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強化英文閱讀力: 教學與自學

強化英文閱讀力: 教學與自學. 陳超明 政大英文系. 閱讀的意義. Everyone who knows how to read has it in his own power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting. -- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963). Twilight.

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強化英文閱讀力: 教學與自學

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  1. 強化英文閱讀力:教學與自學 陳超明 政大英文系

  2. 閱讀的意義 • Everyone who knows how to read has it in his own power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting. -- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

  3. Twilight My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my favorite shirt—sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka. (p. 3)

  4. In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from his town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old.

  5. It was in this town that I’d been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead.

  6. 閱讀的層次 第一:發展認字的能力(word recognition):知道如何發音、知道那些字母代表哪些音、知道那個字的拼字規則並進入認識這個字、延伸對這個字的認識。 第二:發展語言的流利度(fluency):對於單字認知的深入、訓練以口語來閱讀、訓練閱讀成為一種自動自發的能力。 第三:發展理解的能力(comprehension):對於文化、書寫與文章組織的理解。 第四:中高階閱讀」則是較著重於批判性思考(critical thinking)。所謂深入的閱讀,可以再細分成三種:其一是針對用詞遣字累積足夠的語感。譬如英文小說中的語句,往往有許多豐富的表達方式,在不同性質的文章或文句當中,單一的英文字彙也可能有不同層次的意義,這是可以藉由閱讀文章去理解用法的。

  7. To recognize words: parka, inconsequential, gloomy, omnipresent, put my foot down, vacationed • To read the whole passage • To comprehend the meaning: • What happened to the narrator? • Where did she live? • Why did she say goodbye to her mother? • Did she like her father or not? • To think critically • Her feelings for her mother and father? • How were the feelings revealed? Her talk? Or other signals?

  8. 英文閱讀的基本訓練 語意(字彙、句型、文法、文章結構) 文化(人名、地名、商標名、習慣用語、社會背景、歷史因素、民族個性等) 寫作方式 (description, narration, exposition, argumentation)

  9. 文法語句型 • 困難句型(長句、多重含意的句子、複雜文法結構的句子) • 五大基本句型 (S+Vi, S+Vi+SC, S+Vt+O, S+Vt+O+Oc, S+Vt+O+O) • 解句的技巧 主詞與動詞的掌握 刪除不認識的單字 將句子分解成小的單位 分出主要結構與次要結構 找出特出文法與句型結構

  10. 段落 主題句與支撐句 寫作的策略 (description, narration, illustration, comparison and contrast, definition, classification, process analysis, cause-and-effect, etc)

  11. 文章的結構 Title, Introduction, Body, Conclusion General and particular details and anecdotes

  12. Twilight I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful. They were faces you never expected to see except perhaps on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine. Or painted by an old master as the face of an angel. It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful—maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy. (p. 19)

  13. “They are … very nice-looking.” I struggled with the conspicuous understatement. “Yes!” Jessica agreed with another giggle. “They’re all together though—Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And they live together.” Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town, I though critically. But, if I was being honest, I had to admit that even in Phoenix, it would cause gossip. (pp. 20-21)

  14. 閱讀能力評量 第一,對單字的理解力 第二,對文章的理解度 第三,批判性思考能力,例如用寫作或回答問題的方式來檢驗 第四,描述性能力。如用3分鐘的時間,作出一篇短文的摘要或評論(summary / comment)。

  15. 閱讀力(一):單字學習

  16. 單字:需要多少單字? (一)認識的字彙 passive vocabulary (二)實際使用的字彙 active vocabulary (三)模糊的字彙 vague vocabulary 說明:每個人實際使用的單字量不多,大約二、三千個單字就可以應付日常生活(指的是個人說寫單字量),而認識的單字(以閱讀為例),大約必須超過一萬字,閱讀才不用一直查字典,而所謂模糊的單字指的是大約知道其含義,之前看過,但不是很確定,但也不會影響語意的理解。像多益考試,認識單字與使用單字大約要會七千個單字,全民英檢也需要約七千個單字,中高級以上的考試,當然單字量要更多。當然這些考試因為目的不同,可能其單字庫的結構或是內容與所不同。

  17. 現今的單字學習法: 現今的單字學習法大抵分成兩種:記憶法及分析法。 記憶法: –聯想法 (中文語音與語意聯想) –音節拼字法 at-mos-phere (以spelling 做為背單字的方法) –圖形法(如銀行情境、圖形關聯如身體部位) 分析法: –字首字尾及字根學習法(字形法)peri-pheral –字義分辨法(分辨 advise, counsel, suggest不同的使用時機;absurd, ridiculous, silly, preposterous不同的意義等)

  18. 有效的單字學習法(聯合報星期三教育版專欄)有效的單字學習法(聯合報星期三教育版專欄) • 學習“有用的”(實用的)單字:這些單字出現在身旁,是有用的! •以工作場景為主的單字 •以實際生活為主的單字 •周遭環境的英文單字(捷運、高鐵、餐廳、機場等) • 以聲音入門(唸出該單字) •結合單字聲音(sound)、形象(image)或是觀念(idea)。 •語感的練習(大聲朗讀) • 語意的學習 •實際的使用場景 (自行配合現實場合造句──利用十大句法)

  19. 動詞與名詞 面談的動詞:apply for ( 申請), consider (考慮), deal with (處理), recruit (進用), satisfy (滿意), require (要求), describe (描述) 學習單字的三大原則:有用的單字(身邊的單字)、掌握聲音(不用靠音標;看到字母聚會唸出,所謂的自然發音法)、實際使用在情境中(一定自己造句,對自己說出來)。 以上的七個動詞在工作面談或是考試(多益、全民英撿)時,都是經過整理、曾經出現的動詞,或許你覺得很簡單,可是你會用念嗎?會用嗎?我們一起來練習: 每個單字都一定要發音(唸出此單字五遍):

  20. a-pply “a- ”的發音與這幾個字一樣:a-bout, a-go, a-live) “-pply”的發音與這幾個字一樣: re-ply, multi-ply, ply-wood) 語意與字句:apply for (apply 申請,如果後面加上申請工作,一定是用apply for ) I am writing this email to apply for the marketing position you posted on the 104 job website. (出聲念此句四遍)

  21. 多益的字表 三千字左右 情境的字詞 語意了解與用法

  22. 閱讀力(二):拆句的能力

  23. 找主詞+動詞 • 找主詞的重要性:閱讀英文文章,除了少數文學作品或是口語書寫之外,幾乎所有句子都是由「主詞+動詞」結構組成,因此找到主詞就是英文閱讀的第一步。 • 哪裡找主詞:但是由於英文句子常常有些修飾(如加上一些片語)或變化(如強調某些語意而改變字的排列次序),所以主詞不一定放在第一個字而主詞也不一定很是單一的字詞(a single word)。 • 甚麼是主詞:英文的主詞跟中文一樣都是名詞,也就是大致分成四項: • 人:My teacher, Mr. Smith, We, You, I, President Obama, Michael Jackson • 物品(含地方等): A book, My cellphone (我的手機), A fancy restaurant (時髦的餐廳)、The While House (美國白宮) • 事件:A car accident(車禍)、My sister’s wedding(我妹妹的婚禮)、 • 抽象概念:Happiness, Rapid Development in Science and Technology(科技的快速發展)、The construction of Taiwan Highspeed Rail台灣高鐵的建構

  24. 如何找主詞: a. 大部分的主詞都在每一句的第一個字。 The town looks very different now. It has changed a lot. (90年國中基測) (The town 為主詞) b. 大部分的主詞都跟在動詞前面。動詞可以是am, are, is, was, were, 或是一些字尾加上s, es的動詞(表示主詞是單數的第三者)或是加上ed的動詞(表示過去發生的事情),有關動詞的位置或是詳細的相關說明,可以見下一單元動詞篇。 This information came from a very reliable source, so you don’t have to worry about being cheated. (came 是動詞;在它前面的this information 為主詞。) c. 如果句子一開始有修飾語或是When, If, Because等引導一句話,主詞通常在第一個逗點(,)後面。 When people feel uncomfortable or nervous, they may fold their arms across their chests as if to protect themselves. (98年學測)(they為主詞) d. 盡量去尋找在動詞前面的名詞,這個名詞大都是主詞。 With emails and telephones, communication becomes easier. (98年學測)(becomes 是此句的動詞,因此前面的名詞communication為主詞)

  25. 如何找動詞 • 動詞決定句型結構,也決定整體句子的語意,因此找出主動詞的位置非常重要。 • 動詞(verb) 在哪裡:一般動詞會緊跟在主詞後面,但是有時動詞前面會有些修飾語(大都是字尾-ly的一些副詞) • 找出動詞的幾個方法:(此處用V代替) • 表示現在時間句子: 動詞會是原形(原來動詞的樣子)或是加上-s或是-es的動作字詞 • 表示過去時間的句子: 動詞+ed、was, were或是一些不規則變化的動詞如broke, bought, flew。 • 表示一個動作正在進行: 動詞是be (am, is, are, was, were)+ Ving • 表示未來會發生的句子: 動詞是 will, shall +V 或是 be +going to +V • 表示從過去到現在持續進行的動作: have or have + V-ed (V-en)

  26. 如何閱讀長句:拆句的技巧 • 英文句子很長,大部分是一些修飾語或是表示一些狀況的片語及其他從屬的觀念,附加在主要的主詞+動詞的結構上。要瞭解這些句子,先要將句子分解成小單元。 • 閱讀長句子有以下幾個原則: • a. 找出主要的結構與從屬的結構 • b. 依照句法的結構及句中的字詞將常句拆解成小單元 • c. 依照各單元的語意,串接成完整的語意 • 將長句拆解成語意小單元需要一些練習,如何依照一些基本的規則將其拆解: • a. 找出主詞+動詞結構成唯一獨立小單元;如果主詞太長,主詞本身就可以是獨立的語意小單元 • b. 表示時間、地點或是情況的一些字詞可以組成語意小單元 • c. 一些修飾語可以獨立形成語意小單元 • d. 被逗點(,)分割的字詞也可以獨立成小單元

  27. It was important for Kevin to finish his homework quickly because he had to help his parents sell fruit in the night market.

  28. To help / workers / to cope with / this, Japan / passed a law / last year / that requires companies / by 2013 / to raise their retirement age / from 60 to 65 / or / rehire / their retired workers. (為了幫助 / 員工 / 處理此事 ,/ 日本 / 通過法律/ 去年 / 要求公司 / 在2013年前 / 提高他們的退休年紀/ 從60到65歲 / 或是 / 重新聘任 / 他們退休的員工。)

  29. 文法學習的角色為何? 文法學習是否要納入學習過程中呢? 我認為文法結構的學習是沒有先後次序的,學生其實不需要依據課本所提供的文法觀念多寡,去判斷自己能否閱讀一本完整的英文小說;反之,適合學生作為語言教材的文本,也不應以語言結構做為區分章節的依據。 從閱讀中去瞭解文法: Walking back to camp through the swamp, Sam wondered whether to tell his father what he had seen. Walking back to the classroom, Tom wondered what he could tell his teacher what he had seen. (Walking …, S+Ved , had seen )

  30. 閱讀教材的選擇 中高階的閱讀者,如高中以上的學生,則建議能以實境( real-life)英文的內容作為閱讀教材,例如科學雜誌、經典文學小說(如Mark Twain、Hemingway等作家的著作)等。這些較富有真實生活常用內容的英文文本,可以培養學生的思考邏輯,也能夠藉以傳遞足夠的文化內容,有助於加強學生的多元思考。 故事書或小說的英文層次: 大約是看懂七成的文字或單字,才是你要挑選的故事書或小說。

  31. 多益考試 • 國際英語能力溝通 • 以溝通理解為目的 • 設訂生活、工作、社交的字彙與表達方式 • 語意為主:語法、字彙、訊息傳遞 • 文法為輔:影響語意的文法(如時態、動詞用法、主動詞一致) • 資訊重點:5W 1H ;易混淆字詞(發音、用法)

  32. In order to reduce the number of ________ on the road, many companies encourage employees to participate in their carpooling program. • speed(速度) (2) vehicles(車輛) (3)traffic(交通) (4)exchanges(交易)

  33. Key abilities • What abilities are essential? • Vocabulary: workplace or general use. What is the workplace vocabulary? • Grammar: What kind of grammar is needed to achieve an effective communication? • (TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication) • Comprehension: To locate the scenario and to understand the messages in workplace and international communities. • Listening comprehension: A basic skill in communication • Situated Knowledge: • Genre awareness: Business expression, formats for international communciation: (email, ad., conference minutes, public announcement

  34. Keys to TOEIC Learning Ways to learn the language knowledge needed: vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, genre, etc. Effective self-learning methods In-class and out-of-class practices Testing Formats

  35. 多益小測驗:社交篇 Both restaurants send a message that is wrapped in comfort, but the two restaurants could not be further apart when it comes to _______ options and price. menu stock no Customer

  36. Dear Katharine, Thank you for taking the time to get together with us yesterday. Everyone on our team felt that it was a productive meeting. We have a better understanding of your project’s needs now, and we’ve started looking at ways to adapt our software to meet your requirements.

  37. While the basic function of the software is well suited to the project overall, as discussed, we will explore ways to adapt it to the needs of the different departments at Advantage that will be using it. This will incur some additional cost, as we indicated—we’ll provide details about that at our next meeting, once our engineers have assessed the changes that will need to be made.

  38. 閱讀能力評量 第一,對單字的理解力 第二,對文章的理解度 第三,批判性思考能力,例如用寫作或回答問題的方式來檢驗 第四,描述性能力。如用3分鐘的時間,作出一篇短文的摘要或評論(summary / comment)。

  39. Why read novels? To recognize words and syntax in the process of reading To visualize the words and to conceptualize the text To immerse oneself in a language environment To feel the power of the language To think and feel critically

  40. Frankenstein (Linkingbooks) My desire / to discover / the very core of human existence / quickly became an obsession./ Could I—/ I wonder—/ could I possibly / create a human life? / The thought chilled me / to the core, / but thrilled me more.

  41. Frankenstein The monster looked down upon me / with a mixture of malice and bitter agony. / “You are my creator, / yet you wish me dead. / How dare you play with life? / I have know misery / beyond that of all living things. / I beg you / to listen to me.”

  42. A way to think critically • Summary: Using the words from the text to reconstruct your way of thinking (使用文章中的字詞來建構自己的思維) • Reading response: Summarizing the plot and development; refreshing feelings and thinking; offering analysis and comments (摘要情節發展;重新想起自己的感覺與想法;提出分析與批評) • Reading between lines: Picking out the details and vivid verbs.

  43. 培養閱讀力:從讀故事書及小說開始! 讀沒有用的書! 那麼,我們應該如何設定自己一生的英文閱讀計畫呢?首先,在童年時可以從從故事書(story books)讀起,累積字彙、語法,並且將閱讀的東西結合生活經驗。到了青少年時期,就可以開始閱讀以冒險犯難與愛情為主題的作品,藉此豐富想像力、感情並且境養語言流暢度(fluency)。有趣的是,我們中國人會說要讀「有用的書」,但事實上「沒有用的書」才最有用。 接下來進入深度閱讀(文學閱讀),培養分析、批判、思考以及文字掌控的能力,進而在寫作上的修辭優美、文雅並且能夠做到精確的用詞。閱讀是一輩子的事,讀的東西不應僅限於教科書或一些考試用書,事實上養成閱讀習慣,納入大眾閱讀的內容,也是訓練文化與價值的英文思維。

  44. 持續的閱讀: 從個人的經驗,發展出一些教學理念,印證了近年來的一些閱讀理論,強調長篇的閱讀,也就是蘊涵邏輯思維、文化內涵及豐富語言形式的長篇閱讀。或許很多實用派的語言教學專家認為,以比較實用的、短篇的文章或是新聞閱讀,對於學習較有助益。短期的學習或是教學,在短篇的閱讀上,絕對可以在目標學習的概念上獲得具體的成效。 但是,英語學習是持續的,如要延續或是提升語言的層次,長篇的閱讀絕對要必要的。我在教學上,不斷地強調,也不斷地要求學生,一定要進行至少三百頁以上的英文書籍閱讀,否則無法在語言學習上獲得突破。

  45. 以閱讀力作為強化語言能力的基礎 閱讀,是語言學習的必要方法,也是一生必要養成的學習習慣。明白了英語文閱讀的策略跟方法後,設定自我目標,接著只要不斷持續且大量地閱讀,語言能力就能無師自通、有效精進。 如同我自己的中英文能力,就是從學生時期閱讀大量的中英文書籍而來的,直到現在,我仍然維持每日至少閱讀一小時的習慣。希望所有老師、家長能跟學生一起培養每天閱讀的習慣,每天至少一小時,強化你的閱讀力。

  46. “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” Margaret Fuller (1810-1850)

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