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Chapter 9. Tetrapods. Lobefin fish. Tetrapod origin. Early tetrapod. Tetrapods. No True Marine Amphibians. Bufo marinus. Class Reptilia. airbreathing. coldblooded. Sea turtles. Fossil Sea Turtle. Archelon ischyros (Cretaceous, North Dakota). Sea turtles. Still tied to land.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 9 Tetrapods

  2. Lobefin fish Tetrapod origin Early tetrapod

  3. Tetrapods

  4. No True Marine Amphibians Bufo marinus

  5. Class Reptilia

  6. airbreathing coldblooded

  7. Sea turtles

  8. Fossil Sea Turtle Archelon ischyros (Cretaceous, North Dakota)

  9. Sea turtles Still tied to land

  10. Sea turtles

  11. Sea turtles Conservation and study

  12. Sea Snakes

  13. Sea Snakes

  14. Marine iguana Amblyrhynchus cristatus

  15. Galapagos Islands Marine iguana

  16. Saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus

  17. Tetrapods

  18. “Class” Aves Birds

  19. Flight

  20. Penguins

  21. Tubenoses

  22. Tubenoses Albatrosses

  23. Tubenoses Shearwater petrel

  24. Pelicans

  25. Cormorants Frigate birds

  26. A seabird gift

  27. Gulls and related birds Terns Sterna paradisaea

  28. Shorebirds

  29. Shorebirds avocet plover

  30. Shorebirds sandpiper killdeer

  31. Body form and beaks adapted to niche and function

  32. Class Mammalia

  33. Five Marine Mammal Lineages

  34. Order Pinnipedia Seals, sea lions, walrus

  35. Sea lion skull

  36. California Sea lions – sunning

  37. Leopard seal -- Antarctic

  38. Conserving heat

  39. Pinnipeds give birth on land (or ice)

  40. Pinniped birth

  41. Seals

  42. Seals are highly adapted for aquatic life

  43. Crabeater seal An Antarctic seal that filter feeds on krill

  44. Elephant Seal (Mirounga)

  45. Ano Nuevo State Park, California

  46. Harbor seal pup Phoca vitulina

  47. Hawaiian monk seal(Monachus schauinslandi) Mediterranean monk seal(Monachus monachus)

  48. Caribbean monk seal(Monachus tropicalus)

  49. Harp seal Phoca groenlandica Seals hunted for blubber and fur

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