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How soft-skills power organizational performance

Learn about the importance of soft skills in the workplace and how they contribute to organizational success. Discover why emotional intelligence, cultural fit, and interpersonal skills are crucial for career growth and job satisfaction.

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How soft-skills power organizational performance

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  1. How soft-skills power organizational performance

  2. Rusty Lindquist VP Strategic HR Insights BambooHR Michelle Reed Chief Marketing Officer SkillSurvey

  3. High Conceptual Age (creators and empathizers) Information Age (knowledge workers) Affluence Technology Globalization Abundance Automation Asia Industrial Age (factory workers) Agricultural Age (farmers) Dan Pink A Whole New Mind Low 20thCentury 21st Century 19th Century 18th Century

  4. Hard Skills Soft Skills Skills that are learned to perform a specific job function and are more easily identifiable and quantifiable. Mostly about “what you know” Skills that are less tangible, and more associated with one’s traits or personality, that determine how we interact. Mostly about “how you act”. VS

  5. EQ Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. Travis Bradberry Author, Emotional Intelligence 2.0

  6. Soft Skills: What are they?

  7. Soft Skills: An Economic Necessity

  8. –Ram Charan • Best-selling Author, • World-renowned Business Advisor

  9. –Bersin by Deloitte

  10. According to CareerBuilder: 77% of employers believe that soft skills are just as important as hard skills. Almost 20% said they were more important than hard skills.

  11. Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient (or EQ) boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, leadershiptalent, health, relationship satisfaction, humor, and happiness. It is also the best antidote to work stress and it matters in every job — because all jobs involve dealing with people, and people with higher EQ are morerewarding to deal with. -HBR

  12. Soft Skills: Cultural Fit

  13. “The Multi-Generational Job Search” Following a national survey of job seekers and HR professionals, 43% said that “cultural fit” was the single most important determining factor when making a new hire. -Millennial Branding & Beyond.com

  14. Hiring Managers Want More Strong Work Ethic 73% Flexible 51% Dependable 73% Effective Communicator 56% Positive Attitude 72% Team-Oriented 60% Organized 57% Confident 46% Works Well Under Pressure 57% Self Motivated 66% * Source: CareerBuilder

  15. Resign Yourself to This Reality 46% of newly hired employees will fail within 18 months 89%for lack of soft skills – such as professionalism or ability to get along with others * Source: “Hire for Attitude” Forbes, January 23, 2012 † Source: “Hiring for attitude: Research & tools to skyrocket your success rate” Mark Murphy, Leadership IQ, 2012

  16. Hiring Well is Hard This has probably happened to you before… Person appears perfect… dressed well great answers a sense of confidence You hire him in your organization …. …and he poisons it

  17. And you inevitably end up saying… Hiring Well is HARD …the thing is, he interviewed really well.

  18. What Went Wrong? Resumes “Over 50% of candidates lie on resumes…” Steven D. Levitt – co-author “Freakonomics”

  19. What Went Wrong? Resumes Interviews “81% of people lied about themselves during job interviews…” Brent Weiss & Robert Feldman, U Mass

  20. What Went Wrong? Resumes Interviews Self-Assessments “Research consistently demonstrates that candidates are able to fake personality measures…” International Journal of Selection and Assessment “Cognitive ability tests have a high adverse impact for minorities…” SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines

  21. “Soft Skills” proficiency: the truest predictors of success

  22. True Predictors of Success Proficiency in a short list of competency areas, which focus on soft skills, are the true predictors of success in almost every job. Interpersonal Skills Problem Solving and Adaptability Professionalism Personal Value Commitment Managing Others Leadership

  23. Professionalism It’s the “price of entry” and consists of a wide variety of behaviors and skills. Some apply to jobs across the board: Dependability Following instructions Work ethic

  24. Professionalism Chemical Engineer Develop and implement comprehensive safety procedures for workers who handle chemicals and operate equipment Ensure compliance with all relevant safety and environmental regulations (e.g., follow all rules for disposal of hazardous materials Sales Professional Accurately prepare customer orders, proposals, presentations and out-ward facing communications to customers Consistently meet or exceed sales goals Comprehend the sales cycle and follow best practices throughout the entire process

  25. Interpersonal Skills Having interpersonal skills like the following will make a candidate far more likely to succeed: Listening Relationship-building Collaboration

  26. Interpersonal Skills Housekeeper Provide a high level of service to all guests Remain calm and helpful when handling complains from guests Registered Nurse Provide others with personal assistance, medical attention, and emotional support in a caring and compassionate manner Listen carefully to patients and co-workers, taking time to understand and ask appropriate questions without interrupting

  27. Problem Solving and Adaptability Every job essentially requires the ability to assess and analyze issues as well as adaptability to changing conditions: Analyzing and summarizing information Making decisions Adapting to change If you can determine problem solving and adaptability of a candidate based upon the challenges of a specific job, you will get insight into the candidate’s likely success in your organization.

  28. Problem Solving and Adaptability Help Desk Support Remain flexible and adapt to variety on the job (e.g., effectively handle unexpected situations and changing conditions) Handle multiple projects effectively in a fast-paced environment Payroll Clerk Make high-quality decisions based upon facts and business priorities Know when to escalate issues to manager in order to ensure prompt resolution to problems

  29. Personal Value Commitment A candidate’s commitment to values and ethics is a key driver of your own risk exposure. It’s important to know to what degree and applicant possesses: Integrity Respect for others Adherence to standardsand policies There are positions that provide employees with access to sensitive personal, financial or security data.

  30. Personal Value Commitment Controller Act with ethics and integrity, ensuring that the organization’s financial activities and records meet or exceed accounting standards Maintain confidentiality and privacy of company and client information Graphic Artist Ensure that all aspects of a project meet or exceed industry standards Act with ethics and integrity, maintaining confidentiality and privacy of client and company information

  31. Hiring Someone to Be in a Position of Power? If so, you’re probably going to need to understand two additional competencies and apply them to determine job success.

  32. Managing Others While many jobs clearly demand management skills, many others will call on them at times. Skills needed include: Selecting and retaining talent Leading a team Holding others accountable

  33. Leadership The truly high profile positions call for an even larger set of competencies. Skills needed include: Setting direction Managing change Motivating others

  34. Leadership Chief Financial Officer Work with the executive team to develop short and long-term financial plans, objectives, policies and actions Serve as a trusted advisor to the President and others on challenging solutions Chief Information Officer Act as a catalyst, communicating the need for change and inspiring action Create the vision to master information technology as a competitive tool

  35. True Predictors of Success Proficiency in a short list of competency areas, which focus on soft skills, are the true predictors of success in almost every job. Interpersonal Skills Problem Solving and Adaptability Professionalism Personal Value Commitment Managing Others Leadership

  36. Soft skills are important Resumes, interviews, personality assessments

  37. Soft skills are important Resumes, interviews, personality assessments

  38. Feedback related to past work performance is the single best predictor of future job success

  39. “When the criterion was academic achievement or job performance, other-ratings yielded predictive validities substantially greater than and incremental to self-ratings.” Connelly & Ones, 2010, p. 1092 “Nothing in the science of prediction and selection beats observing actual performance in an equivalent role.” Peter Cappelli, Director, Center for Human Resources, The Wharton School

  40. A Different Approach More Informed Hiring Decisions Job Specific Insights from References Better Compliance

  41. Studies and Published Reports are Proof

  42. Bottom-Line: Soft Skills Matter

  43. While leaders need analytical competencies such as those associated with strategy, finance and all the planning processes, research on Emotional Intelligence suggests it is increasingly the "soft" skills that differentiate those who are highly successful from those who just get by. - “What makes a leader” HBR

  44. What can’t be replaced in any organization imaginable in the future is precisely what seems overlooked today: liberal arts skills, such as creativity, empathy, listening, and vision. These skills, not digital or technological ones, will hold the keys to a company’s future success. And yet companies aren’t hiring for them. This is a problem for today’s digital companies, and it’s only going to get worse. - Tom Perrault, Chief People Officer

  45. Soft-Skills Identification & Hiring

  46. Soft-Skills Alignment

  47. Soft-Skills Development

  48. Thank you! Follow BambooHR and SkillSurvey on social media: bamboohr.com/blog |skillsurvey.com

  49. Questions? BambooHR Receive a free job posting on our ATS and full HRIS for one week. We will contact everyone within the next few days to set this up. SkillSurvey Download our free eBook: Soft Skills, Hard Benefits: Assessing the key predictors of successful hires

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