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Video Active. FIAT/IFTA Copenhagen, September 2008 Sonja de Leeuw. Comparison= Added value. COMPARISON IS KEY Exploring and showing the cultural and historical differences and similarities of television in Europe HISTORY OF TELEVISION IN EUROPE + EUROPEAN HISTORY ON TELEVISION.

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  1. Video Active FIAT/IFTA Copenhagen, September 2008 Sonja de Leeuw

  2. Comparison= Added value COMPARISON IS KEY Exploring and showing the cultural and historical differences and similarities of television in Europe HISTORY OF TELEVISION IN EUROPE + EUROPEAN HISTORY ON TELEVISION

  3. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Controversial programmes linked to issues of: • Taboos • Sexuality • Events • Social problems • Public figures/personalities • Questioning television etiquette/values • Experimental, unusual TV styles • Satirical representations on TV • National regulation versus public TV values • Censorship

  4. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes The issues relate to the two approaches: 1.The historical development of television across Europe: *Sex and taboos *Television making and television styles *Satire 2.The representation of developments and events in European history on television: *Controversial events *Current politics and social problems

  5. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Sexuality and taboos BBC: in play adaptations (Play for Today, Tipping the velvet and drama about the Falkland War) BBC: in news: controversial reception (f.i. Real Lives about Northern Ireland and Time Shift about banning) NAVA: personalized view, linked to specific actors, public figures and programmes (Ostrich; Freedom of Speech; Monica Show) VRT: topic of youth programme (1967-1968): Tienerklanken DR: pushing the borders in 1970s programme on youth revolution and in 1981s programme on the sex life of seniors (over 80) NAVA: regulative control on representations of sexuality after 1990: Troublemakers

  6. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Television making and television styles: challenging the status of television within society BBC: regulative functioning of the civil society in respect to BBC’s editorial system DR: *ethics of television making at DR *using television(in youth programmes) to rebel: how to remove your teacher and youngsters in disguise against society damage *a new Christmas show (1980) putting things upside down NAVA: regulative control lies with the National Radio and Television Commission (temporary suspending): questioning the do’s and don'ts of television in regard to public values, morals and duties

  7. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Television making and television styles: challenging the status of television within society RTBF: experimenting with television genres, confusing the audience: on-screen reflexivity (Bye Bye Belgium; Décode; Striptease; Projext X) DW: Editorial etiquette, reflecting on TV journalism (Geiseldrama Gladbeck; Compact, Michael Born)

  8. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Satire as common denominator of controversial television styles RTBF: Projext X (sarcastic news coverage) SV: Zo is het toevallig ook nog ‘s een keer (1960s) : after BBC format That was the week that was: parodying Dutch society: taken out of air SV: Youth News: ridiculising a child on the show (1992): self-reflexivity NAVA: satire still causes unease in 2007:humorist ridiculed female spokesperson to be in talk show: questions of freedom of speech and respect for personal rights

  9. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Representations of controversial events in history BBC: drama/documentary Suez: a very British Crisis (2006): feelings of unease towards the crisis TVC: documentary on the last years in the life of controversial Catalan politician Carraso I Fromiguerra (Sumarissim 477) NAVA: *documentary (2005) on the history of Benes decree by Czechoslowakia accusing Hungary of war crimes after WWII *docudrama on greatest Hungarian football player Ferenc Puskás goes back to series from the 1980s (prohibited for broadcasting): revised and extended version *news item showing Hungarian prime-minister making parallels between left-wing politicians and Hungarian dictatorial leaders before 1989

  10. Comparative Findings on Controversial Television Programmes Representations of current politics and social problems Questioning and discussing the role/status of television as a social justice watchdog in society DR: dominant in this area: since the 1980s DR screened many programmes in which abuses are revealed and/or discussed. They relate to: social problems (cleaning industry, pollution, transportation of horses), politics (moral codes, nuclear policy, health care (abortion, working with organic solvents, hips) RTBF: series of news reports on the waste of public money in urban construction work (1980s/1990s) TVC: news report on pirate TV programmes organizing fake telephone contents and on how authorities deal with the matter (Telenotíces)

  11. Added value: • Despite the great diversity of material (genres, periods): comparison is insightful • Richness of material on controversial television programmes reflects complex perspectives on the topic • Contextual information should lay out foundation for further research • Material is varied, yet homogeneous: guarantees thorough coverage of topic

  12. Thank you • Sonja de Leeuw (Project Co-ordinator) - Utrecht University, the Netherlands sonja.deleeuw@let.uu.nl • Johan Oomen (Technical Director) Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision joomen@beeldengeluid.nl

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