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Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations

Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations. Midwest ISO Overview.

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Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations

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  1. Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations

  2. Midwest ISO Overview Midwest ISO (MISO) is a FERC-approved regional transmission organization, the independent, non-profit grid monitor for the transmission of high-voltage electricity MDU is a transmission owning utility member of the Midwest ISO

  3. Midwest ISO and Montana • MDU is a transmission owning member • Basin and WAPA receive reliability services from Midwest ISO • PSC is very active at MISO and in the new Organization of Midwest ISO States (OMS) • Energy market training by MISO scheduled for March 4 in Glendive

  4. MISO Operations • Operational since December 15, 2001 • 35 Control Areas including WAPA and Basin • Two Centers • Carmel, IN • St. Paul, MN • Regional Reliability Coordinator • Website: midwestiso.org 4

  5. Midwest ISO Duties • Determine available transmission capacity • Schedule wholesale transmission service at “non-pancaked” rates under a single FERC-approved tariff • Regional transmission planning 5

  6. Organization of MISO States

  7. Transmission Planning and Siting (Art Compton & Jeff Blend, DEQ) Congestion Management and FTR Allocation (Greg Jergeson, PSC) Resource Adequacy and Capacity Markets (Jay Stovall, PSC) Market Monitoring and Market Mitigation (Marla Larson, PSC & Larry Nordell, MCC) Market Rules and Implementation Timelines (Kate Whitney, PSC) Seams Issues (no Montanan) Pricing (Marla Larson, PSC) Organization of MISO States:Committees & Montana Representatives

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