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Project Components Collaboration between Physics, Education, School Districts

Project Components Collaboration between Physics, Education, School Districts Teacher-in-Residence (TIR) Reform of courses (Physics and Education) Early Field Experiences Mentoring. Collaboration Physics Education Research (PER) Faculty line (WMU)

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Project Components Collaboration between Physics, Education, School Districts

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  1. Project Components • Collaboration between Physics, Education, School Districts • Teacher-in-Residence (TIR) • Reform of courses (Physics and Education) • Early Field Experiences • Mentoring

  2. Collaboration Physics Education Research (PER) Faculty line (WMU) Building infrastructure by combining 8 different programs (Colorado) Federal grant to engage K-6 science learning (Ball State and Indianapolis Public Schools) Cross-site visits to develop and strengthen strategies for improving teacher education (Cal Poly, Arizona, Colorado, Towson, Arkansas, WMU) Mentoring Establishing programs to provide on-going pre-service and new teacher support (Ball State and WMU) Includes early identification of future teachers in Intro. Physics courses Teachers-in-Residence Supported by instituions: 2nd TIR (Cal Poly); 3 TIRs (Colorado) TIR concept embedded in California Teach initiative Directly engaged in AAPT/NSTA local and national meetings Involved in student teacher supervision, TA training and co-teaching methods and content courses Reform of Courses Increased inquiry teaching by pre-service elementary teachers (Towson) Preparing for sustainability of reform across faculty changes (Colorado and Cal Poly) “Intro to Science Teaching” course to recruit science majors, team-taught by science and education departments (Ball State and Xavier) Selected Project Successes

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