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  1. "No man possessing a correct understanding of the spirit of the gospel and of the authority and law of the Holy Priesthood will attempt for a moment to run before his file leader or to do anything that is not strictly in harmony with his wish and the authority that belongs to him.  The  moment a man in a subordinate position begins to usurp the authority of his leader, that moment he is out of his place, and proves by his conduct that he does not comprehend his duty, that he is not acting in the line of his calling, and is a dangerous character....He is in error the moment he acts contrary to and independent of the direction of his presiding officer; and if he continues in that course he will go astray entirely, and those who follow him will follow him astray." • Joseph F. Smith (Gospel Doctrine, pp. 185-186)

  2. "I believe the Savior possessed a fore-knowledge of all the vicissitudes through which He would have to pass in the mortal tabernacle.  If Christ knew beforehand, so did we.  But in coming here, we forgot all, that our agency might be free indeed, to choose good or evil." Joseph F. Smith  Gospel Doctrines, p. 13  • "...we had our own agency in our pre-moral existence, and whatever we are today is likely the result of that which we willed to be heretofore.  We unquestionably knew before we elected to come to this earth the conditions under which we would here exist....I have a conviction deep down in my heart that we are exactly what we should be, each one of us, except as we may have altered that pattern by deviating from the laws of God here in mortality."  Henry D. Moyle  CR, Oct. 1952, pp. 71-72

  3. "Obedient as Nephi was, his obedience did not shield him from afflictions.  The Book of Mormon teaches that opposition is a necessary part of life's test.  Nephi's bow broke in the wilderness, even though his family needed food.  Today righteous Saints lose their jobs even though they have paid their tithing and magnified their Church callings.  The test of the 'broken bow' isn't only for the one who breaks the bow but also for those affected by the break....Yet Nephi found solution to his dilemma in one simple act: 'I, Nephi, did make out of wood a bow, and out of a straight stick, an arrow' (1 Ne. 16:23)  Instead of murmuring, Nephi simply went to work and made another bow.  Murmuring wastes time, lengthens one's journey, and hardens one's heart....God may not always stop bows from breaking, but he does help in the construction of new ones." • Dennis L. Largey-Doctrines of the Book of Mormon, 1991 Sperry Symposium, p. 61

  4. "God revealed to Nephi the necessity to build a ship.  The means were not within his reach, but he felt it was right to build, and with that knowledge he proceeded to find a way to make the tools and to build the ship.  Did he make mistakes?  Did he falter?  No doubt,--else why did his murmuring brothers say: "We told you you could not build a ship; we knew you did not have the wisdom.'  But he knew he was right, and he knew God would strengthen him in building.  That thought held him; it supported him; and he succeeded in the task before him.  So it is with us;  When we are asked to do a thing, the question in our minds should be:  Is that necessary; is that right?  If so, then it shall be done, and God will open the way."  DOM  CR, Apr. 1909, p. 68

  5. "When in situations of stress we wonder if there is any more in us to give.  We can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail or be wicked.  Let us remember that we were measured before and were found equal to our tasks;  therefore, let us continue, but with a more determined discipleship.  When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not over-program us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear."  NAM  (BYU Speeches of the Year, 1978, p. 156)

  6. Lost and Scattered"The lost tribes are not lost in the sense that we do not know where they are.  The scriptures plainly tell us they have been scattered among every Nation, kindred, tongue and people.  How are the lost?  They are lost temporally in the sense that they are in many instances lost to the lands of their inheritance.  Of greater importance, they are lost in a spiritual sense:  they are lost to the gospel and its saving ordinances, they are lost to the priesthood and all the blessings that flow from it....They are so intermingled with the Gentiles of the world that they can only be identified by revelation-this revelation must come through ordained patriarchs, declaring to them their lineage and promised blessings as the chosen seed, but this only after they have found their way back to the fold of God....Our Israelite forebears were scattered because they rejected the gospel....they were scattered because they turned from the Lord...."  Millet & McConkie DCBM 1:10

  7. 1 Ne. 22:16-17,19"In the midst of all these tribulations god will send fire from heaven, if necessary, to destroy our enemies while we carry forward our work until it fills the whole earth!...You do not need to fear about anybody.  • Just serve the Lord and keep his commandments and build the kingdom, and as you do so you will be protected in these last days.  God will have his hand over you, and you can plan your lives in confidence."         Mark E. Petersen  • CR Oct. 1960, pp. 81-83

  8. 1 Ne. 22:16-17, 19"It is a false idea that the Saints will escape all the judgments, whilst the wicked suffer  for all flesh is subject to suffer, and 'the righteous shall hardly escape;' still many of the Saints will escape, for the just shall live by faith; yet many of the righteous shall fall a prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by reason of the weakness of the flesh, and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God.  SO that it is an unhallowed principle to say that such and such have transgressed because they have been preyed upon by disease or death...." JS-HC 4:11     Of course, Satan will slay some of the righteous that their blood--with the blood of all martyrs of all ages--may cry from the ground as a witness against those who fight against God.  Yet, as a people the true saints will prevail.  The Lord will reserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fullness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire.'  This refers to the day of burning that shall attend the Second Coming.  'Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.'"  BRM Mill. Mess. p. 313

  9. 1 Ne. 22:31-Enduring to the End"So, we are talking about durable discipleship!  Not the kind that stays in place only for a season and then disappears.  In fact, it could be truly said of each one of us here tonight that how much we will have to give later on, in some respects, will depend on how much we can take now.  Learning to 'endure well' is, among many other things, being able to lose face without losing heart.  It is also being able to pass through seeming or real injustice, as did Job,

  10. without, as the scriptures say,'[charging] God foolishly' (Job 1:22).  A friend of mine who passed through a most severe trial, when I discussed it with him, said simply,  'If it's fair, it isn't a trial.'  He passed through it most gracefully.  I know a widow of a General Authority who waited patiently for over forty years to rejoin her husband.  I doubt she ever murmured; she merely went on quietly doing as Nephi urged: "Following the example of the Son of the Living God." NAM-BYU Fireside, Dec. 2, 1984

  11. "I testify that it is not sufficient to be baptized and then live an acceptable life avoiding major transgressions.  The Lord has decreed that...additional ordinances and covenants ...must be received for exaltation and eternal life.  Being worthy of temple ordinances means that you will choose to do what many in the world are not willing to do . You will keep the Sabbath day holy, exercise faith through the payments of tithing and fast offerings, consistently participate in Church worship, give service, and show love and appreciation for your family by helping each member of it.  After you have received all of the temple ordinances, you will continue to grow by keeping the covenants made and faithfully 'enduring to the end' (Omni 1:26)."  RGS-Ensign, May 1997, p. 54

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