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Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV II Program profesionalnega usposabljanja učiteljev

Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV II Program profesionalnega usposabljanja učiteljev. JEZIKOVNO OBOGATENI KURIKUL: Razvijanje strokovne pismenosti v TJ Priprava na opazovanje pouka - 3. Srednja šola tehniških strok Šiška Ljubljana, 4. april 2013

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Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV II Program profesionalnega usposabljanja učiteljev

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  1. Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV IIProgram profesionalnega usposabljanja učiteljev JEZIKOVNO OBOGATENI KURIKUL: Razvijanje strokovne pismenosti v TJ Priprava na opazovanje pouka - 3 Srednja šola tehniških strok Šiška Ljubljana, 4. april 2013 Helena Mladenović Jerman, SŠTS Šiška Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.

  2. Team teaching

  3. Instead of introduction… Mechatronics Technician – one of the three programs at our school The 9th generation of Mechatronics Technicians

  4. Technical Competences Catalogue of Knowledge Standards Competences: - accuracy, system, orderliness - team work skills - respecting deadlines - being analytical - technical literacy ...

  5. Our students • From Ljubljana and its surroundings • They can work, they work at home or have temporary jobs • Firemen, full-hearted, empathetic, cooperative • They are friends, learn together and meet outside school

  6. Our students

  7. Our students

  8. About the subject… • Module: Technological Processes • 3rd year – 70 hours • Maintenance

  9. About the subject…

  10. Team teaching - synergy • Computer-aided Maintenance • Helena Mechatronics contents • Amresh Computer Science and English

  11. Enriched foreign language learning • Working together requires communication • Translating maintenance terms to Amresh • (e-dictionaries and translators) • Professional literacy in both languages

  12. Integrated teaching • FT and STFL team-teach in the module Technology Processes • Creating databases • Professional literacy in foreign language • - Traditional team teaching • - “Ghost teaching” • - Supportive team teaching • - Assessment • .

  13. An assessment example

  14. Back where we started Conceptual level – schemes, diagrams, flowcharts The model level – standardized documentation, testing models The product level (prototype) – producing the final product, testing the prototype etc.

  15. From lesson to lesson…

  16. Basic database concept

  17. Fundamentals of relational database

  18. Concept development

  19. Case study

  20. Revision and consolidation

  21. Finallizing the concept

  22. Improving professional knowledge

  23. Database model is created

  24. After inserting data we learn to… • create queries • create forms for new data input • write reports

  25. About me... • BSc (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering • 3 years of teaching • Industrial work experience • Teaching with Amresh – an invaluable experience

  26. Benefits of team teaching • Students gain a wider range of knowledge : • Mechatronics • Computer Science • Professional literacy in Slovene and in English • Team work

  27. Instead of conclusion… • I have met a young man, who is setting an example of how to overcome the obstacles that occur when living in a foreign country, among foreign people and their customs, how to struggle • for work and a good life. • And he does it with a smile and a thank you.

  28. Questions?

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