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How to Treat Your Cat Jewelry: Metals, Stones and Pearls - KittySensations

Learn how to treat your cat jewelry the right way. Follow these advices and you will have a lifelong companion with your cat themed accessories. Visit: https://www.kittysensations.com

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How to Treat Your Cat Jewelry: Metals, Stones and Pearls - KittySensations

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  1. INTRODUCTION ongratulations on your new piece of cat jewelry by KittySensations! Here, we have prepared a quick guide for you, so you know how to take care of your new purchase. The document first gives an overview of how to store different jewelry types. From rings to bracelets to necklaces, here you will find exactly how and where to store your new piece, so it always stays in perfect shape! Next, we will cover how you can clean your jewelry according to the layer material. Whether it is gold, rose gold, sterling silver or titanium black, we’ve got you covered! Finally, we will give you some tips that you maybe didn’t know of regarding how you can wear your jewelry safely. If you follow the advices given below, you will always keep your cat themed jewelry in top condition.

  2. STORAGE STORAGE: The first thing you probably did after receiving your new jewelry is wear it. However, at some point you will need to take it off again – not for long, don’t worry! Here you will find out how to store your necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and keychains properly, so you will enjoy wearing them for years to come. NECKLACES A very popular way of storing necklaces involves the popular hanging necklace-holders. They may look nice, but be aware of the following: They can cause your necklace to stretch out or even worse, develop bends in weird places. Therefore, we advise against storing your necklaces like this. But don’t get us wrong: Don’t just throw your necklaces in the corner of a drawer either. They could get scratched or tangled. Instead, please lay your necklace flat for storage; a wardrobe drawer will do nicely. BRACELETS Although bracelets are usually lighter than necklaces, the risk of them getting bent is still apparent. We advise to also lay them flat to avoid this risk. In addition, always be aware of multiple bracelets getting tangled, for example in your bag while traveling. The precious stones and metals could get scratched, so always keep them separate. EARRINGS To keep your earrings clean and in pairs, we recommend a classic earrings- holder. Not everybody has one though and that is fine. You can use all sorts of small containers to keep them nicely organized and scratch free. Some good examples for such containers are: Ice cube trays, egg cartons or pill organizers. They may not look that fancy, but certainly do the job! For cleaning your earrings, we advise to not use the sink for it: Forgetting to

  3. STORAGE cleaning your earrings, we advise to not use the sink for it: Forgetting to plug it can cost you! A better way: fill a glass with clean water and swirl the pair around gently to clean them off nicely. RINGS Rings are the one thing we advise to store by hanging up. Every jewelry holder features hooks in some shape of form. You can use those to hang up a few of your rings on each one. If you don’t own a jewelry holder, it’s time to get creative! You can stick thumbtacks into a corkboard or even the wall to show off and store your ring collection this way. If you really want to be unique when it comes to storing your new cat ring along with your other rings, here is a guide that explains wonderful ways of creating your own storages for your rings. KEYCHAINS All our feline keychains are carefully carved and special plated to ensure complete scratch resistance – to a certain extend. Take care on throwing your keys into a pot after you come home: This can exceed the capabilities of the protection and cause scratches on the surface of the keychain. For storing, we recommend wrapping the keychain in a small cloth and then placing it in a dry drawer. The chains of the key accessories are made durable, so it is also perfectly fine to store them hanging, for example on your favorite jewelry holder.

  4. CLEANING CLEANING: Cleaning your newest cat jewelry piece is mandatory for the pleasure of wearing it. You want your precious stone to brighten the room, don’t you? In this chapter, we discuss cleaning of certain materials and how you can apply this knowledge to your cat accessory. GOLD: Although 24 karat gold is one of the easiest metals to look after, usually jewelry doesn’t feature this pure precious metal for a good reason: 24 karat gold is soft and easily bendable. Therefore, there rarely exists jewelry that is entirely made of pure gold. For lower karat and plated gold pieces, there are a few things you will need to be careful about. You see, anything other than 24 karat gold is mixed with other metals, which makes the jewelry more affordable and sustainable. But the mixed metals are also more susceptible to chemical reactions, thus making contact with chlorine, saltwater and household chemical products critical. Therefore, please do not let these substances get in contact with your new feline jewelry piece. When it comes to cleaning, it’s best to just wipe it off gently with a fresh, wet cloth. The same principles apply to rose gold. STERLING SILVER Other than gold, silver oxidizes upon making contact with air. This means it will inevitably tarnish over time. But do not worry, you can tremendously slow down the process by keeping your silver jewelry in dry, airtight environments (e.g. a zip lock bag). For cleaning, we advise you to wipe some dust or dullness off with a damp cloth. You can also carefully brush it off with a clean toothbrush, in case your item is really dirty. Keep in mind that the plating on silver-plated jewelry will inevitably wear off over time. In this case, it is best to get it re-plated by a jeweler to keep it looking its best.

  5. CLEANING CRYSTALS Here at KittySensations, we are using natural crystals for some of our items (like these cat themed earrings). These crystals can be amethysts, berg crystals, rose quartz or tourmalines. They are generally durable, but it is still advisable to know some key aspects when it comes to their texture and consistency: Always treat your cat jewelry that features crystals gently, as these crystals can break or get worn away by harsh soap and scrubbing. Just like the precious metals, you should clean your crystals with a soft, damp cloth. This should restore their shininess. LEATHER If your newest cat themed accessory features leather, then the following tips will help you understand the attributes of the leather we are using and how you should clean it. First and foremost, leather is generally quite durable, and it develops a nice vintage look over the time. Just make sure you are not using chemical product and never fully immerse it in a liquid, as leather can absorb the liquid and change its form over time. This means you shouldn’t wear it at the beach or in the gym. When it comes to cleaning, you can use a damp cloth or a leather cleaning cream. After cleaning it and for extra peace of mind, you can apply a leather protection spray. This will prolong the cleaning effect and keep your feline leather item in top condition for a long time.

  6. WEARING YOUR JEWELRY WEARING YOUR JEWELRY: Typically, all women know how to where their jewelry. It’s the men that should probably read this, right ladies? Anyway, to ensure the best condition of your items even in the long run, we created the following tips. WATER: Some of the precious metals like Sterling Silver do have a problem with water as it speeds up their oxidizing process. In addition to that, a lot of times in our day-to-day life, the water we get in touch with is salted or chlorinated. Just think about some hotel showers or pools. And even if the water is crystal clear and natural: Do not risk it and stay away from water, especially when you are about to be fully immersed in it. Of course, cleaning your hand is not what we are talking about here, as this is no problem as long as you dry it off with a soft cloth afterwards. BEWARE OF HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS Before doing the annual spring cleaning of the whole house, please consider taking of your feline jewelry, as all substances that are not pH-neutral (like pretty much all the cleaning products) can react with the precious metals or crystals and cause them to oxidize or even worse wear off instantly. In addition to that, please let substances like makeup, sunscreen, perfume or body lotion sink in first and then afterwards put on your jewelry. Any jeweler will tell you, that jewelry should be the last thing to put on and the first thing to put off at night. In the rare case that your item actually comes into contact with any of the above-mentioned substances, gently wash it off with warm water and a fresh cloth. PERSPIRATION There is a saying that goes “men sweat, ladies glow”. Although true, please don’t let your glow get in touch with your jewelry. This could cause the plating to tarnish and make it more susceptible to scratches and other damages. In addition to that, we also recommend wiping off your jewelry with a fresh cloth every night before going to bed. This will remove the oils of the skin and the substances that every human being gets in contact with over the day.

  7. CLEANING ENJOY This is it, the final and most important chapter: Enjoy wearing your cat themed jewelry! Let the grace and beauty of these animals shine through your day! If you have any questions regarding this guide or want to chat, you can always reach out to us on our website, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest. Thank you for being a part of the family?

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