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This part of speech can name a person, place, thing, or idea.

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This part of speech can name a person, place, thing, or idea.

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  1. From Tellico Plains, Tennessee, This… is… Jeopardy! Here’s how the game works: The stuff in this game will be about things Ms. Gandy has taught you throughout the year, so try to remember! The team that’s in control picks a category and a point amount.There is a regular Jeopardy! roundand a Final Jeopardy! round in which you will have thirty seconds to come up with a response to a clue. In this round, you may bet as many of your points you’ve earned so far as you want, but be careful! If you come up with the correct question, you win however many points you bet, but if you get it wrong, you lose them! (The Think! music is included in this round, too!) Finally, all responses MUST be phrased in the form of a QUESTION! Example: Who is…? What is…?

  2. Parts of Speech for 1000 This part of speech can name a person, place, thing, or idea. What is a noun? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  3. Parts of Speech for 2000 This type of noun names any general person, place, thing, or idea. What is a common noun? To Final Jeopardy! Category To Jeopardy! Game Board

  4. Parts of Speech for 3000 This type of noun names a specific person, place, thing, or idea. What is a proper noun? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  5. Parts of Speech for 4000 This part of speech expresses action; it can also link something to something else in the sentence. What is a verb? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  6. Parts of Speech for 5000 This part of speech can describe something, so you’d better know how to “unpack”it! What is an adjective? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  7. Grammar Rock for 1000 You can get these at Lolly’s store. What are adverbs? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  8. Grammar Rock for 2000 These parts of speech just always seem to be busy! What are prepositions? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  9. Grammar Rock for 3000 This place wants to know, “What’s your function?” What is Conjunction Junction? To Final Jeopardy! Category To Jeopardy! Game Board

  10. Grammar Rock for 4000 Saying this type of word can be much easier than saying Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla! What is a pronoun? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  11. Grammar Rock for 5000 Mr. Morton is this, and what the predicate says he does! What is the subject of the sentence? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  12. The Writing Process for 1000 This step of the Writing Process occurs when you come up with ideas for a paper. What is Prewriting? (What is Brainstorming? is also acceptable.) To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  13. The Writing Process for 2000 This step is when you put your ideas down on paper, and making mistakes is good at this step! What is Rough Draft? To Final Jeopardy! Category To Jeopardy! Game Board

  14. The Writing Process for 3000 In this step, you can change some things about your paper, or correct mistakes. What is Revising? (What is Editing? or What is Proofreading? is also acceptable.) To Final Jeopardy! Category To Jeopardy! Game Board

  15. The Writing Process for 4000 The step where you redo your paper so that it is mistake-free and official is called this. What is Final Draft? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  16. The Writing Process for 5000 The last step of the Writing Process, called this, is when you completely finish your work, whether by turning it in or telling it to a person or group. What isPublishing? (What is Presenting? is also acceptable.) To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  17. Types of Writing for 1000 This type of writing lists facts, or is nonfiction. What is expository writing? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  18. Types of Writing for 2000 This is a type of writing that asks the reader to do or believe something. What is persuasive writing? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  19. Types of Writing for 3000 This is a type of writing that often rhymes, and is arranged in lines; not sentences! What is poetry? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  20. Types of Writing for 4000 A type of writing that shows the similarities and differences between two topics is called this. What is compare and contrast? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  21. Types of Writing for 5000 This piece of writing explains a procedure to the reader, step-by-step. What is a process paper? (What is a how-to paper? is also acceptable.) To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  22. You’re Not My Type for 1000 This is a type of sentence that usually tells information or facts. What is a declarative sentence? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  23. You’re Not My Type for 2000 This sentence shows strong feeling or emotion. What is an exclamatory sentence? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  24. You’re Not My Type for 3000 A sentence that asks a question is known as this kind. What is an interrogative sentence? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  25. You’re Not My Type for 4000 This sentence gives a command. What is an imperative sentence? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  26. You’re Not My Type for 5000 This sentence has the understood you in it. What is an imperative sentence? To Jeopardy! Game Board To Final Jeopardy! Category

  27. Your FinalJeopardy! Category is: Writing Letters To Final Jeopardy! Answer

  28. Final Jeopardy! Answer It’s the punctuation mark you should put after the greeting of a business letter. Class, you have thirty seconds… Good luck! To Jeopardy! Think! music

  29. To Final Jeopardy!Question

  30. What is a colon? To Jeopardy! Champion slide

  31. The team with the most points is crowned as today’s Jeopardy! Champion! Congratulations to each team and thank you very, very, very much for playing! Jeopardy! is a Brad Gandy PowerPoint Production.

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