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Thai Song Dam Identity: Cultural Construction and Its Maintenance

The 11 th International Conference on Thai Studies. 26-28 July 2010. Thai Song Dam Identity: Cultural Construction and Its Maintenance. Narong Ardsmiti Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia. Objectives.

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Thai Song Dam Identity: Cultural Construction and Its Maintenance

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  1. The 11th International Conference on Thai Studies 26-28 July 2010 Thai Song Dam Identity: Cultural Construction and Its Maintenance NarongArdsmiti Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia

  2. Objectives • To explain how Thai Song Dam’s identities have been constructed and how Thai Song Dam people make use their culture for negotiating with dominant culture

  3. Primary Statement • Identity formation and maintenance: Ethnic identity is maintained through the practice of ancestral worship and continued belief in ancestral spirit. Their identities are not only to inform others to know who they are; instead, they become strategies of self-presentation to negotiate ethnic identity with dominant cultures.

  4. Initial Finding • 2 main factors that have contributed to strong ethnic identity maintenance among the Thai Song Dam: • In-group Marriage • Strict adherence to spiritual ritual performances • Building ethnic collectivity through Thai Song Dam Day

  5. In-group Marriage Restricted mobility • Forced to stay within contained areas In-group Marriage Cultural Attitude Strong cultural transmission Negative attitudes against other groups

  6. Ritual and Transmission • Belief in Spirits “If we propitiate ancestral spirits, they would bring good luck to us.” • Thai Song Dam observes a number of spiritual rituals. Each ritual requires specific practices • Sean Rean - grand ritual conducted every 3-4 years • Pa Tong - food offering to the spirits every 5-10 days • Sean Tan Ban Nor - traditional healing by invoking spirits • Sean Ton - merit making ceremony to bring good fortune to oneself • etc.

  7. Ritual and Transmission Analysis • All Thai Song Dam’s Rituals have purposes for group members • Seeking comfort and security • To bring good luck, to protect against evil spirits and misfortunes • Paying respect to ancestors • Valorization of respect for elders • Re-enforcing social structure • Who you are/ Whose status you are (social hierarchy and roles) • To get together among relative descents • Tight social relationships • Require continued observers to carry on practices

  8. New Cultural Invention • Thai Song Dam Day (Since 1957) • Coin a new word “Thai Song Dam” • Initial objectives • Organizing various ceremonies in one place • Present “Thai Song Dam” cultures to government officials and the public • Express group unity

  9. New Cultural Invention • Thai Song Dam Day (in the present) • Locating the Thai Song Dam in Thai national imaginary • Proud to be Thai under the Thai monarch

  10. New Cultural Invention • Networking among co-ethnics in different places • Creating space for ethnic identity expression

  11. New Cultural Invention • Negotiating ethnic identity within dominant culture in everyday life at the festival

  12. Initial Conclusion • In the past 2 main factors • In-group marriage • Continue practicing ritual performances • Nowadays • In-group marriage • Continue practicing ritual performances • Create a Thai Song Dam Day

  13. Initial Conclusion Thai Song Dam Day Create self esteem as Thai equal to others Create network among co-ethnics Create social space • Negotiate ethnic identity • with dominant culture

  14. Thai Song Dam Identity: Cultural Construction and Its Maintenance Thank You

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