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American Imperialism Before WWI

American Imperialism Before WWI. What were the causes and effects of annexing Hawaii?. Causes: America Sugar growers want to get around tariffs Liliuokalani wanted less influence from non-Hawaiians U.S. government does not want to stop business leaders in their attempt to take over

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American Imperialism Before WWI

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  1. American Imperialism Before WWI

  2. What were the causes and effects of annexing Hawaii?

  3. Causes: • America Sugar growers want to get around tariffs • Liliuokalani wanted less influence from non-Hawaiians • U.S. government does not want to stop business leaders in their attempt to take over • Annexation happens as a result of needing a naval station for Spanish-American War Effects • Full fledged debate in U.S. about Imperialism • Clear that business interests would exert as much influence as possible to push for expansion

  4. Why did the U.S. go to War with Spain?

  5. Publicity surrounding Spanish mistreatment of Cubans during their 30 year attempt to gain independence • USS Maine • DeLome Letter • Desire for more territory • In spite of the Spanish agreeing to almost all U.S. demands, the yellow press and politicians such as TR pushed for war

  6. What military action did the U.S. take first in the Spanish American War?

  7. Undersecretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt instructed Dewey to attack Spanish territory in the Philippines

  8. What was the result of U.S. fighting with Spain in the Philippines?

  9. 6 American warships defeat 10 Spanish; 400 Spanish died, 1 American • Beat the Spanish on land relatively quickly with the aid of Filipino insurgents

  10. What military action did the U.S. take against Spain in Cuba?

  11. Bottlenecked Santiago Harbor against the Spanish Navy • Little opposition on land

  12. Who were the Rough Riders and what did they do?

  13. Theodore Roosevelt’s volunteers • Most of the military work had been done before they took their famous charge up San Juan hill

  14. What were the major provisions of the Treaty of Paris?

  15. Cuba freed from Spain 2. U.S. received Pacific island of Guam which they had captured early in the war. 3. U.S. gained Puerto Rico, the last vestige of Spain’s American empire. 4. U.S. agreed to pay Spain $20 million.

  16. Why did the U.S. engage in further military action in the Philippines after defeating the Spanish?

  17. A. Filipinos assumed they would gain freedom after the war, like the Cubans. -Philippines became a protectorate instead—angry, felt decievedB. Open rebellion began Feb. 1899; Emilio Aguinaldo declared Philippines independent. • More casualties than Spanish American War. • Filipino armies fled to the jungle where they waged vicious guerrilla warfare. • Infuriated American troops responded with atrocities • 4,300 Americans and 57,00 Filipinos dead • Many said American attrocities were exactly like the Spanish actions in Cuba

  18. How did the US relate to Cuba?

  19. U.S. military gov’t set up • Major advances achieved in gov’t, finance, education, agriculture, and public health. • Gains made on yellow fever epidemic by Dr. Walter Reed. • U.S. withdrew from Cuba in 1902 in honor of the Teller Amendmentwhich forbid the U.S. from annexing Cuba • Platt AmendmentCubans forced to write Platt Amendment into their own Constitution of 1901 • Cuba bound itself not to impair their independence by treaty or by contracting a debt beyond their resources. • U.S. gov�t had right to approve all Cuban treaties. • U.S. might intervene with troops to restore order and to provide mutual protection. • Cubans promised to sell or lease needed coaling or naval stations. • Guantanamo Bay Naval Base still controlled by U.S. today.

  20. What is “Big Stick” diplomacy?

  21. Speak softly and carry a big stick” • Big Stick=Powerful military

  22. What is the Roosevelt Corollary?

  23. Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine • US would intervene in Western Hemisphere nations that had • Unmanageable public debt • Civil unrest Reason: Monroe Doctrine mandated U.S. aid if these countries were attacked by European powers therefore we needed to make sure that these countries did not do anything to invite European interference

  24. Why did the U.S. want to build the Panama Canal?

  25. Gets rid of need for 2 ocean navy • Quicker, cheaper trade routes

  26. What did the U.S. do in order to acquire the necessary land for the Panama Canal?

  27. Got the approval of European nations • Tried to buy it from Colombia, did not like the price • Encourage Panamanians to rebel from Colombian rule • Used naval fleets to interfere with Colombians attempting to put down the revolt • Secured favorable terms from the new Panamanian government

  28. Draw a conclusion: For nations on the receiving end of American engagement, what were the benefits and drawbacks?

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