many of the things in the sky. They calculate things from composition of galaxies to x-ray emissions from extraterrestrial sources. Many of the astronomer’s activities involve an examination and analysis of physical phenomenon. Some of the modern astronomers are called Astrophysics. Unlike other scientists, Astronomers can’t experiment with physical involvement or make changes to the things they study. They gather information through observations and they look for consistent patterns in the information they gather and develop and test theories using mathematical applications. Astronomers have two categories, Theorists and Observers and Together both groups provides advances in this field. Observational astronomers study galaxies and the stars with equipments such as radio, optical, X-ray telescope, etc. Theoretical Astronomers work on developing theories from observations they make themselves or from those made by other Astronomers.

  3. Educational Requirements and Living Arrangements Educational Requirements:1. bachelor's degree in physics or astronomy2. master's degree in astronomy or a related field3.Astronomers also have to study throughout their field in order to keep up with new discoveries.4.Doctorial DegreeLiving arrangements:Location isn’t really necessary. They just need to study most of the time and stay updated on new discoveries

  4. Yearly Income and Previous Job Experience YEARLY INCOME:The yearly income for and astronomers is $97,320 but it mostly depends on qualification and how much education one has gotten.Previous Job Experience:1.physicists2.Research assistants3.Faculty positions4.Advancement in managerial positions

  5. REWARDS **Sponsorships**

  6. Citations!! http://www.calmis.ca.gov/file/occguide/ASTRONOM.HTMhttp://careers.stateuniversity.com/pages/386/Astronomer.htmlhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_yearly_salary_of_an_astronomerhttp://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos052.htmhttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://astro1.panet.utoledo.edu/~ndm/LS/161550main_pia01903-616.jpg&imgrefurl=http://astro1.panet.utoledo.edu/~ndm/LS/lecture-series.html&usg=__ZhHw_qcB9nDLnjAFMiE_G7r5NwA=&h=516&w=516&sz=80&hl=en&start=10&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=-v8KcCK2TvidwM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=131&prev=/search%3Fq%3DASTRONOMERS%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D594%26tbm%3Disch&ei=sHe1TfCKJtS2tgfGqrHqDghttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.physorg.com/newman/gfx/news/2007/rsq_red.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.physorg.com/news95692359.html&usg=__xZYy7yvLbGv8h5CZL4XfCq29BuI=&h=300&w=300&sz=18&hl=en&start=12&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=eRVLrK-sUALMFM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/search%3Fq%3DASTRONOMERS%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D594%26tbm%3Disch&ei=sHe1TfCKJtS2tgfGqrHqDgclips arts

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