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Statistical Methods in NLP Course 7 Diana Trandabăț 2013-2014

Statistical Methods in NLP Course 7 Diana Trandabăț 2013-2014. Earley’s Algorithm. Uses dynamic programming to do parallel top-down search in (worst case) O( n 3 ) time First, left to right pass fills out a chart with n +1 states ( n : the number of words in the input)

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Statistical Methods in NLP Course 7 Diana Trandabăț 2013-2014

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  1. Statistical Methods in NLP Course 7 Diana Trandabăț 2013-2014

  2. Earley’s Algorithm • Uses dynamic programming to do parallel top-down search in (worst case) O(n3) time • First, left to right pass fills out a chart with n+1 states (n: the number of words in the input) • Think of chart entries as sitting between words in the input string keeping track of states of the parse at these positions • For each word position, chart contains set of states representing all partial parse trees generated to date. E.g. chart[0] contains all partial parse trees generated at the beginning of the sentence

  3. Chart entries represent three type of constituents: • predicted constituents (top-down predictions) • in-progress constituents (we’re in the midst of …) • completed constituents (we’ve found …) • Progress in parse represented by Dotted Rules • Position of • indicates type of constituent • 0 Book 1 that 2 flight 3 S --> • VP, [0,0] (predicting VP) NP --> Det • Nom, [1,2] (finding NP) VP --> V NP •, [0,3] (found VP) • [x,y] tells us where the state begins (x) and where the dot lies (y) wrt the input

  4. 0 Book 1 that 2 flight 3 S --> • VP, [0,0] • First 0 means S constituent begins at the start of the input • Second 0 means the dot is here too • So, this is a top-down prediction NP --> Det • Nom, [1,2] • the NP begins at position 1 • the dot is at position 2 • so, Det has been successfully parsed • Nom should be predicted next

  5. VP --> V NP •, [0,3] • Successful VP parse of entire input • Graphical representation

  6. A A D + = j k B C D E B C D E j i k i A  B C . D E A  B C D . E Overview of Earley’s Algorithm • Finds constituents and partial constituents in input • A  B C . D E is partial: only the first half of the A

  7. Successful Parse • Final answer is found by looking at last entry in chart • If entry resembles S -->  • [0,N] then input is parsed successfully • But that chart will also contain a record of all possible parses of input string, given the grammar -- not just the successful one(s)

  8. Parsing Procedure for the Earley Algorithm • Move through each set of states in order, applying one of three operators to each state: • predictor: add top-down predictions to the chart • scanner: read input and add corresponding state to chart • completer: move dot to right when new constituent found • Results (new states) added to current or next set of states in chart • No backtracking and no states removed: keep complete history of parse

  9. Predictor • Intuition: new states represent top-down expectations • Applied when non part-of-speech non-terminals are to the right of a dot S --> • VP [0,0] • Adds new states to end of current chart • One new state for each expansion of the non-terminal in the grammar VP --> • V [0,0] VP --> • V NP [0,0]

  10. Scanner • Applicable when part of speech is to the right of a dot VP --> • V NP [0,0] ‘Book…’ • Looks at current word in input • If match, adds state(s) to next chart VP --> V • NP [0,1] • I.e., we’ve found a piece of this constituent!

  11. Completer • Intuition: we’ve found a constituent, so tell everyone waiting for this • Applied when dot has reached right end of rule NP --> Det Nom • [1,3] • Find all states with dot at 1 and expecting an NP VP --> V • NP [0,1] • Adds new (completed) state(s) to current chart VP --> V NP • [0,3]

  12. Earley Algorithm: Central Loop


  14. S  NP VP S  Aux NP VP S  VP NP  Det Nom Prep from | to | on PropN  Houston | TWA CFG for Fragment of English Det  that | this | a N  book | flight | meal | money V  book | include | prefer Aux  does Nom  N Nom  N Nom NP PropN VP  V Nom  Nom PP VP  V NP PP  Prep NP

  15. Book that flight (Chart [0]) • Seed chart with top-down predictions for S from grammar

  16. When dummy start state is processed, it’s passed to Predictor, which produces states representing every possible expansion of S, and adds these and every expansion of the left corners of these trees to bottom of Chart[0] • When VP --> • V, [0,0] is reached, Scanner called, which consults first word of input, Book, and adds first state to Chart[1], VP --> Book •, [0,0] • Scanner adds V --> Book •, [0,1] to Chart[1]

  17. Chart[1] V--> book passed to Completer, which finds 2 states in Chart[0] whose left corner is V and adds them to Chart[1], moving dots to right. We also have the extension for PropN in Chart[1], not included for space reasons

  18. When VP  V  is itself processed by the Completer, S  VP  is added to Chart[1] since VP is a left corner of S • Last 2 rules in Chart[1] are added by Predictor when VP  V  NP is processed • And so on….

  19. Chart[2] Det--> that is passed to Completer, which adds them to Chart[2], moving dots to right

  20. Chart[3]

  21. How do we retrieve the parses at the end? • Augment the Completer to add pointers to prior states it advances as a field in the current state • I.e. what state did we advance here? • Read the pointers back from the final state

  22. Book that flight (Chart [0])

  23. Chart[1]

  24. Error Handling • What happens when we look at the contents of the last table column and don't find a S -->  rule? • Is it a total loss? No... • Chart contains every constituent and combination of constituents possible for the input given the grammar • Also useful for partial parsing or shallow parsing used in information extraction

  25. Astronomers saw starts with ears • S -> NP VP • VP -> V NP • VP -> VP PP • NP -> NP PP • NP -> N • PP -> P NP N -> astronomers N -> ears P -> with N -> stars V -> saw N -> telescopes

  26. But there are still problems… • Several things CFGs don’t handle elegantly: • Agreement (A cat sleeps. Cats sleep.) S  NP VP NP  Det Nom But these rules overgenerate, allowing, e.g., *A cat sleep. (wrong)

  27. - Subcategorization (Cats dream. Cats eat cantaloupe.) VP  V VP  V NP But these also allow *Cats dream cantaloupe. • We need to constrain the grammar rules to enforce e.g. number agreement and subcategorization differences

  28. CFG Solution • Encode constraints into the non-terminals • Noun/verb agreement S SgS S  PlS SgS  SgNP SgVP SgNP  SgDet SgNom • Verb subcat: IntransVP  IntransV TransVP  TransV NP

  29. But this means huge proliferation of rules… • An alternative: • View terminals and non-terminals as complex objects with associated features, which take on different values • Write grammar rules whose application is constrained by tests on these features, e.g. S  NP VP (only if the NP and VP agree in number)

  30. Feature Structures • Sets of feature-value pairs where: • Features are atomic symbols • Values are atomic symbols or feature structures • Illustrated by attribute-value matrix

  31. Number feature • Number-person features • Number-person-category features (3sgNP)

  32. Features, Unification and Grammars • How do we incorporate feature structures into our grammars? • Assume that constituents are objects which have feature-structures associated with them • Associate sets of unification constraints with grammar rules • Constraints must be satisfied for rule to be satisfied • To enforce subject/verb number agreement S  NP VP <NP NUM> = <VP NUM>

  33. Agreement in English • We need to add PERS to our subj/verb agreement constraint This cat likes fish. S  NP VP <NP AGR> = <VP AGR> Do these cats like fish? S  Aux NP VP <Aux AGR> = <NP AGR>

  34. Det/Nom agreement can be handled similarly These cats This cat NP  Det Nom <Det AGR> = <Nom AGR> <NP AGR> = <Nom AGR> • And so on …

  35. Verb Subcategorization • Recall: Different verbs take different types of argument • Solution: SUBCAT feature, or subcategorization frames e.g. Bill wants George to eat.

  36. But there are many phrasal types and so many types of subcategorization frames, e.g. • believe • believe [VPrep in] [NP ghosts] • believe [NP my mother] • believe [Sfin that I will pass this test] • believe [Swh what I see] ... • Verbs also subcategorize for subject as well as object types ([Swh What she wanted] seemed clear.)

  37. Summing Up • Ambiguity, left-recursion, and repeated re-parsing of subtrees present major problems for parsers • Solutions: • Combine top-down predictions with bottom-up look-ahead, use dynamic programming  e.g. the Earley algorithm • Feature structures and subcategorization frames help constrain parses but increase parsing complexity

  38. Great! See you tomorrow!

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