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Pedro Basabe, Dr. è s Sc. Senior Programme Officer unisdr

Towards post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework GEO Ministerial Summit, side event: “Natural Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: a GEOSS perspective”. Pedro Basabe, Dr. è s Sc. Senior Programme Officer www.unisdr.org. Content:. Vision and Statistics.

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Pedro Basabe, Dr. è s Sc. Senior Programme Officer unisdr

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  1. Towards post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction Framework GEO Ministerial Summit, side event:“Natural Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: a GEOSS perspective” Pedro Basabe, Dr. ès Sc. Senior Programme Officer www.unisdr.org

  2. Content: • Vision and Statistics. • Disaster Risk Reduction agenda. • Towards a post-2015 DRR Framework.

  3. I • “Disaster risk reduction is essential to • sustainable development. It helps save • and preserve the achievements of our • development efforts. It helps mitigate the • destructive effects of natural disasters • on physical materials, as well as social and • economic infrastructures.” • H.E. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of • Indonesia, addressing the 5th Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster • Risk Reduction in Yogyakarta, 23 October 2012

  4. Disaster events are on the rise I

  5. I Increase of exposure of people and economic assets to natural hazards Floods in Bangkok Photo: digphoto.org

  6. I

  7. II I United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) main functions • Coordinate: International efforts disaster risk reduction and provide guidance for the implementation of the HFA and monitor its implementation (Global, Regional and National Platforms) • Advocate: for a culture of “resilience” and greater investment in DRR actions to protect people’s lives and assets (multi-sectoral approach: CC, education, gender, SDGs. • Campaign: Making Cities Resilient, Safe Schools and Hospitals , Sasakawa Award. 2013 International Day for Disaster Reduction  Living with disabilities and disasters. • Inform: Provide evidences: Global Assessment Report (GAR), HFA Report, Terminology, PreventionWeb. • Where: Geneva Hqs, Regional Offices in Africa, Americas, Arab States, Asia and Pacific and Europe. http://www.unisdr.org

  8. I Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters (HFA) • 2nd World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, Jan 2005. • HFA Overall Objective: ”..to substantially reduce disaster losses, in lives, social, economic and environmental assets…” • HFA 3 Strategic goals: • The integration of DRR into sustainable development policies and planning. • The development and strengthening of institutions, mechanisms and capacities to build resilience to hazards. • The systematic incorporation of risk reduction approaches into the implementation of emergency preparedness, response and recovery programmes. • HFA 5 Priorities of Action: • From policies, programmes, risk identification, knowledge  preparedness. • Multi-hazard, multi-sectoral and holistic approach. • Implementation at regional, national and city levels.

  9. II HFA and space-based earth observations Five priorities for action • Governance: • Risk identification and EWs: iii) k): Support the improvement of scientific and technical methods and capacities for risk assessment, monitoring and EW, through research, partnerships, training and technical capacity-building. Promote the application of in-situ and space-based earth observations, space technologies, remote sensing, GIS, hazard modelling and prediction… for risk assessment and EW. • Knowledge, education and culture of resilience: i) d)Promote the use, application and affordability of recent information, communication and space-based technologies and related services, as well as earth observations, to support DRR, particularly for training , sharing and dissemination… • Reducing the underlying risk factors • Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response

  10. Ex: National Disaster Inventories II • DesInventar Inventories record and analyse the occurrence and effects of natural disasters • Disaggregated information is provided in tabular and graphical form (maps and charts) • National data are available on-line www.desinventar.net

  11. II Regional Ex: CAPRA - Risk Modelling Seismic hazard of Latin America 2010, Return Period 1,000 years (CAPRA: CRISIS 2007) CAPRA and DESINVENTAR are Free, Open Source Tools www.ecapra.org

  12. III Third World Conference on DRR Towards a Post-2015 Framework for DRR • UN General Assembly Resolution 67/209 (Dec 2012) decided to convene the UN third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction to: • Review the implementation of the HFA over its 10-year term. • Adopt a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction. • UNISDR was requested to serve as the secretariat of the World Conference and facilitate the development of a post-2015 framework for DRR, and • to coordinate the preparatory activities in consultation with all relevant stakeholders. • Save the Date: 14-18 March, 2015 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.

  13. IV I

  14. IV Groups participating in HFA2 consultations OTHER PARTNERS Private Sector Academic, Scientific and Technical Communities NGOs and Civil Society Organizations Self-organizing communities • Women’s groups • Children • Persons with disabilities • Elderly PUBLIC SECTOR National governments Inter-governmental organizations Parliamentarians Local governments • Mayors

  15. III Proposed Elements for consideration in the Posr-2015 Framework for DRR(by the SRSG M. Wahlstrom) • Mortality at least for weather-related hazards has decreased, but economic loss and damage due to disasters continues to increase, in particular due to massive increase in hazard exposure. • To better consider underlying risk drivers and apply policies into practices. • Opportunity to synchronise and harmonise Post-2015 DRR Framework with Sustainable Development Agenda and Mitigation/adaptation to CC. • Expected Outcomes of the WCDRR-3 (Sendai, March 2015): • The post-2015 framework for DRR with defined targets and indicators, enhanced monitoring system and period review process. • The voluntary commitments of stakeholders  ex: EO community. • Political Declaration.

  16. V • Thank you for your attention • We look forward for further collaboration to build the resilience of nations and communities to disasters. • www.unisdr.org • www.Preventionweb.net

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