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'('---'z'. 145_167. In tei.n at'lc na! J oui. iialolDec is ioi- . iSc iei- r c1 {2 i , J u l y - D e c e i t b e r 2 0 1 0 , p p. e,. Ic ':tJ ') ) a- | l '/a. ( :':. Sc l gi .c e Pr e::'. !:;'.c :nl t;.c t.l !. i't-.ryA-q[ FA$Lj C R. RiF. !j!4. D FVFL* FEild flvI!] flSF-SLfi.C.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. '('---'z' 145_167 In tei.n at'lc na! J oui. iialolDec is ioi- . iSc iei- r c1 {2 i , J u l y - D e c e i t b e r 2 0 1 0 , p p . e, Ic ':tJ ') ) a- \| l '/a ( :': Sc l gi .c e Pr e::' !:;'.c :nl t;.c t.l ! i't-.ryA-q[ FA$Lj C R RiF !j!4 D FVFL* FEild flvI!] flSF-SLfi.C Gilr[{ RIC If {} tij StJPPt"iF:R5;It-[C Se',;eeF.rllirE-lus:;eirtSadegiri*.arldRezaFareipoeit.lja'jri',.. alld_/icc3r'illili-]!i, l-:i,;i'.'.,,c'I'[\llaila!*31'-,reiit r,,.r:3ll}ff3iiiei-if., ,)c,:;i,rr.:.,#,r. Indu:"lriel r..;i j:i-iiaii, frat ],tiil"ai Siai.rc!-i, l Univtr:i,iv-*3uu,:ir l:!;iilic l].ru."-i ', I i @vmal' cct'i i rt'sadeght E-rnai : arili rhossei i c! Fac'-rii1r i.;ianagemeni, Dei:artnientsf irrrtusi;"ial -.Cci.ie:poildin4,liltlf-nor: 3i'ancn' lr4aliage;iierrt Acccuiiliitg, isiairiic,izad i-.!iiiuersity*iia;E auci r\a i " a i ,Iran,P .C .E ]oi r:314f35-313,E -rnai l :farzi pour@ yahoc.com f ii"lTR oDUCTlolJ 't i v g , - - - . ^ : *s r . ^ ^ *^ ^ . i . ^ , a n q n i o e t search a cornpetl foi- to companies influencec! have nrarket glol:al factors today's !n !\4any invoived aativities chain. thevariaLrs Cf s{-!pply atiesit!on theirentire on advantage foc,sing by it i:rovides because pulrchasingone cf ihe moststrategic is chainmanagement, irr strpply gn Costs cCInsequent!V' profits" esserrtiai !ncrease ccrnpanies opportunit!esreduce and, to ltrlth selection' mosilnditstries' eost. rav'r oi the ln runctlon supn!ler is taskr,vlthin purchasis']E t['re pei-cei-lta$e tclai pr"oouct For cCISt' cf the represents iargest tlte r-nate;-iais ccmpcnent"parts anci of accolnnt up ta ECI% for purchased rials services rnate and firms, technr:logy inst'ence,higfr in '1991)' thetotalproduct (Wefrer al', et cost coEliponentssuppiyclrain in inip*rtant prc!:ietrr cneof the n'iost is seleciio'r-r suppiler l0c5)' sui-'piiei's integral of part jatrklei-, are arrci Lasel-r rrrianager.nent (i-iong al.,2005; et iscMi r-regotiating sg:ecialized i-equires of suppiiers .rtre supplSr ofanorganization, mranagenreni and chain I lJ s'l !r" F { ; ;;;*t thit n'*ttt"- ou*r*t L \- jpr:i' t 'Ll i" . n:oducl r,f '""'so;;ti'i''"l l'' i:::\\ts\\\\N\i\N $'reffiF*Effi 3i

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