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Elaine R. Hicks, MSLIS, MPH, MCHES Education/Health Literacy Librarian

nola ILC Forum 2013 Find, retrieve, organize and use information: Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences Resources for Research The Emerging Scholars Environmental Health Sciences Academy. Elaine R. Hicks, MSLIS, MPH, MCHES Education/Health Literacy Librarian

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Elaine R. Hicks, MSLIS, MPH, MCHES Education/Health Literacy Librarian

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  1. nola ILC Forum 2013Find, retrieve, organize and use information: Rudolph Matas Library of the Health SciencesResources for ResearchThe Emerging Scholars Environmental Health Sciences Academy Elaine R. Hicks, MSLIS, MPH, MCHES Education/Health Literacy Librarian Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences

  2. Workshop sponsors Tulane University National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences Center for Gulf Coast Environmental Health Research, Leadership, and Strategic Initiatives

  3. Session Content • Develop a research question • Use the Matas library resources and consult librarian if needed • Use database features to develop and execute successful search strategies • Compare results from two different sources of information • Create a report with bibliographic information in appropriate format

  4. Outcome, Activity & AssessmentUse database features to develop and execute successful search strategies (AASL S1) Comprehension Check #1: Share some ways a search in Web of Science differs from a Google search

  5. PMID 21755186 Keyword searching and controlled vocabulary--MESH • PMID 23192090 • Features: • Link Out- • more resources • MedlinePlus • Hazardous Substances DataBase (HSDB)

  6. Assessment: Complete the poll on the LibGuide

  7. Compare results from two different sources of information (AASL S1) Keyword Search Worksheet: PubMed/MEDLINE Instructions: Using the PMID, locate the article below in PubMed/MEDLINE. Using related words (MESH terms) assigned to the article. Using those terms, locate a similar article in the comparison database. Svendsen ER, Gonzales M, Mukerjee S, Smith L, Ross M, Walsh D, et al. GIS-Modeled Indicators of Traffic-Related Air Pollutants and Adverse Pulmonary Health Among Children in El Paso, Texas. Am.J.Epidemiol. 2012 OCT 1;176:S131-S141. PMID:  23035137 Topic: Natural language OR MESH terms AND natural language OR MESH terms = results Natural language: traffic Natural language: air pollutant Natural language: pulmonary health Natural language: children Natural language: GIS AND AND AND AND Motor vehicles/statistics & numerical data Lung disease/chemically induced Geographic Information systems Air pollution/adverse effects child OR MESH terms OR MESH terms OR OR Combine natural language (author keywords) with keywords (related terms) provided by indexers Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences, Tulane University Elaine Hicks, MS, MPH, MCHES ehicks2@tulane.edu; (504) 988-2785

  8. Compare results from two different sources of information (AASL S1) Keyword Search Worksheet: EBSCO/MEDLINE Instructions: Select Advanced Search’. Using the MESH terms found in PubMed/MEDLINE, locate a similar article in EBSCO/MEDLINE. Record topic and the PMID. Similar article PMID: Topic: Natural language OR MESH terms AND natural language OR MESH terms = Results Natural traffic language: GIS Natural language: children Natural language: traffic Natural language: air pollutant Natural language: pulmonary health : AND AND AND AND Lung disease/chemically induced Geographic Information systems Motor vehicles/statistics & numerical data Air pollution/adverse effects child OR MESH terms OR MESH terms OR OR Combine natural language (author keywords) with (related terms) provided by indexers Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences, Tulane University Elaine Hicks, MS, MPH, MCHES ehicks2@tulane.edu; (504) 988-2785

  9. Outcome, Activity & AssessmentCreate a report with bibliographic information in appropriate format (AASL S3)

  10. Thank you! Elaine R. Hicks ehicks2@tulane.edu 988-2785 What 1 thing will you remember?

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