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Peer Review: Challenges and Solutions

Peer Review: Challenges and Solutions. James du Preez Joint Editor-in-Chief, Biotechnology for Biofuels Dept. of Microbial, Biochemical & Food Biotechnology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Challenges in finding reviewers. Reviewers selected from related articles.

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Peer Review: Challenges and Solutions

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  1. Peer Review: Challenges and Solutions James du Preez Joint Editor-in-Chief, Biotechnology for Biofuels Dept. of Microbial, Biochemical & Food Biotechnology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa

  2. Challenges in finding reviewers • Reviewers selected from related articles

  3. A list of related articles from PubMed follows below, which may be useful in selecting reviewers. These results are generated by an automated PubMed search, using keywords that appear in the title and abstract, and we do not guarantee that they are the most appropriate. • Relatedness: 33.8861 | Abstract Effect of inducers and process parameters on laccase production by Streptomyces psammoticus and its application in dye decolourization. BioresourTechnol 2008, 99: 4583-9Niladevi KN, Prema PBiotechnology Division, Regional Research Laboratory CSIR, Trivandrum 695 019, India. • Relatedness: 33.5049 | Abstract Optimization of laccase production from Trametesversicolor by solid fermentation. Can J Microbiol 2007, 53: 245-51Jing D, Li P, Stagnitti F, Xiong XInstitute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China. • Relatedness: 28.9247 | Abstract Optimization, purification, and characterization of extracellular mesophilic alkaline cellulase from sponge-associated Marinobacter sp. MSI032. ApplBiochemBiotechnol 2010, 162: 625-40Shanmughapriya S, Kiran GS, Selvin J, Thomas TA, Rani CDepartment of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024, India.

  4. Challenges in finding reviewers • Reviewers selected from related articles Identifying & establishing credibility of principal investigator • Website of institution (main field of research of PI): • website difficult to navigate • little or no information • foreign language • Scopus / ISI Web of Knowledge: Number of articles in related field; • h index

  5. Challenges in finding reviewers • Reviewers suggested by authors Use of Scopus / ISI Web of Knowledge to determine if reviewers are appropriate. In most instances suggested reviewers are unsuitable: - not in appropriate field of research - not a sufficiently experienced researcher

  6. Challenges in finding reviewers • Find reviewers yourself • Search for related published articles / Google search • Use of Scopus / ISI Web of Knowledge to determine if • reviewers are appropriate.

  7. Challenges in finding reviewers Problems • Few reviewers accept invitation to review manuscript • Reviewer accepts but fails to submit review • Reviewer submits superficial review Procedure to find reviewers is time consuming; might force editors to select unqualified reviewers

  8. Solutions to ensure Quality and Timely reviews ? • Editorial Board • Select on basis of expertise • Easily accessible data on field of expertise; key words • Try to always use member of editorial board as one of the reviewers • to ensure quality review

  9. Solutions to ensure Quality and Timely reviews ? • Data management software Manuscript handling, plus: • Data base of reviewers (including editorial board members) with • searchable keywords • History of reviewers: • Average score of review quality • Record of accepted & declined invitations (with date of • last accepted/declined) • Indication of number of manuscripts currently under review and in • the queue • Average time to submit review • Mechanism to drop underperforming reviewers from data base (including editorial board members)

  10. Solutions to ensure Quality and Timely reviews ? • Data management software Manuscript handling, plus: • Data base of reviewers (including editorial board members) with • searchable keywords • History of reviewers: • Average score of review quality • Record of accepted & declined invitations (with date of last accepted / declined) • Indication of number of manuscripts currently under review and in the queue • Average time to submit review • Mechanism to drop underperforming reviewers from data base (including editorial board members) BUT: Populate data base with qualified reviewers from the start! (Message should go out to editors)

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