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PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS. CHAPTER ONE. Somatoform Disorders. Conversion Disorders is when someone will actually gain some sort of handicap with no logical explanation of how it happened Ex. Soldier losing eyesight in war after seeing something traumatic

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  2. Somatoform Disorders • Conversion Disorders is when someone will actually gain some sort of handicap with no logical explanation of how it happened • Ex. Soldier losing eyesight in war after seeing something traumatic • Hypochondriasis- is someone who is in good health and exaggerates ailment into life threatening condition

  3. Somatoform Disorders • A dissociative disorder is when someone experiences alterations in memory, identity, or consciousness • One type of dissociative disorder is dissociative amnesia • Dissociative amnesia is when someone loses their memory because they are trying to escape from life problems by forgetting them or repressing them • This type of amnesia is not caused by a head injury, but instead a traumatic event

  4. Dissociative Disorders • Dissociative fugue is when someone will suddenly and unexpectedly leave home or work and is unable to recall where they go, how they got there, or what they did • This disorder can last for day or decades • Dissociative identity disorder is also known as multiple personality disorder. This is when someone exhibits two or more distinct personalities

  5. Dissociative Disorders • Schizophrenia involves confused and disordered thoughts and perceptions. The person will basically lose touch with reality to a considerable extent. • Many people with this disorder experience delusions and hallucinations. They will see people that aren't there, talk to people that are not there, and hear voices that others cannot. • There are three types of schizophrenia

  6. Types of Schizophrenia • Paranoid schizophrenia involves having delusions and hallucinations of grandeur: “ I am the savior of my people” or persecution “someone is always watching me.” • Catatonic schizophrenia: those with this disorder will remain motionless for long periods of time in awkward positions • Disorganized schizophrenia- incoherent in thought and speech and disorganized in their behavior. Also experience hallucinations and delusions but more fragmented

  7. Mood Disorders • Mood disorders are characterized by extreme Depression • Major Depressive disorder is a severe form of depression that interferes with functioning, concentration, and physical and mental well being • When someone alternate between mania and depression this is called bi-polar disorder

  8. Mood Disorder • During the manic phase a person is extremely distracted or confused. During the depressive phase the person has the feeling of failure or worthlessness • Seasonal Affective Disorder is when someone is deeply depressed, but only during one particular season

  9. Personality Disorders • Personality disorders are characterized by the inability to have meaningful relationships with others, assume social responsibility or adapt to social environments • One type of personality disorder is called antisocial disorder. • Someone with this disorder disregards and violates the rights and feelings of others without remorse

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