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EU policy framework for climate change ETUC view 11/4/2013

EU policy framework for climate change ETUC view 11/4/2013. 1. A Just Transition - as the key ETUC message. A just transition towards a low-carbon economy Avoidance of increase in the global T° of more than 2°C

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EU policy framework for climate change ETUC view 11/4/2013

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  1. EU policyframework for climate change ETUC view11/4/2013

  2. 1. A Just Transition - as the key ETUC message • A just transition towards a low-carbon economy • Avoidance of increase in the global T° of more than 2°C • Reduction in GHG in 2050 : -80 to -95 % for the developed countries compared to 1990 • Necessity to combine environmental ambition with a social dimension (Roadmap for a Just Transition towards 2050) • 5 elements: Participation; Job creation and maintenance, Greening of training, education and skills; Trade union rights; Social protection

  3. 2.ETS – What is the problem? • Carbonpricetoolow: international credits, crisis, over-allocation in previous phases • Risk of locking the EU into high-carbon infrastructure • Risk of slowing down progresstowards clean investments and a greenereconomy • Risk of beingdetrimental to EU’s leadership in the UNFCCC negotiations

  4. 3.ETS – What can be done? • Back-loading as emergency measure • Structural adjustments (eg: set-aside) • Additionalpolicy instruments and targets(inter alia): • Energysavings and efficiency • Renewables • International levelplayingfield • Border adjustmentmechanism as a last resort • Need a credibleinvestment plan (FTT, EHS, ETS revenues) • Need to strengthen the social dimension of EU climatepolicy

  5. 4.The social dimension • ETS must be closely coupled with a JT roadmap • Auctioning revenues must be partially dedicated to industrial innovation (low-C tech) and anticipation of change for the workforce (e.g. development of programmes to re-qualify workers impacted by decarbonisation or restructuring) • Carbon Insurance? a plant closing down → allowances for that compliance year to be given directly to the workers and/or the local community to provide immediate support for skills, new business opportunities (Australian Workers Union)

  6. Going beyond … • Resolution on the energy strategy for Europe 2011-2020 http://www.etuc.org/a/7953 • Putting just transition into action in Europe and globally: ETUC position towards Qatar COP18 http://www.etuc.org/a/10041 • Green Workplaces - a guide for union representatives http://www.etuc.org/a/10377

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