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Collective Worship

Collective Worship. Verity Holloway Salisbury Diocesan RE and Collective Worship Adviser. Good quality Collective Worship includes……. Setting atmosphere Theme and development Providing opportunities for spiritual development including reflection and prayer

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Collective Worship

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  1. Collective Worship Verity Holloway Salisbury Diocesan RE and Collective Worship Adviser

  2. Good quality Collective Worship includes…….. • Setting atmosphere • Theme and development • Providing opportunities for spiritual development including reflection and prayer • A good balance between the use of sound, silence, visual/expressive arts • Pupil involvement

  3. What is Collective worship for ? • Collective worship in schools should aim to provide the opportunity for pupils to worship God, to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own beliefs; to encourage participation and response,…and to develop community spirit, promote a common ethos and shared values, and reinforce positive values’ (Circular 1/94 paragraph 50) • Collective worship provides a daily opportunity to enhance pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.’ (PSHE/Citizenship: Initial guidance to schools)

  4. Legal requirements :Collective Worship • It is a statutory requirement that all schools hold a daily act of worship…not an assembly! • This can be at any time of day • This can be whole school, year group, key stage, class, etc • Must reflect age, aptitude, and background of children • Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship (and/or RE) • Teachers, inc Head teacher, have the right to withdraw from Collective Worship and RE (VC and Community Schools only)

  5. …and the difference between community and Church schools is? • In a community schools collective worship should be ‘Mainly of a broadly Christian nature’ • In Church schools collective worship should be ‘in accordance with the schools trust deed’

  6. An Inspector calls ....denominational inspection For example - SIAS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools) • How well does the school, through its distinctively Christian character, meet the needs of all learners? • What is the impact of collective worship? • How effective is religious education? • How effective are the leadership and management of the school, as a church schools

  7. Collective Worship needs to be….. • Well planned • Central to the whole community • Create a sense of occasion • Meaningful from beginning to end • Give recognition to the spiritual development and experience of pupils

  8. Within church schools Collective Worship should be: • integral to the life of the school • of the highest possible quality • providing opportunities for pupils to reflect on spiritual issues • providing an experience of worship which is well balanced, creative, rich and varied

  9. Support material might include…. Values for Life Lighting the Candle Pause for reflection Diaries of Reflection

  10. Resources Bibles : Lion Storyteller Bible: Bob Hartman The book of books: Trevor Dennis Bible stories Flip chart (TTS) • Assemblies for Primary schools and or Cracking Assemblies: Margaret Cooling • Values for life: SW Diocesan Advisers • Stilling: Michael Beesley • Flippin’ Praise : Ely Diocese • Promoting Pupils SMSC development through Collective Worship: Solihull Metropolitan Council tel: 0121070406636

  11. Websites • www.assemblies.org.uk • www.schoolassemblies.btinternet.co.uk • www.teachernet.gov.uk/assemblies • www.cowo.culham.ac.uk • www.salisbury.anglican.org/schools/collective-worship • www.salisbury.anglican.org/schools/collective-worship/diaries-of-reflection

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