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Analysis of Algorithms CS 477/677

Analysis of Algorithms CS 477/677. Instructor: Monica Nicolescu. The Heap Data Structure. Def: A heap is a nearly complete binary tree with the following two properties: Structural property: all levels are full, except possibly the last one, which is filled from left to right

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Analysis of Algorithms CS 477/677

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  1. Analysis of AlgorithmsCS 477/677 Instructor: Monica Nicolescu

  2. The Heap Data Structure • Def:A heap is a nearly complete binary tree with the following two properties: • Structural property: all levels are full, except possibly the last one, which is filled from left to right • Order (heap) property: for any node x Parent(x) ≥ x 8 It doesn’t matter that 4 in level 1 is smaller than 5 in level 2 7 4 5 2 Heap CS 477/677

  3. Array Representation of Heaps • A heap can be stored as an array A. • Root of tree is A[1] • Left child of A[i] = A[2i] • Right child of A[i] = A[2i + 1] • Parent of A[i] = A[ i/2 ] • Heapsize[A] ≤ length[A] • The elements in the subarray A[(n/2+1) .. n] are leaves • The root is the maximum element of the heap A heap is a binary tree that is filled in order CS 477/677

  4. Maintaining the Heap Property • Suppose a node is smaller than a child • Left and Right subtrees of i are max-heaps • Invariant: • the heap condition is violated only at that node • To eliminate the violation: • Exchange with larger child • Move down the tree • Continue until node is not smaller than children CS 477/677

  5. Convert an array A[1 … n] into a max-heap (n = length[A]) The elements in the subarray A[(n/2+1) .. n] are leaves Apply MAX-HEAPIFY on elements between 1 and n/2 1 4 2 3 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 16 9 10 8 9 10 14 8 7 Building a Heap A: CS 477/677

  6. Heapsort • Goal: • Sort an array using heap representations • Idea: • Build a max-heap from the array • Swap the root (the maximum element) with the last element in the array • “Discard” this last node by decreasing the heap size • Call MAX-HEAPIFY on the new root • Repeat this process until only one node remains CS 477/677

  7. O(n) n-1times O(lgn) Alg: HEAPSORT(A) • BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A) • for i ← length[A]downto 2 • do exchange A[1] ↔ A[i] • MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, i - 1) • Running time: O(nlgn) CS 477/677

  8. MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, 4) MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, 3) MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, 2) MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, 1) Example: A=[7, 4, 3, 1, 2] CS 477/677

  9. HEAP-MAXIMUM Goal: • Return the largest element of the heap Alg: HEAP-MAXIMUM(A) • return A[1] Running time:O(1) Heap A: Heap-Maximum(A) returns 7 CS 477/677

  10. Root is the largest element HEAP-EXTRACT-MAX Goal: • Extract the largest element of the heap (i.e., return the max value and also remove that element from the heap Idea: • Exchange the root element with the last • Decrease the size of the heap by 1 element • Call MAX-HEAPIFY on the new root, on a heap of size n-1 Heap A: CS 477/677

  11. HEAP-EXTRACT-MAX Alg: HEAP-EXTRACT-MAX(A, n) • if n < 1 • then error “heap underflow” • max ← A[1] • A[1] ← A[n] • MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, n-1) remakes heap • return max Running time:O(lgn) CS 477/677

  12. 16 14 1 14 10 14 8 10 10 8 7 9 3 4 8 7 7 9 9 3 3 2 4 1 2 2 1 4 Example: HEAP-EXTRACT-MAX max = 16 Heap size decreased with 1 Call MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1, n-1) CS 477/677

  13. 16 14 10 8 7 9 3 i 2 4 1 HEAP-INCREASE-KEY • Goal: • Increases the key of an element i in the heap • Idea: • Increment the key of A[i] to its new value • If the max-heap property does not hold anymore: traverse a path toward the root to find the proper place for the newly increased key Key [i]← 15 CS 477/677

  14. 16 14 10 8 7 9 3 i 2 4 1 HEAP-INCREASE-KEY Alg: HEAP-INCREASE-KEY(A, i, key) • if key < A[i] • then error “new key is smaller than current key” • A[i] ← key • while i > 1 and A[PARENT(i)] < A[i] • do exchange A[i] ↔ A[PARENT(i)] • i ← PARENT(i) • Running time: O(lgn) Key [i]← 15 CS 477/677

  15. 16 16 Key [i ] ← 15 14 14 10 10 16 16 8 8 7 7 9 9 3 3 i i i 2 2 4 15 1 1 14 10 15 10 i 15 7 9 3 14 7 9 3 2 8 1 2 8 1 Example: HEAP-INCREASE-KEY CS 477/677

  16. 16 - 14 10 8 7 9 3 2 4 1 15 MAX-HEAP-INSERT • Goal: • Inserts a new element into a max-heap • Idea: • Expand the max-heap with a new element whose key is - • Calls HEAP-INCREASE-KEY to set the key of the new node to its correct value and maintain the max-heap property 16 14 10 8 7 9 3 2 4 1 CS 477/677

  17. - MAX-HEAP-INSERT Alg: MAX-HEAP-INSERT(A, key, n) • heap-size[A] ← n + 1 • A[n + 1] ← - • HEAP-INCREASE-KEY(A, n + 1, key) 16 14 10 8 7 9 3 2 4 1 Running time:O(lgn) CS 477/677

  18. Insert value 15: - Start by inserting - Increase the key to 15 Call HEAP-INCREASE-KEY on A[11] = 15 16 16 14 10 14 10 8 7 9 3 8 7 9 3 2 4 1 2 4 1 15 The restored heap containing the newly added element - 16 16 15 10 14 10 8 14 9 3 8 15 9 3 2 4 1 7 2 4 1 7 Example: MAX-HEAP-INSERT CS 477/677

  19. Summary • We can perform the following operations on heaps: • MAX-HEAPIFY O(lgn) • BUILD-MAX-HEAP O(n) • HEAP-SORT O(nlgn) • MAX-HEAP-INSERT O(lgn) • HEAP-EXTRACT-MAX O(lgn) • HEAP-INCREASE-KEY O(lgn) • HEAP-MAXIMUM O(1) CS 477/677

  20. The Search Problem • Find items with keys matching a given search key Applications: • Keeping track of customer account information at a bank • Search through records to check balances and perform transactions • Keep track of reservations on flights • Search to find empty seats, cancel/modify reservations • Search engine • Looks for all documents containing a given word CS 477/677

  21. Symbol Tables (Dictionaries) • Dictionary = data structure that supports two basic operations: insert a new item and return an item with a given key • Queries: return information about the set • Search (S, k) • Minimum (S), Maximum (S) • Successor (S, x), Predecessor (S, x) • Modifying operations: change the set • Insert (S, k) • Delete (S, k) CS 477/677

  22. Implementations of Symbol Tables • Key-indexed-array • Key values are distinct, small numbers • Store the items in an array, indexed by keys • Ordered/unordered arrays • Ordered/unordered linked lists Insert Search key-indexed array 1 1 ordered array N N ordered list N N unordered array 1 N unordered list 1 N CS 477/677

  23. Binary Search Trees • Support many dynamic set operations • SEARCH, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, PREDECESSOR, SUCCESSOR, INSERT • Running time of basic operations on binary search trees • On average: (lgn) • The expected height of the tree is lgn • In the worst case: (n) • The tree is a linear chain of n nodes CS 477/677

  24. parent L R key data Right child Left child Binary Search Trees • Tree representation: • A linked data structure in which each node is an object • Node representation: • Key field • Satellite data • Left: pointer to left child • Right: pointer to right child • p: pointer to parent (p [root [T]] = NIL) • Satisfies the binary-search-tree property CS 477/677

  25. 5 3 7 2 5 9 Binary Search Tree Example • Binary search tree property: • If y is in left subtree of x, then key [y] ≤ key [x] • If y is in right subtree of x, then key [y] ≥ key [x] CS 477/677

  26. 5 3 7 2 5 9 Traversing a Binary Search Tree • Inorder tree walk: • Prints the keys of a binary tree in sorted order • Root is printed between the values of its left and right subtrees: left, root, right • Preorder tree walk: • root printed first: root, left, right • Postorder tree walk: left, right, root • root printed last Inorder: 2 3 5 5 7 9 Preorder: 5 3 2 5 7 9 Postorder: 2 5 3 9 7 5 CS 477/677

  27. 5 3 7 2 5 9 Traversing a Binary Search Tree Alg: INORDER-TREE-WALK(x) • if x  NIL • then INORDER-TREE-WALK ( left [x]) • print key [x] • INORDER-TREE-WALK ( right [x]) • E.g.: • Running time: • (n), where n is the size of the tree rooted at x Output: 2 3 5 5 7 9 CS 477/677

  28. 5 3 7 2 4 9 Searching for a Key • Given a pointer to the root of a tree and a key k: • Return a pointer to a node with key k if one exists • Otherwise return NIL • Idea • Starting at the root: trace down a path by comparing k with the key of the current node: • If the keys are equal: we have found the key • If k < key[x] search in the left subtree of x • If k > key[x] search in the right subtree of x CS 477/677

  29. 5 3 7 2 4 9 Searching for a Key Alg: TREE-SEARCH(x, k) • if x = NIL or k = key [x] • then return x • if k < key [x] • then return TREE-SEARCH(left [x], k ) • else return TREE-SEARCH(right [x], k ) Running Time: O (h), h – the height of the tree CS 477/677

  30. 15 6 18 3 7 17 20 2 4 13 9 Example: TREE-SEARCH • Search for key 13: • 15  6  7  13 CS 477/677

  31. Iterative Tree Search Alg:ITERATIVE-TREE-SEARCH(x, k) • while x  NIL and k  key [x] • do if k < key [x] • then x  left [x] • else x  right [x] • return x CS 477/677

  32. 15 6 18 3 7 17 20 2 4 13 9 Finding the Minimum in a Binary Search Tree • Goal: find the minimum value in a BST • Following left child pointers from the root, until a NIL is encountered Alg: TREE-MINIMUM(x) • while left [x] NIL • do x ← left [x] • return x Running time: O(h), h – height of tree Minimum = 2 CS 477/677

  33. 15 6 18 3 7 17 20 2 4 13 9 Finding the Maximum in a Binary Search Tree • Goal: find the maximum value in a BST • Following right child pointers from the root, until a NIL is encountered Alg: TREE-MAXIMUM(x) • while right [x] NIL • do x ← right [x] • return x • Running time: O(h), h – height of tree Maximum = 20 CS 477/677

  34. 15 6 18 3 7 17 20 2 4 13 9 Successor Def: successor (x ) =y, such that key [y] is the smallest key > key [x] • E.g.:successor (15) = successor (13) = successor (9) = • Case 1: right (x) is non empty • successor (x ) = the minimum in right (x) • Case 2: right (x) is empty • go up the tree until the current node is a left child: successor (x ) is the parent of the current node • if you cannot go further (and you reached the root): x is the largest element 17 15 13 CS 477/677

  35. 15 6 18 3 7 17 20 2 4 13 9 Finding the Successor Alg: TREE-SUCCESSOR(x) • if right [x]  NIL • then return TREE-MINIMUM(right [x]) • y ← p[x] • while y  NIL and x = right [y] • do x ← y • y ← p[y] • return y Running time: O (h), h – height of the tree y x CS 477/677

  36. 15 6 18 3 7 17 20 2 4 13 9 Predecessor Def: predecessor (x ) =y, such that key [y] is the biggest key < key [x] • E.g.:predecessor (15) = predecessor (9) = predecessor (13) = • Case 1: left (x) is non empty • predecessor (x ) = the maximum in left (x) • Case 2: left (x) is empty • go up the tree until the current node is a right child: predecessor (x ) is the parent of the current node • if you cannot go further (and you reached the root): x is the smallest element 13 7 9 CS 477/677

  37. 12 5 18 2 9 15 19 1 3 13 17 Insertion • Goal: • Insert value vinto a binary search tree • Idea: • If key [x] < v move to the right child of x, else move to the left child of x • When x is NIL, we found the correct position • If v < key [y] insert the new node as y’s left child else insert it as y’s right child • Begining at the root, go down the tree and maintain: • Pointer x: traces the downward path (current node) • Pointer y: parent of x (“trailing pointer” ) Insert value 13 CS 477/677

  38. y y 12 12 12 12 x 5 5 5 5 18 18 18 18 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 19 19 19 19 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 17 17 17 17 x 13 Example: TREE-INSERT x, y=NIL Insert 13: x = NIL y = 15 CS 477/677

  39. 12 5 18 2 9 15 19 1 3 13 17 Alg:TREE-INSERT(T, z) • y ← NIL • x ← root [T] • while x ≠ NIL • do y ← x • if key [z] < key [x] • then x ← left [x] • else x ← right [x] • p[z] ← y • if y = NIL • then root [T] ← z Tree T was empty • else if key [z] < key [y] • then left [y] ← z • else right [y] ← z Running time: O(h) CS 477/677

  40. Readings • Chapter 6 • Chapter 12 CS 477/677

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