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Establishment of Association of World Election Bodies

Establishment of Association of World Election Bodies. Contents. Background Progress Outcomes for the 3 rd Working Group Meeting for A-WEB IV. Future Plans. Ⅰ. Background. Ⅰ. Background of Suggesting the International Organization by NEC of Korea.

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Establishment of Association of World Election Bodies

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  1. Establishment of Association of World Election Bodies

  2. Contents • Background • Progress • Outcomes for the 3rd Working Group Meeting for A-WEB • IV. Future Plans

  3. Ⅰ.Background

  4. Ⅰ.Background of Suggesting the International Organization by NEC of Korea (1) History of Political Development In Korea Economic Development · Newborn independent country after the World War Ⅱ · in 1950: Civil War between North and South Korea for 3 years ·Fluctuations in GNP per capita - in 1954($67), in1955($65) - in 2002: $33,000 [measured by purchasing power parity per capita) Democratic Development ·Military Dictatorship : Authoritarian leadership for 20 years ·3 Pro-Democracy Movements : in1960, 1980 & 1987 - Movements resulting in→ a number of sacrifices made - Constitutional Amendment to include direct election system (in1987) : Institutional democracy achieved ·Roles the NEC has played - improve electoral laws, execute political laws fairly - gain public trust, actual democracy achieved`

  5. Ⅰ.Background of Suggesting the International Organization by NEC of Korea (2) International Exchanges Vigorously Promoted by NEC International Exchange · Vigorous exchange and cooperation with each country ※ Signed a Memorandum of Understandingwith 15 organizations / Participated in 34 international election observation programs · Various activities as a current chair country of AAEA Support for Emerging Democracies · Support for electoral system and legislative process in each country · Training programs for electoral officials in each country ※ 25 programs run for 317 persons in 41 countries as of 2012 The NEC has felt the need for more systematic international exchange and cooperation

  6. Ⅱ.Challenges Faced by Existing International Organizations & Issues of International Exchange • Limitations against • Existing International Organization · Lack of global exchange of information and feedback Activities by Regional Election-related Associations · Non-professional EMBs and insufficient capacity building Activities of International Organizations (Governmental Organizations)

  7. Ⅱ. Challenges Faced by Existing International Organizations & Issues of International Exchange (2) Limitation on Exchange of Election-related Information in Each Country ·Restrictions on comparison / study of electoral systems in each country No Existing Integrated Database Language Barrier ·Common Language (eg. English) as well as Native Tongues Required for Management

  8. Ⅱ.Challenges Faced by Existing International Organizations & Issues of International Exchange (3) Limitation on Support at National Level for Emerging Democracies No Long-term Plans ·One-time and sporadic support ·Concern over dependency relationship growing between donor and recipient countries Inter-dependence among Countries

  9. Ⅲ. Alternatives Strengthen sharing of election-related information among countries Limitation on Exchange of Election-related Information in Each Country (A-WEB) Increase exchange & collaboration in the field of election Limitation on Support for Emerging Democracies Provide systematic support for elections in emerging democracies Advance elections through joint research Limitation on Existing Organizational Structure Promote democracy around the world

  10. Ⅱ. Progress

  11. Ⅰ.Holding for the Forum on the Establishment of A-WEB Overview ❍ Date and Place: Seoul in October, 2011 ❍ Attendance: 53 representatives (from 23 nations & international organizations) ❍ Outcomes : Adopt the Resolution to establish A-WEB Outcomes ❍ Decide its name tentatively as the Association of World Election Bodies ❍ Discuss practical roles and ways to finance for A-WEB ❍ Consensus on the necessity for A-WEB ; agree on exchange and cooperation among all EMBs around the world by organizing the Working Group and studying the feasibility of its implementation

  12. Ⅱ.Working Group Organized for Launch of A-WEB Qualification as Participants ❍ Participants: Election-related international organizations and both the chair and the vice-chair from each regional association ※ The chair of the regional association can recommend one of its member nations as a representative for the Working Group meeting when there is no vice-chair. Guidelines for the Working Group ❍ Study and proposals on roles, structures, future plans and activities agreed upon through the forum on the establishment of A-WEB ❍ The chair of each regional association should ask its members in advance about their opinions on the agenda to be handled in the Working Group meeting. Opinions of each regional association will be put up for a follow- up discussion during the Working Group meeting. ❍ Working-level representatives (with positions at Director-General level or above) from each organization and association composes the Working Group.

  13. Ⅲ.The 1st Working Group Meeting for A-WEB Overview ❍ Date and Place : The National Election Commission, Republic of Korea (Seoul) in May, 2012 ❍ Attendance: 15 representatives (from 8 electoral organizations) ※ AAEA(4), ACEO(2), ACEEEO(2), UNIORE(2), IFES(1), IIDEA(2), EISA(1), UNDP(1) Outcomes ❍ Consensus for A-WEB’s Vision and Mission

  14. Ⅳ.The 2nd Working Group Meeting for A-WEB Overview ❍ Date and Place: Bosnia-Herzegovina in September, 2012 ❍ Attendance: 14 representatives (from 8 organizations) ※ AAEA(3), ACEEEO(3), SADC(1), UNIORE(1), CDD(1), EISA(2), IIDEA(1), UNDP(2) Outcomes ❍ Consensus on roles, membership, structures and financing of A-WEB ❍ The NEC of Korea will provide secretariat functions till the General Assembly meets and decides about Secretariat

  15. Ⅲ.Outcomes for the 3rd Working Group Meeting for A-WEB

  16. Ⅰ.Outcomes for the 3rd Working Group Meeting for A-WEB Overview ❍ Date and Place: Jeju Island in March, 2013 ❍ Attendance: 11 representatives (from 9 organizations) ※ AAEA(3), ACEEEO(1), SADC(1), UNIORE(2), IFES(1), EISA(1), IIDEA(1), UNDP(1) Outcomes ❍ Consensus for the A-WEB Charter ❍ Discussions on roles of the Working Group for a successful launch of A-WEB

  17. Ⅱ.Main Points of the A-WEB Charter (1) Main Points ❍ [VISION] To foster efficiency and effectiveness in conducting free, fair, transparent and participative elections worldwide ❍ 【Mission】 To identify latest trends, challenges and developments in democratic electoral management and electoral processes and to facilitate appropriate exchange of experience and expertise among members with the objective of strengthening electoral democracy worldwide

  18. Ⅱ.Main Points of the A-WEB Charter (2) Main Points ❍ 【Objectives】 - Encourage the development of a democratic culture to hold free and fairelections; - Encourage the development of electoral laws that adhere to internationally accepted principles for election management; - Promote supportive relationships between election management bodies and election stakeholders; - Facilitate access to and sharing of election information; - Encourage capacity building programs of election management bodies; - Establish relations with other organizations with similar objectives; - Support and facilitate election observation programs on the request of members; and - Perform other functions that are supportive of the above-mentioned objectives.

  19. Ⅱ.Main Points of the A-WEB Charter (3) Main Points ❍ 【Type of Entity】 A non-political, autonomous and independent association comprising election bodies around the world while not interfering with the sovereignty of any country ❍ 【Composition】 National election management bodies of all countries ❍ 【Organs】 The General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Secretariat ❍ 【The General Assembly】 Held once every two years

  20. Ⅱ.Main Points of the A-WEB Charter (4) Main Points ❍ 【The Executive Board】 Not more than 10 election management bodies elected at the General Assembly; the Chairperson ; the Vice-Chairperson ; and the Secretary General -(Term of Office)Except for the Secretary General, the Executive Board members shall serve a two-year term of office and shall serve a maximum of two consecutive terms ❍ 【The Chairperson】Head of the election management body that hosts the General Assembly ❍ 【The Vice-Chairperson】Head of the election management body to host the next General Assembly ❍ 【The Secretary-General】 The General Assembly shall approve the appointment of the Secretary General taking into account the recommendation of the Executive Board following the suggestion by the Head of the Election Management Body of the Country where the Secretariat is located. - (Term of Office) four years and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms

  21. Ⅱ.The Main Points of the A-WEB Charter (5) Main Points ❍ 【The Secretariat】 The seat of the Secretariat shall be situated in the Republic of Korea. -(Composition)The Secretariat’s staff shall be multinational and consist of appropriately qualified individuals and shall represent a balance of nationalities, gender and people with disability. -(Operation costs of the Secretariat) The election management body in the country where the Secretariat is located will bear the costs for leasing and maintaining the office building and for facilitating the operation of the Secretariat.

  22. IV .Future Plans

  23. Ⅰ.Launch for the A-WEB Inaugural Assembly & the 6th GEO Conference Overview ❍ Date and Place : October 14 ~ 17, 2013(Song-do International City, Incheon, Korea) ❍ Attendance: 400 representatives and distinguished guests(from around 150 EMBs and relevant international organizations) Main Substance ❍ The A-WEB Inaugural Assembly - Adopt the Charter and proclaim the establishment of A-WEB - Select the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson and make up the Executive Board - Confirm the seat of the Secretariat lastly ❍ Holding of the 6th GEO Conference - Theme: 「Sustainable Electoral Processes, Strengthening Democracy」

  24. Ⅱ. Need for Cooperation Join ·Participate Cooperate · Support Department of International Electoral Affairs The National Election Commission of ROK Tel : +82-2-503-0883 E-mail : necvote@gmail.com

  25. Thank You

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