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CENTRAL BALTIC INTERREG IV A PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Cross-Border Co-operation

CENTRAL BALTIC INTERREG IV A PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Cross-Border Co-operation in the Center of the Baltic Sea Region. Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme is a new cross-border co-operation programme in the Baltic Sea Area.

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CENTRAL BALTIC INTERREG IV A PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Cross-Border Co-operation

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  1. CENTRAL BALTIC INTERREG IV A PROGRAMME 2007-2013 Cross-Border Co-operation in the Center of the Baltic Sea Region

  2. Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme is a new cross-border co-operation programme in the Baltic Sea Area. The programme area covers regions from Estonia, Finland including Åland Islands, Latvia and Sweden. Central Baltic INTERREG IV A programme will be implemented under the European Territorial Cooperation objective co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

  3. Priorities 1. Safe and Healthy Environment 2. Economically Competitive and Innovative Region 3. Attractive and Dynamic Societies

  4. ERDF Co-financing rate:Up to 75% (FIN, SWE) resp. 85% (LV, EE) of the eligible expenditure. • National State Co-financing: FIN (+)


  6. CENTRAL BALTIC PROGRAMME • Whole programme area (EE, FIN incl. ÅI, LV, SWE) • Project partners from at least two countries in the programme area • Bilateral co-operation between Finland and Estonia and co-operation focusing on sea islands issues → SF-EE or AI sub-programmes


  8. SOUTHERN FINLAND – ESTONIA SUB-PROGRAMME • Building on the foregoing Southern Finland – Estonia INTERREG III A Programme • One new adjacent area: Etelä-Karjala (South Karelia) • Project partners from Finland and Estonia • Co-operation focusing on sea islands issues → AI sub-programme


  10. ARCHIPELAGO AND ISLANDS SUB-PROGRAMME • Building on previous INTERREG III A Skärgården Programme • Project focus on sea islands issues • Project partners from at least two of the following countries: Estonia, Finland (incl. Åland Islands) and Sweden

  11. But... 1+ 1+ 1= 1Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme

  12. ERDF Allocations (rounded figures, without TA, % of total):

  13. Current Situation • Programme Document to EC (19/06/07) • Admissibility letter from EC (28/06/07) • Examination of substance and structure by EC → Comments by EC (16/08/07) • Discussion with the EC (ongoing) • Approval by EC expected for late 2007 • First call before the end of 2007 (tbc) • Parallel: Set-up of Joint Technical Secretaria, preparing relevant materials etc.

  14. More information • Joint Technical Secretariat (Turku, Finland) Head of Secretariat Mr. Philipp SCHWARTZ Tel.: +358 2 2100 967, GSM: +358 40 352 5625 E-mail:philipp.schwartz@varsinais-suomi.fi • Managing Authority (Regional Council of Southwest Finland) Programme Director Ms. Tarja NUOTIO Tel.: +358 2 2100 948, GSM: +358 40 506 3715 E-mail:tarja.nuotio@varsinais-suomi.fi Coming soon:www.centralbaltic.eu

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