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“Grammar to Explain”

“Grammar to Explain”. 수사에는 개수를 나타내는 기수와 순서를 나타내는 서수가 있는데 명사나 부사로도 쓰이기도 하나 원래 형용사의 범주에 속한다. 수의 단위인 hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion 등은 그 앞에 복수의 수가 붙어도 복수형으로 하지 않는다. two hundred / three thousand / four million / five billion / six trillion

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“Grammar to Explain”

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  1. “Grammar to Explain” • 수사에는 개수를 나타내는 기수와 순서를 나타내는 서수가 있는데 명사나 • 부사로도 쓰이기도 하나 원래 형용사의 범주에 속한다. • 수의 단위인 hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion 등은 그 앞에 복수의 • 수가 붙어도 복수형으로 하지 않는다. • two hundred / three thousand / four million / five billion / six trillion • hundred, thousand, million 등이 (복수형+of)로 쓰이면 수백, 수천, 수백만 • Hundreds of [thousands of] children (수백[천] 명의 아이들) • Millions of computers have been sold out. (올해 수백만 대의 컴퓨터가 팔렸다.) • 수 읽는 법 • (1) 정수 : 23--twenty-three / 99--ninety-nine / 452--four-hundred (and) fifty-two • 3,891 -- three-thousand eight-hundred (and) ninety-one • = thirty-eight hundred (and) ninety-one • 2,001 -- two thousand and one • (2) 분수 : 1/3 -- a-third = one-third / 2/3 -- two-thirds • 1/2 -- a-half = one-half / 1/4 -- a-quarter = one-quarter • (3) 소수 : 26.43 -- twenty-six point four three / 0.195 -- zero point one nine five

  2. Maxims Introduced by Teacher • Three years have gone by. Yes, the sun's come up over • a thousand times. • from Thornton Wilder's “Our Town” • Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per- • cent perspiration. Thomas Alva Edison • One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety- • nine who have only interests. John Stuart Mill • My real pleasure is that 4 times a week 1,800 people • are standing up and shouting on Broadway for an author • who died hundreds of years ago. • Terry Hands, 왕립 셰익스피어 공연단 단장

  3. Maxims Translated by Student • First, do no harm. from “Hippocratic Oath” • In artistic and literary quality our civilization will, I • believe, certainly rank below that of fifth and fourth • century Athens, and of fourteenth and fifteenth cen- • tury Italy. • from Livingstone's “The Meaning of Civilization” • Self-trust is the first secret of success. • Ralph W. Emerson • Fidelity is seven-tenths of business success. • Before the rooster crows twice, you yourself will • disown me three times. • from Mark (마가복음) 14 : 30

  4. “My Maxim” Activity • 다음 명언과 비슷한 문장을 만들어 보시오. • If a bee stings you once, it's the bee's fault; if a • bee stings you twice, it's your own damn fault. • <학생영작사례> • If anyone betrays you once, it's his fault; if he • betrays you twice, it's your fault.

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