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Brief h istory of Canada

Discover the fascinating timeline of Canada's history, from the first settlements by the First Nation people to becoming an independent country in 1831. Learn about the explorations, colonization, and the formation of the Canadian Confederation.

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Brief h istory of Canada

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  1. BriefhistoryofCanada Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín

  2. Canada • was originally settled by the First Nation people and the Intuit many thousands of years ago • Europeans arrived approximately in 1000 AD • but didn't return until 1497 when John Cabot explored the Atlantic Coast for Great Britain

  3. later explorers from other countries would arrive including Jacques Cartier from France who explored the St. Lawrence River and surrounding areas • the first permanent settlements were French, led by Samuel de Champlain • the French established Port Royal and Quebec City in the early 1600s.

  4. after the Seven Years War most of Canada became part of the British Empire • in 1840, the Act of Union created the United Province of Canada • Canada continued to expand and in 1867 was officially proclaimed the Canadian Confederation

  5. there were four provinces in the Confederation including Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario • soon British Columbia, Rupert's Landand the Northwest Territory all became part of Confederation • it wasn't until 1831 with the Statute of Westminster that Canada became a fully independent nation

  6. Canadafirstnations

  7. http://History - video

  8. What were the first permanent settlements in Canada? • Which year did Canada become independent country?

  9. French • In 1831

  10. Zdroje: • http://google.com • http://clipart.com • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yDVg1NS4hGU

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