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Long-term strategic approach Improving data availability Bridging “parallel universes”

Towards a Long Term e-Skills Strategy in Europe André Richier European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry andre.richier@ec.europa.eu. European e-Skills Forum e-Skills in Europe: Towards 2010 and Beyond. Long-term strategic approach Improving data availability Bridging “parallel universes”

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Long-term strategic approach Improving data availability Bridging “parallel universes”

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  1. Towards a Long Term e-Skills Strategy in EuropeAndré RichierEuropean CommissionDG Enterprise and Industryandre.richier@ec.europa.eu

  2. European e-Skills Forum e-Skills in Europe: Towards 2010 and Beyond • Long-term strategic approach • Improving data availability • Bridging “parallel universes” • Multi-stakeholders partnerships • Promoting e-learning solutions • EU e-competence framework • Promoting e-skills for all See: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ict/policy/doc/e-skills-forum-2004-09-fsr.pdf

  3. Analysis of the Supply and DemandRAND Europe (1998-2005) See: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ict/policy/doc/eskills-2005-10-11.rand.pdf

  4. Forecasting the Demand and the SupplyNetworking Skills – IDC / Cisco Systems (2005-2008) See: http://www.cisco.com/edu/emea/general/pdf/IDC_Networking_Skills_Shortage_EW_Europe_FINAL_5_Oct.pdf

  5. Digital Literacy is a problem for a large part of the European population (Eurostat 2006) • 37% have no e-skills whatsoever • 22% are acquainted with a wide range of computer activities • More than 60% of people not educated beyond lower secondary level have no basic e-skills • More than 3 out of 4 people over 65 years have no e-skills at all See: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-NP-06-017/EN/KS-NP-06-017-EN.PDF

  6. e-Skills: The Key to Employment and InclusionICT User Skills – IDC / Microsoft (2007) See: http://www.microsoft.com/emea/presscentre/glf2007/relatedmaterials.mspx

  7. e-Skills Foresight Scenarios (ICT Practitioners)CEPIS, PREST & Eurochambres (2007-2015)

  8. Benchmarking e-Learning in EuropeMenon Network EEIG (2006-2007) See: http://www.menon.org/Benchmarking/

  9. CEN/ISSS: Towards a comprehensiveEuropean e-Competence Framework (2007-2008) Aim: Ability to create, manage, plan and develop e-competences that will be needed in a long term perspective across Europe European Commission: Policy making(European Qualification Framework (EQF) and e-Skills Policy Communication) and Funding Programmes CEN/ISSS: EU-wide Standardisation Body Stakeholders (Industry, Social partners, Universities, Training Institutions etc.): multi-stakeholder partnerships for actions European e-Competence Framework an EU-wide tool for planning and developing ICT practitioner competences across Europe in line with the EQF (providing ICT competence definitions needed and applied by industry) European e-Skills Portal Feasibility Study(2007) followed (if positive) by future platform operated by stakeholders ICT Qualifications Framework ICT Lane project: a shared European model for reading ICT qualificationsacross Europe (providing a common language for understanding ICT qualifications) EU-wide e- Competence and Career Tools and Services EU-wide ICT UserCompetence Framework EU-wide e-skills certifications quality criteria and map Methodological study See: http://www.cen.eu/cenorm/businessdomains/businessdomains/isss/activity/wsict-skills.asp

  10. ICT Task Force report (2006)Recommendations on e-skills The ICT Taskforce calls upon the Commission to present a policy Communication addressed to EU Member States and designing a long-term e-skills strategy and a corresponding e-skills action plan proposing targeted actions for the years ahead See: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ict/taskforce.htm

  11. ICT Industry Initiatives: For example, the European Alliance on Skills for Employability Goal: • to help better co-ordinate industry and community investments, services and other offerings, dialogue and engagement with NGOs and public authorities in a way that enhances the positive impact of ICT literacy and professional training on employability prospects of the young, the disabled, older workers and other unemployed or under-employed people throughout the EU. Members of the European Alliance on Skills for Employability: • Cisco Systems, CompTIA, EXIN, ECDL Foundation, Microsoft, Randstad, State Street, EAEA See: http://www.e-scc.org/alliance/default.aspx

  12. See: www.e-skills-conference.org

  13. The Five Main Action LinesICT Task Force WG on Skills and EmployabilityEuropean e-Skills 2006 Conference Declaration • Improving the availability of e-skills • Empowering future generations • Boosting employability of the workforce • Making greater and better use of e-learning • Promoting visibility and monitoring Policy Communication and Action Plan (2007)e-Inclusion Initiative (2008)

  14. Key components of a long term e-skills strategy • Longer term cooperation: strengthening cooperation between public authorities and industry, academia, unions and associations through the promotion of multi-stakeholder partnerships and joint initiatives including monitoring supply and demand, anticipating change, adapting curricula, attracting foreign students and highly skilled ICT workers and promoting ICT education in a long-term basis. • Human resources investment: ensuring sufficient public and private investments in human resources and e-skills and appropriate financial support and fiscal incentives as well as developing an e-competence framework and tools facilitating mobility, mutual recognition, transparency of qualifications and credit transfer between formal, non-formal and industry ICT education. • Attractiveness: promoting science, maths, ICT, role models, job profiles and career perspectives with a particular focus on young people. Information campaigns are necessary to provide parents, teachers and pupils, notably girls, with an accurate understanding of opportunities arising from an ICT education and the pursuit of an ICT career. • Employability and e-inclusion: developing digital literacy and e-competence actions tailored to the needs of the workforce both in the public and the private sector, with a particular emphasis on SMEs and also to the needs of the unemployed, elderly people, people with low education levels, people with disabilities and marginalised young people. • Lifelong acquisition of e-skills: ensuring that workers can regularly update their e-skills and encouraging better and more user-centric ICT-enhanced learning and training approaches (e-learning). Good practices for the training of employees, with a particular emphasis on SMEs, using e-learning should be promoted together with successful solutions and business models.

  15. Promoting a long term cooperation and monitoring progress • Setting-up by the ICT industry of an e-Skills Industry Leadership Board as proposed by the ICT Task Force; • Regular dialogue with relevant stakeholders • Virtual e-skills community on the Internet to gather the views of a larger community of experts and citizens; • Annual report on the supply and demand of e-skills; • Analysis on the impact of global sourcing on ICT jobs;

  16. Developing supporting actions and tools • European e-competence framework within CEN/ISSS in line with the proposal for a European Qualifications Framework • Feasibility study on a European e-skills and career portal • European handbook (guidelines to promote appropriate legal and financial frameworks for multi-stakeholder partnerships) • Quality criteria for e-skills industry-based training and certifications • E-competence curriculum guidelines • Exploring the proposal of the ICT Task Force of a new discipline on services sciences, management and engineering • Promoting appropriate financial and fiscal incentives

  17. Empowering future generations • Exchanging information and good practices on Member States initiatives for the promotion of science, maths and ICT, role models, job profiles and career perspectives as well as teacher qualification • Encouraging awareness and information campaigns at EU and national level to provide parents, teachers and pupils with an accurate understanding of opportunities arising from an ICT education and the pursuit of a career as an ICT professional • Experimenting in co-operation with European education networks as to how Web 2.0 technologies can help promote ICT training and careers to young people

  18. Fostering employability and social inclusion • Major initiative on e-Inclusion in 2008 in line with the “Riga Declaration” • This initiative will comprise activities to promote digital literacy and competence actions tailored to the needs of groups at risk of exclusion. The ambition is to halve the gap between these groups and the average population by 2010. See: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ict_riga_2006/doc/declaration_riga.pdf • In addition, two activities would be further supported: • Encouraging corporate social responsibility initiatives and multi-stakeholder partnerships such as the European Alliance on Skills for Employability; • Promoting in cooperation with ongoing initiatives of the ICT industry how public funding instruments can efficiently support successful multi-stakeholder initiatives in improving the employability of job seekers and low skilled workers.

  19. Making better and greater use of e-learning • Report in 2008 with recommendations for targeted e-learning initiatives, the promotion of successful strategies and the development of a dynamic market for e-learning products and services. • Promoting the development of e-learning courses and brokerage mechanisms • Supporting the networking of e-learning and training centres in liaison with the European Network of Living Labs to facilitate piloting and validation processes and better understanding of future e-skills needs.

  20. Promoting Innovation in the European Union: Europe INNOVA and PRO INNO Europe • Addresses innovation practitioners and professionals • Public-private-partnerships • Networks follow a sector or theme orientation • May need an exit strategy (e.g., self-sustainability) • Addresses (regional and national) innovation policy-makers • Focus on policy analysis, learning and coordination • Advanced form of the method of open coordination • Partners have a say on future themes for cooperation http://www.proinno-europe.eu/ http://www.europe-innova.org/index.jsp

  21. Approach IMP³rove Consulting Process Bench-marking Consulting Follow-up Inno-vationstrategy Online self- assessment Financial actors Policy makers Toolbox Innovation organization and culture Trainings Benchmark database Case studies Innovation lifecycle management KPIs IMC listing and ranking Product/ process development Launch/continuous improve-ment Ideamanage-ment Library Intermediariesand Consultancies SMEs Enabler, e.g. Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Project and Program Management, Controlling and IT Online Innovation Management Platform www.improve-innovation.eu

  22. Innovation strategy Innovation Management Success Innovation organization & culture Innovation lifecycle Enabling factors Online Self-Assessment Tool Benchmarking report provides an understanding of an SME’s strengths and weaknesses Score per dimension (Example) Exemplary questions per dimension Is your innovation strategy clearly linked to your business strategy? Innovation strategy Innovation organization & culture How would you rate your com-pany‘s readiness for innovation? What is the average time-to-profit for your most important products/ services? Innovation lifecycle What percentage of your innova-tion projects have you completed within the defined time, budget and quality? Enabling factors Innovation Management Success What is your estimation of profit share from innovations? (by innovation types) https://www.improve-innovation.eu/opencms/opencms/en/02_SAT/index.html

  23. Objectives • To explore the scope for transnational cooperation (2 themes /year) • To coordinate the results and extract lessons from the on-going INNO-Nets and INNO-Actions • To be a catalyser for identifying future INNO-Nets and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Main outputs • Annual Innovation Policy Learning Reports (Nov. 2007) • Annual Innovation Policy Learning Conference (Jan. 2008) • Proposals for creating new INNO-Nets and PPPs (on 2 themes /year)

  24. The Inno-Learning 2007 Cycle 6 themes pre-selected - Exploratory phase (3 months) • Improved innovation governance • Knowledge sharing through improved research-industry cooperation • High growth innovative SMEs • Eco-innovation • Public procurement and innovation • Innovation skills and talents 2 themes further analysed – Validation phase (7 months) Recommendations for creating new INNO-Nets and PPPs

  25. Thank you ! And Join the e-Skills Virtual Community: http://communities.trainingvillage.gr/esf

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