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The Renewed Compact

The Renewed Compact. Adam Pickering – Engagement Officer. Compact Voice – who are we?. Charity representing the voluntary and community sector on Compact Co-signatories on national Compact Membership organisation Aim to promote Compact working through training, advocacy and expertise.

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The Renewed Compact

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  1. The Renewed Compact Adam Pickering – Engagement Officer

  2. Compact Voice – who are we? Charity representing the voluntary and community sector on Compact Co-signatories on national Compact Membership organisation Aim to promote Compact working through training, advocacy and expertise www.compactvoice.org.uk

  3. Why do we need a Compact? Public body that wants to engage Sector that is able to engage Mechanism which enables them to engage effectively The Compact www.compactvoice.org.uk

  4. What does it do? Provides the basis of good cross sector relationships Multi-year funding standard, payment in advance, full cost recovery 3 months notice of changes in funding clear consultation standards (12 week standard) Right to campaign Every local area in England covered, also nationally www.compactvoice.org.uk

  5. Why has it been renewed? Intention stated during “Big Society” launch in April Driven by new government’s agenda Policy landscape has changed in 2010 Spending review and cuts www.compactvoice.org.uk

  6. What has changed? Shorter document More accessible Accountability measures strengthened New government demonstrably on board www.compactvoice.org.uk www.compactvoice.org.uk

  7. What is the same? Multi year funding Payment in advance Full cost recovery 3 months notice of changes in funding Clear consultation standards (12 week standard) Right to campaign www.compactvoice.org.uk www.compactvoice.org.uk

  8. Where does it fit in now? New context • New government • Cuts • Localism • Inspection and audit • GP Commissioning • Big Society www.compactvoice.org.uk

  9. How does Compact relate to Big Society? • Compact empowers communities through stronger partnerships • Helps design services from the bottom up • Big Society must tap into existing local arrangements – infrastructure vital to this • Big Society is already happening in many places where the Compact is effective www.compactvoice.org.uk

  10. What does Localism mean for the Compact? • General Power of Competence’ = Councils don’t have to ask permission • Right to challenge – sector to take on delivery of services • Right to bid – sector to take on assets • Participatory budgeting • Community Budgets www.compactvoice.org.uk

  11. How does the Compact help with Cuts? Agree outcomes and measures Social value rather than cost to make savings sustainable Minimise impact changes to funding; engagement with sector 3 months of notice early warning of risk to funding Examples = Thanet, Merton Calderdale www.compactvoice.org.uk

  12. The Renewed Compact and equalities No specific mention of BME Subsumed into “An equal and fair society” Some complained that this had been removed but it has in fact been raised as a core principal Not a political move but an attempt to shorten the document www.compactvoice.org.uk

  13. Resources General • Implementation guide due to be published in the new year • Your Local Compact, any associated codes, guides and disputes procedure • The National Compact, plus guides as these are produced • The Local Compact Implementation Workbook • The Local Compact Electronic Toolkit and Good Practice Logging Tool • What Makes A Successful Local Compact Championing • They are the Champions: The Role and Impact of Local Compact Champions Good governance and independence • Local Sector independence survey report /campaign pack • Dancing to our own tune • Independence Matters Funding • The Compact and Procurement Law • Commissioning Guidance (nb primarily aimed at public bodies) Disputes • Empowering the voluntary sector: Using Compact www.compactvoice.org.uk

  14. Any questions? If you would like more information: email: Adam.Pickering@compactvoice.org.uk Tel: 020 7520 2453 www.compactvoice.org.uk

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