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Tiphon WG4 Presentation

Tiphon WG4 Presentation. Numbering, Naming and Addressing for telephony on IP December 2000: Kyoto. Contents. Internet basics Tiphon and relationship to IETF and ENUM Tiphon stages of resolution Resolution system. Host (= terminal). Multi- service terminal. Internet end-to-end model.

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Tiphon WG4 Presentation

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  1. Tiphon WG4 Presentation Numbering, Naming and Addressing for telephony on IP December 2000: Kyoto

  2. Contents • Internet basics • Tiphon and relationship to IETF and ENUM • Tiphon stages of resolution • Resolution system

  3. Host (= terminal) Multi- service terminal Internet end-to-end model DNS Internet name Name IP address Internet Caller A

  4. Where is .xyz.co.uk? Where is .co.uk? Where is .uk? IP address of server for .xyz.co.uk IP address of server for .co.uk IP address of server for .uk Internet name resolution Stored IP address Root server One of 13 Calling host TLD server for .uk Time SLD server for .co.uk

  5. ISP Internet support of DNS Registry operator Competing registrars Checks availability Registry Request Updates master User Registrar Confirms Domain Name Server Name, IP address, other info Assigns IP address Allocates range of IP addresses May be the same organisation Updates Secondary DN Server Secondary DN Server Regional Internet Registry eg RIPE Replicates used for resilience and load sharing

  6. Tiphon overview • Main objective is needs of telcos who migrate to IP, not public Internet • Architecture, service capabilities and information flows that are protocol independent – a systems approach • Work with H.323, SIP and Megaco • Exploit ETSI experience in specification writing (SDL, TTCN)

  7. IETF • Voice over public Internet • Main aim is ISPs and bypass • Protocols largely SIP based • Only define messages not states • Strong end-to-end model/dogma • Rather fragmented in approach

  8. Tiphon • Networks still need boundaries for security • Need step-by-step routing possibility for control of signalling and media paths – lawful interception • More control needed as calls may be charged by time

  9. Tiphon WG4 basic principle A service capability must specify for the user: • the type of information communicated (voice, text etc) • the way in which the caller tells the network who he wants to communicate with = type of name/address

  10. Naming • Tiphon says names relate to services • Tiphon says E.164 essential for public telephony - compatibility with Cct Sw • IETF assumes user@host and looks to ENUM to translate to SIP address

  11. Names and services Services Telephony Fax SMS Email Other services Name value Name type E.164 User@host Named entity Person/ Terminal

  12. Telephony on switched circuit network Email Tiphon solution for telephony on IP Internet telephony Name E.164 number user@domain where domain may be a host name E.164 number user@domain, possibly with an E.164 alias for incoming calls from the switched circuit networks Address Routeing E.164 number, or (routeing prefix +E.164 number) IP address IP address IP address Comparison

  13. SIP Proxy server Proxy server Location server Location server URL of next server SIP of called user Network Server Network Server URL of next UAS UAC UAS UAS UAC URL of current location of terminal Media packets sent to IP address of called UAS obtained from URL by DNS

  14. Public telephony services E.164 Approach to services Common service model Different services model New features Public telephony E.164 Internet telephony User@domain ENUM Switched circuit networks IP Networks including Internet Switched circuit networks Internet Area worked on by Tiphon Area worked on by IETF Service interworking Involves E.164 numbers either - by association (ENUM), or- by allocation in parallel with Internet names

  15. ENUM Overview • Identify that user can be reached on Internet • Offer available means to reach user and indicate user’s preferences • Calling user selects means and activates in normal way • Based on DNS – query with eg:

  16. Telephone Multi- service terminal Mobile terminal Internet terminal ENUM Services Called B@domain Internet telephony based on SIP Called B@domain Mobile E.164 Mobile telephony Mobile E.164 Geographic E.164 Service selection ENUM Called B Caller A Public telephone service(may be implemented on switched circuits or IP) Geographic E.164 E.164 number For Called B List of services, associated names and preferences Note: Query to DNS maybe sent from caller’s terminalor from access network ENUM Service in DNS Information on services used by Called B

  17. ENUM terminal querying DNS Query for NAPTR records with services available Time Choice DNS Request SVR If needed SVR Now has domain name Start SIP procedure

  18. ENUM issues • Top part of domain name “.e164.arpa” • Who runs national registries • Control/authority to input data to registry • Building critical mass of registrations • Demand for telephony over Internet/quality/cost saving • Removing ceased numbers • E.164 numbers shared by several people • Useful for specialist applications – integrated messaging

  19. Tiphon multi-stage resolution Directoryservice Searchresolution Serviceresolutionnumber portability Serviceresolutionfreephone Routingresolution Routingresolution Routingresolution Routingresolution Caller Network A Network B Network C Network D

  20. Tiphon resolution work • Developing framework for routing • Multi-stage resolution • Resolution of E.164 to IP address • Service resolution: E.164 to home network name (public service) • Routeing resolution: Home network name to interconnection point name (user@host) (internal to operator) • Interconnection point name to private IP address (internal to operator) • Process can repeat in each network until end

  21. Resolution type From To Carried out by Public or internal Comment Search Resolution Any information Called E.164 Calling terminal or calling party Either Address book, orDirectory, orSearch engine Service Resolution Called E.164 name Serving network name Service control in any network Either Specific to service or geographical area (Note: a service may be specific to a network) Not specific to IP technology Routeing Resolution Called E.164 name orServing network name Routeing information for next hop Call control in any network Normally internal Local or national or global Not specific to IP technology Process may be repeated as signalling progresses hop-by-hop TIPHON stages

  22. End IP address End IP address Relationships Customer ID Customer ID User name User name End IP address End IP address Signalling path Port # Signalling Port # Signalling Media path Port # Media Port # Media

  23. Services Service Control Call Control Bearer Control 11 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 Media Control IP Media Active Call Setup from Originating Terminal (02003 fig 68) User Interface Terminal-Network Interface Stored value of IP - Co S1.O_Service _Request S1.O_Service _Confirm Called E.164 IP – Co, Bo SC1.O_Service _Request SC1.O_Service _Confirm UI.Call_Request Called E.164 C1.Call_Request IP - Ci IP - Co UI.Connect Indication C1.Call_Confirm IP - Ci BearerEst_ Indication BearerRsv_Request C1.Bearer_Request IP – Bi,Mi IP - Bo C1.Bearer_Confirm IP - Mo IP - Bi M1.MediaEst_ Confirm M1.MediaEst_Request T1.TransportEst_Confirm T1.TransportEst_Request IP - Mi IP - Mo Note: For a terminal, Ci, Bi & Mi may be the same

  24. Services Service Control Call Control Bearer Control 9 4 22 12 11 27 26 25 23 10 24 20 19 17 16 15 14 13 18 21 8 3 7 1 2 5 6 Media Control IP Media Media Active Active Call Setup in Originating Network (02003 fig 85) Resolves Called E.164 toServing Network Name Terminal-Network Interface S2.UserRouting _Request S2.UserRouting _Confirm S3.ValidateRouting _Request S3.ValidateRouting _Confirm S3.AccessRouting _Request S3.AccessRouting _Confirm Resolves Serving Network Nameto IP-Co SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingRequest SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingConfirm C1.Call_Request Called E.164 C2.Call_Request C1.Call_Confirm C2.Call_Confirm BearerRsv_ Confirm BearerEst_ Indication BearerRsv_Request C1.Bearer_Request C2.Bearer_Request Note 1 C1.Bearer_Confirm C2.Bearer_Confirm N2.MediaRsv_ Confirm N2.MediaRsv_Request N2.MediaEst_ Confirm N2.MediaEst_Request Note 1: The only timing constraint on 2 is thatit must be received before 12 can be sent T2.TransportRsv_Confirm T2.TransportRsv_Request T2.TransportEst_Confirm T2.TransportEst_Request

  25. Services Service Control Call Control Bearer Control 18 25 24 23 20 21 19 22 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 16 1 2 4 5 9 7 8 3 6 Media Control IP Media Media Active Active Call Setup in Intermediate Network (02003 fig 87) Resolves Called E.164 toServing Network Name S3.ValidateRouting _Request S3.ValidateRouting _Confirm S3.AccessRouting _Request S3.AccessRouting _Confirm Resolves Serving Network Nameto IP-Co SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingRequest SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingConfirm C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Confirm C2.Call_Confirm BearerRsv_ Confirm BearerRsv_Request BearerEst_ Indication C2.Bearer_Request C2.Bearer_Request Note 1 C2.Bearer_Confirm C2.Bearer_Confirm N2.MediaRsv_ Confirm N2.MediaRsv_Request N2.MediaEst_ Confirm N2.MediaEst_Request Note 1: The only timing constraint on 2 is thatit must be received before 12 can be sent T2.TransportRsv_Confirm T2.TransportRsv_Request T2.TransportEst_Confirm T2.TransportEst_Request

  26. Services S3.ValidateRouting _Request S3.ValidateRouting _Confirm S3.AccessRouting _Request S3.AccessRouting _Confirm SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingRequest SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingConfirm Service Control C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Confirm C2.Call_Confirm BearerRsv_ Confirm Call Control BearerRsv_Request BearerEst_ Indication C2.Bearer_Request C2.Bearer_Request Bearer Control C2.Bearer_Confirm C2.Bearer_Confirm N2.MediaRsv_ Confirm N2.MediaRsv_Request N2.MediaEst_ Confirm N2.MediaEst_Request Media Control T2.TransportRsv_Confirm T2.TransportRsv_Request T2.TransportEst_Confirm T2.TransportEst_Request IP Media Active Call Setup in Intermediate Network (02003 fig 87) This slide is animated to work with LH mouse clicks under slide show

  27. S3.ValidateRouting _Request Services Services S3.ValidateRouting _Confirm S3.ValidateRouting _Request S3.ValidateRouting _Confirm S3.AccessRouting _Request S3.AccessRouting _Confirm S3.AccessRouting _Request S3.AccessRouting _Confirm SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingRequest SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingConfirm SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingRequest SC2.AccessAnd _RoutingConfirm Service Control Service Control C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Request C2.Call_Confirm C2.Call_Confirm C2.Call_Confirm BearerRsv_ Confirm BearerRsv_ Confirm Call Control Call Control BearerRsv_Request BearerRsv_Request BearerEst_ Indication BearerEst_ Indication C2.Bearer_Request C2.Bearer_Request C2.Bearer_Request C2.Bearer_Confirm C2.Bearer_Confirm Bearer Control Bearer Control C2.Bearer_Confirm N2.MediaRsv_ Confirm N2.MediaRsv_Request N2.MediaRsv_ Confirm N2.MediaRsv_Request N2.MediaEst_ Confirm N2.MediaEst_Request N2.MediaEst_ Confirm N2.MediaEst_Request Media Control Media Control T2.TransportRsv_Confirm T2.TransportRsv_Request T2.TransportRsv_Confirm T2.TransportRsv_Request T2.TransportEst_Confirm T2.TransportEst_Request T2.TransportEst_Confirm T2.TransportEst_Request IP IP Media Media Active Active This slide is animated to work with LH mouse clicks under slide show But some flows are grouped Call Setup in Two Successive Networks (02003 fig 87)

  28. Resolution system - 1

  29. AD-BES AD-BES AD-BES External Provisioning Interface Administrative Aspects ARDB TRC Internal Provisioning Interface Real-time Aspects Clearing Houses Service Providers SOA SOA NAA RTDB RTDB Real-time Query Interface TRC: TIPHON Resolution Capabilities; NAA: Number Allocation Authority ARDB: Administrative Reference Database; SOA: Service Order Activation RTDB: Real-time Database; AD-BES: Administrative Domain Back End System

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