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Diagnosis and Management of Young Women with Turner Syndrome (TS)

Carolyn Bondy, MD National Institute of Child Health, National Institutes of Health (NIH). Diagnosis and Management of Young Women with Turner Syndrome (TS). Center for Human Reproduction April 9, 2013. I have no declarations and no conflict of interest in regards to this presentation.

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Diagnosis and Management of Young Women with Turner Syndrome (TS)

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  1. Carolyn Bondy, MD National Institute of Child Health, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Diagnosis and Management of Young Women with Turner Syndrome (TS) Center for Human Reproduction April 9, 2013

  2. I have no declarations and no conflict of interest in regards to this presentation

  3. Objectives • Criteria for diagnosis of Turner syndrome (TS) • Epidemiology and chromosomal origins • Diagnostic tests and screening evaluation • Potential for endogenous fertility • Outcomes of spontaneous and OD pregnancies • Medical management • Psychosocial concerns • X chromosome genomic imprinting and ischemic heart disease

  4. Monosomy X or TS: combined clinical & genetic dx • Absent or fragmented 2nd sex chromosome • Phenotypic female • Early ovarian failure • Short stature • Congenital heart defects • Hypothyroidism • Hearing loss • Osteoporosis Patients have given written authorization for use of photos

  5. NICHD TS PROTOCOL 2001-2012 • 400 participants 7-67 yrs • Recent focus on cardiovascular evaluation • ~100 participants in longitudinal follow-up studies focused on aortic complications and ischemic heart disease STUDY PARTICIPANTS BY AGE GROUP

  6. Epidemiology • 1/200 conceptions • 1/2500 live births • <50% adults with TS are diagnosed • Sporadic • Not clearly related to maternal age • All races & regions • Only monosomy compatible with life Stochholm K et al. JCEM 2006;91:3897-3902

  7. Chromosomal Origins • Non-disjunction of sex chromosomes during meiosis • 45X • Non-disjunction during early embryonic mitoses • Cell line mosaicism: 45X/46XX; 45X/47XXX; 45X/46XY • Abundance of normal cell line typically attenuates phenotype • Fragmentation of a sex chromosome during meiosis • 46XiXq, 46XdelXp, 46XdelY • Loss of the fragmented X or Y in some cells during embryonic development cell line mosaicism 45X/46XiXq, etc

  8. The Lyon Hypothesis • In cells with multiple X-chromosomes, all but one are inactivated during embryogenesis • X-inactivation leads to clumped chromatin, termed Barr bodies, considered inert (Lyonization) • So is the 2nd X totally superfluous?

  9. Why a 45,X phenotype ? • Pseudoautosomal genes • Present on both X & Y • Not inactivated • SHOX – short stature • ??Congenital heart disease • Genomic imprinting of X-linked genes • 46,XX females are 50:50 mosaic for XM & XP • 45,X females are monosomic for XMOR XP • ??Ischemic heart disease Pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) Y X PAR2 Trimethylation of H3 at Lys4; Khalil et al, 2007

  10. Presented age 27 - infertility • OCP to regulate menses age 15 • Cont. til age 25 • Father 6’, mother 5’5” • Her predicted ht 5’6” • High-arched palate • Low posterior hairline • Cubitus valgus 45,X[45]/46,XrX[5]

  11. Clues from PMH, FH and PE • Chronic otitis, shorter than sisters, less than mid-parental height (F-5” + M)/2; history Coarc repair, other CHD • Mx nevi, high-arched palate, short 4th MCP or MTP, short or web neck, low hair line, low set ears

  12. To confirm the diagnosis of TS • 20-30 cell peripheral blood karyotype is gold standard • 3-5 ml blood in heparinized tube at room T˚ • Cytogenetics referral lab • 2-3 wk turnaround & costly • New methods • Whole genome snp chips

  13. Affymetric Cytosnp B allele frequency Log R ratio Karyotype = 46,X, del (Xp11)

  14. Illumina Hapmap Bead Chip 46,X,idic(X)(p11)

  15. Troublesome karyotypes ring Further study to identify Y-material- FISH, PCR or array marker

  16. Concern about Y chromosome material • ~12% risk for gonadoblastoma • large primordial germ cells, immature granulosa or Sertoli cells , stromal cells • Unknown risk for conversion to malignancy, e.g., dysgerminoma • Anecdotal evidence • Standard of care at present – laparascopic bilateral gonadectomy • Psychological counseling • Consider preservation of ovarian follicles

  17. Fertility Preservation in Girls with Turner SyndromeBorgström Birgit, Hovatta Outi-Karolinska Institutet, JCEM 2009 • 15/56 biopsied girls had ovarian follicles • Recommend laparascopic harvesting/freezing of juvenile ovarian tissue for later fertility

  18. Ovarian Failure in TS • Fetal ovaries develop normally but experience accelerated follicular atresia • Biphasic FSH levels – difficulty in predicting spontaneous puberty (Conte et al., 1975) • Spontaneous menarche in ~16% (Pasquino et al., 1997) • More common in 45,X/46,XX • 2 amenorrhea or irregular cycles in ~half of these girls within 2 yrs • Spontaneous pregnancy in 1-2% NICHD, NIH, DHHS

  19. Illustrative Case • Swedish woman with menarche and full pubertal development age 13, irregular menses • Premature menopause diagnosis ~age 32 • At least two unsuccessful IVF w/donated oocytes • Spontaneous pregnancy age 36 w/ NSVD • 2nd spontaneous pregnancy age 38 • Htn, chest pain, aortic dissection 7th month • Emergency C-section and aortic repair • Endocrine clinic- 45,X/46,X,delY—DX TS • Prophylactic gonadectomy age 40 Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 21;229-230,

  20. Comments… • Consider the diagnosis of TS • Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism • Do not assume infertility if Y chromosome material is detected • Oocyte preservation • Serious cardio complications in natural as well as ART pregnancies

  21. Illustrative case(2) • DG- classic presentation of TS dx’d at birth • Participated in pediatric GH Rx protocol in 1990’s. • Started on estradiol at age 12 per protocol; dose escalated to full pubertal development by age 15, lost to f/u • Spontaneous full term pregnancy age 18 • Evaluated in our TS protocol at age 20 • Height 4’7”, single kidney, BAV, FSH 40, no visible ovaries • Prescribed OCP for HRT • Returned for protocol f/u age 25 - 3 mo pregnant • Delivered 2nd healthy son at full term and reportedly resumed OCP • PBC karyotype 200/200 cells 45,X; skin bx 45,X

  22. Comments (2) • Patients, parents and care-givers of girls with full blown TS dx’d in infancy may assume pregnancy is not possible or that the girl will not sexually active • Importance of patient/parent sex education in this special situation

  23. X chromosome genes and fertility SS, BAV and autoimmunity clearly related to haploinsufficiency for Xp genes POF seems equally prevalent in Xp deletions with normal or even extra Xq complement, and in Xq deletions with normal Xp complement

  24. NIH study, Hadnott et al • Of 276 women with Turner syndrome >25 yr: • 88% had no children • 9% adopted children • 3% spontaneous or assisted pregnancy (1) • Participants had a total of 13 pregnancies and 14 live births • One child had cerebral palsy; the others were chromosomally and developmentally normal. • One pre-eclampsia • One (mother of twins) has dilation of asc. aorta Fertility and Sterility Volume 95, 2011, 2251–2256

  25. Oocyte donation in TS • Karnis et al 2003 estimated ~2% maternal mortality (F&S) • Aortic rupture or dissection • Chevalier et al 2011 < 35% of women pre-screened for CVS disease • Poor fetal and maternal outcomes; 2/93 patients died due to aortic rupture (JCEM) • Hagman et al 2013 reviewed 122 deliveries- no fatalities and generally good fetal outcomes

  26. Aortic diameters in a TS pregnancy • 30 yo married social worker had IVF, referred to cardiologist at 12 wks • Initial echo showed probable BAV and ? aortic dilation • Followed monthly until 24 wks when ↑ in AA diameter noted; beta-blocker initiated • Elective C-section at 37 wks • Follow-up echos return to baseline? • Fatal aortic dissection 2 yrs later AA STJ Week Pregnancy C-section

  27. ASRM pages • Increased maternal cardiovascular mortality associated with pregnancy in women with Turner syndrome • Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine • Received 22 November 2011. Accepted 29 November 2011. Available online 21 December 2011. • TS a relative contra-indication to pregnancy • Comprehensive cardiological and maternal-fetal medicine eval. before considering pregnancy by oocyte donation. • Cardiac MRI revealing any significant abnormality and/or ASI >2 cm/m2 (ascending aortic diameter/BSA) represents an absolute contraindication for attempting pregnancy in a woman with Turner syndrome. • Women with normal cardiac MRI and evaluation who decide to attempt pregnancy after thorough counseling are still at much higher risk for associated morbidity and mortality and require careful observation and frequent formal reevaluation throughout gestation and postpartum.

  28. Medical Management

  29. Gradual induction of sexual maturation beginning by age 12 • Full dose by age 18 through ~ age 40 • OC, 2 mg estradiol, 100 mg transdermal estradiol • Best choice for cycling is unknown • Adherence is paramount • Beginning age 35-40 • lower dose, plan to taper and dc by age 50

  30. HRT and Bone Health in TS Age 30, 45X HRT age 12-18, off 18-30yrs Age 30, 45X HRT since age 12

  31. Screening for CHD in TS

  32. Normal and Coarcted Aortas

  33. Aortic Valve: Bicuspid or tricuspid? TAV BAV

  34. A B Dilation of Ascending Aorta Cardiac magnetic resonance angiography (CMRA) showing a dilated ascending aorta (solid arrow) and normal descending aorta (open arrow). This patient has a distinctive squaring off and elongation of the transverse aortic arch with a prominent kink at the transition to descending aorta (arrowhead) termed ETA. Although the actual diameter of the ascending aorta in this woman was only 3.7 cm, which is considered at the upper limit of normal for women of her age, it is almost 3-fold larger than the descending aorta (normal ascending/descending ratio is < 1.5). 3.7 cm

  35. Value of CMR in TS • Diagnose occult but clinically significant • Coarctation - dissection • Anomalous pulmonary veins • Detects abnormal aortic valve in 15% of cases not visualized on cardiac echo • Visualize entire aortic arch revealing ascending dilatation relative to descending Ho et al, Circulation, 2004; Matura et al, Circulation 2007; Sachdev et al, JACC 2008 NICHD, NIH

  36. Shortcomings of Cardiac Echo • 28 yo Latina • Routine GH and ERT • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis • Cardiac echo age 18 – mild coarc • Cardiac echo at 25 “stable” • BP 125/85; Ht 4’10” • neck webbing; 3/6 diastolic murmur R BAV w/ AR; Asc ao aneurysm 4 cm Descending ao aneurysm 6.1 cm

  37. Illustrative Case 3 • 62 yo woman referred for osteoporosis • PMH -Coarc repair age 12, always short, no puberty, Cochlear implants, no medications • Recent back pain prompted plain Xrays (aortic calcifications) and DXA (diffuse osteoporosis) • PE- Many signs of TS, appearing considerably older than 62. Disparity in right and left arm BP (R>L). Bilat carotid bruits. Tanner 1 breast and T2 pubic hair. • What test(s) would you order?

  38. CT Angiography L. subclavian a. Coarc repair True lumen False lumen Aortic dissection R. Kidney Proximal stenosis of left subclavian artery Atherosclerotic plaque with ulceration and dissection of the abdominal aorta, occlusion of l. renal a. Calcified coronary plaques

  39. Final comments • It is never too late to diagnose TS • There is an excess of atherosclerosis as well as congenital heart disease

  40. QOL Issues in TS • Carel et al in JCEM 2005-2006 • disappointment with GH treatment for SS. Self-esteem and social adjustment in young women with TS more influenced by pubertal management and sexuality • NIH • major concerns related to TS (Sutton et al 2005) • Infertility • Short stature • Sexual development and function • Health

  41. Importance of “Truth Telling” • During interview sessions addressing concerns about living with TS, 30/97 participants spontaneously mentioned that all or part of their TS diagnosis had been withheld from them • Fifteen girls and women from whom a secret had been kept knew every aspect of their diagnosis except the infertility component • “The doctor finished his exam and I got dressed and went in. And he just kind of stopped, put his pen down and went, ‘you know you’re not having kids ever, don't you?' So that was the hardest time.” (Diagnosed at 17, learned of infertility at 19.) • “I did get upset with my mother [when I found out]…. She… didn't explain. She said, ‘Well, what’s the big deal?' I said, ‘I think it would have helped me to understand myself a little bit better. To tell—to fill in the gaps to tell you more of the story.’” (Diagnosed at 17, learned infertile at 28) • “There I am at this sterile place. And I found out that since the age of 9 to 16, everyone knew something I had no knowledge of about me that was pretty darn important. I was told [I was infertile] in such a horrendous way. And all I knew was that the people that I trusted forever were willing to betray me.” (Diagnosed at 9, learned infertile at 16). Sutton et al, Peds 2006

  42. Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Impaired Self-Esteem in Young Women with Ovarian Failure • NIH Study • Women with 46,XX with normal ovarian function (NC) • Women with 46,XX premature ovarian failure (POF) • Women with TS Schmidt et al., JAMA 2006 NICHD, NIH

  43. Psychosocial Outcomes in TS • Adults w/ TS 25 yr and older in NIH Study* • N=261 • Average age 38 yr; average height 147 cm • 65% had a baccalaureate degree (vs. 25% US women) • 6% had advanced degree (vs. 3% US women) • 80% employed (vs. 55% US women) • Similar findings in recent Danish registry study- suggesting ascertainment bias not crucial (Stochholm et al EJE, 2012) *Gould et al, J Women’s Health 2013

  44. XM XP 46,XMY 46,XMXP X Chromosome Imprinting • Genomic imprinting of X-linked genes • Men monosomic for XM • Because or random X-inactivation, women are ~50:50% mosaic XM & XP • Genes imprinted or silenced on XM will be expressed in ~50% of female but in no male cells • Genes imprinted on XP will be expressed in ~50% of female but suppressed in male cells • To test hypothesis that X imprinting causes gender differences in body composition and IHD risk, we compare groups of women monosomic for XM vs. XP NICHD, NIH

  45. XM XP Body Composition & IHD Risk Factors • We compared • BMI • Total body fat (by DXA) • Visceral and sc abdominal fat by CT • Lipids • In age-matched women monosomic for XM vs. XP • Both groups had ovarian failure and very low levels endogenous sex steroids NICHD, NIH

  46. Visceral Fat and IHD Risk Factors Selectively Increased in XM Women XP XM Van et al., JAMA, 2005 NICHD, NIH

  47. Incidence of coronary disease related to parental origin of the single X • Further study to determine actual incidence of coronary atherosclerosis • >age 34 - CT Ca++ score • “pure” 45X • Parental DNA for POO genotyping

  48. X Chromosome Origin and Atherosclerosis

  49. Coronary atherosclerosis determined by CT Ca++ Comparing healthy population data from Framingham

  50. 45,XM XM XP 46,XMXP XM Linked to Abdominal Adiposity and IHD Risk • Normal 46,XMY men and 45,XM women • Greater visceral adiposity, atherogenic lipids & Inflammation compared to 46, XM XP women • This is not due to sex steroids • 46,XX protection may be due to imprinting of unknown X-linked genes resulting in: • Selective expression high risk genes from XM • Selective expression of protective genes from XP 46,XMY NICHD, NIH

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