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Technology Integration Using PowerPoint

Technology Integration Using PowerPoint. Carol Almarez Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Alleghany County Schools. October 2006. Emphasize main points Stimulate interest & add flair graphics Effects Make lessons organized and flexible Help learners stay on task.

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Technology Integration Using PowerPoint

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  1. Technology Integration Using PowerPoint Carol Almarez Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Alleghany County Schools October 2006

  2. Emphasize main points Stimulate interest & add flair graphics Effects Make lessons organized and flexible Help learners stay on task Convey complex concepts in outline format Appeal to variety of learning styles Change of pace Step-by-step learning process Why PowerPoint?

  3. Today • Ways to use PowerPoint in instruction • Teachers • Students (ideas + rubrics) • Ways NOT to use PowerPoint • Create a simple presentation • Sample PowerPoints • Using Templates • Download & Edit • Create a PowerPoint lesson • Resources & Tutorials

  4. Ways to Use PowerPoint: Teachers • Student announcement or assignment slide show • New student orientation • To introduce a new unit or review • Provide background information • Model use of technology • Games and quizzes

  5. Ways to Use PowerPoint: Students • Share knowledge with peers in a different format • Utilize graphics, sound, and/or movies to make a point • Creative way to complete an assignment • Collaborate with fellow students • Create electronic portfolio

  6. Rubrics for Student Work • http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/pptrubric.html • http://www.artteacherconnection.com/pages/powerpointrubric.htm

  7. How NOT to use PowerPoint • What’s wrong with this PowerPoint? • Gettysburg Address http://www.norvig.com/Gettysburg/

  8. Create a Simple Presentation • Open PowerPoint • Use AutoContent Wizard • Or, Click New [Create a new presentation] • A blank Title Slide appears

  9. From New Presentation menu, click Slide Design

  10. Scroll down and click to select a background and format for your slide show

  11. Type in a Title and Subtitle (or your name and class) From the Insert Menu, choose New Slide

  12. The rest of your slides will look like this Type in your next title and the information that supports or explains it

  13. Click the Outline Tab to organize in Outline view

  14. Complete the Presentation • Select an SOL from your content area • Continue with the presentation you’ve started, or start a new one • Create PowerPoint presentation of at least 4 slides to teach one of your content SOLs • Preview • Save and Print

  15. PowerPoint Samples • Research Paper Guidelines http://oswego.org/staff/pruneari/Research.ppt_files/frame.htm • French 9 Geography test http://oswego.org/staff/kolson/French9%20Geo%20PPP2_files/frame.htm • Using a series of line drawings to show progression of an action or idea • http://www.internet4classrooms.com/components.ppt • Teaching the concepts of speed and velocity • http://www.internet4classrooms.com/speed_velocity.ppt

  16. Using Templates • Quizzes & Tests • Games • Self-paced learning • Copy an existing PowerPoint—but give credit to the person or place you took it from • From File, Save As, give new name

  17. Downloading & Editing • Right-click with mouse on the link to the PowerPoint • Choose Save Target As

  18. Locate the place where you want to store the PowerPoint (your hard drive, a flash drive, etc.*) Click Save *Many PowerPoints are too large to save to a floppy disk

  19. Create a PowerPoint Lesson • Choose an SOL that you will be teaching • Use the resources and/or tutorials in the following slides to help you create at least one lesson on one or more SOLs • Ideas • Modify an existing PowerPoint • Modify an existing game • Create a new PowerPoint using a tutorial

  20. Resources: Games, Quizzes, Presentations & Templates • GAMES • Jeopardy and other game formats http://teach.fcps.net/trt10/PowerPoint.htm • Games for science curriculum http://www.csun.edu/%7Evceed002/ref/games/ • Jeopardy games created by teachers (scroll down to Middle School-High School http://www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/countyjeopardygames.htm • BattleGraph (battleship game-graphing on a coordinate plane) http://sarah.lodick.com/edit/powerpoint_game/battlegraph/battlegraph.ppt (click No when it asks you about changes)

  21. Resources continued • Information on special ed and autism http://www.nebo.edu/misc/learning_resources/ppt/general/auism.ppt • PowerPoint for publishing projects (high school) http://www.pasadenaisd.org/teachertoolbox/Default.htm (click Resources, Secondary Resources, Publishing with PowerPoint) • PowerPoints (elementary mixed in) http://oswego.org/ocsd-web/teaching/resources/resources-x.cfm?Type=P • Jefferson County Schools PowerPoint collection http://jc-schools.net/ppt.html • PowerPoints for Grades 6-12

  22. More Resources • Ag lesson plans in PowerPoint http://www.glenroseffa.org/lesson%20plans.htm • PowerPoint ideas, templates, video, audio (some elementary) http://www.techtrekers.com/PP/ • High school Student PowerPoint projects http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/taylor/ppt/ • Interactive PowerPoints on writing topics http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/pp/#presentations • PowerPoints in all subjects http://www.worldofteaching.com/

  23. Online Tutorials • Power Point in the Classroom http://www.actden.com/pp/index.htm • Creating a Class PowerPoint Presentation (click ‘Begin the Techtorial’) http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/techtorial/techtorial047.shtml • Creating student quizzes: non-linear PowerPoint http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/techtorial/techtorial056.shtml • An advanced PowerPoint sample/tutorial http://www.internet4classrooms.com/advanced.ppt

  24. Tutorials continued • Stop-action animation with PowerPoint (advanced) http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/techtorial/techtorial094.shtml • Interactive maps in PowerPoint (advanced) http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/techtorial/techtorial080.shtml • Electric Teacher PowerPoint tutorial http://www.electricteacher.com/tutorial3.htm • Special ed: create an Accessible PowerPoint http://www.pptmagic.com/articles/accessppt.htm#_Add_Alt-Text#_Add_Alt-Text#_Add_Alt-Text#_Add_Alt-Text

  25. End of Presentation Please fill out the evaluation form and return to me!

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