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LOCAL GOVERNMENTS and CLIMATE CHANGE CCP Campaign in Turkey. Gülçin ÖZSOY REC Turkey Climate Change Work Programme 6 March 2008, Szentendre. REC TURKEY. REC Charter Signed in October 2002 Ratified in January 2004 Bilateral Agreement Signed in January 2004 Ratified in August 2004

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  1. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS andCLIMATE CHANGECCP Campaign in Turkey Gülçin ÖZSOY REC Turkey Climate Change Work Programme 6 March 2008, Szentendre

  2. REC TURKEY REC Charter Signed in October 2002 Ratified in January 2004 Bilateral Agreement Signed in January 2004 Ratified in August 2004 Grants Agreement(2.3 Million Euro) Signed in April 2004 Opening of REC Turkey Office 27 May 2004

  3. Supporting activities for EU Accession Civil Society Development Activities Capacity Building for Sustainable Development Sustainable Business Climate Change Environmental Education for Sustainable Development Biodiversity and Nature Protection Access to Information Regional Activities Thematic Work Areas of REC Turkey

  4. REC Turkey Climate Change Work Programme Project Portfolio REC Turkey-The National Focal Point for UNFCCC Article 6 (Education, Training and Public Awareness) between 2005 and 2008

  5. REC Turkey Climate Change Project Portfolio 2009-2011 “Capacity Building in the Field of Envrionment“ Project IPA 2007” “Facilitating Involvement of Turkish Local Authorities in Mitigation of Climate Change” Project “Facilitating a Turkish Business Initiative on Climate Change” Project

  6. Facilitating Involvement of Turkish Local Authorities in Mitigation of GHG Why to Focus Cities around Turkey Turkey’s Population: 71.5 million Turkey has 7 different geographical regions with different climatic patterns and population densities. Around 75% of the population live in urban settlements Existing number of municipalities is 2101. On 29 March 2009, the elections for local government will be held and new officials will be elected. The elections take place in every 5 years. REC Video – Click!

  7. Climate Change Affects Urban Life in Turkey • Long term average temperature increase 5-6oC, average precipitation decrease 40%expected. • Severe water shortage faced in 2007! • Regional temperature rise -> serious air pollution • Droughts and floods -> water resources and infrastructure. • Damages in urban infrastructure and extreme weather conditions-> public health risk. • Risk of sea level rise in coastal zones.

  8. ICLEI-Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Campaign • Aim; Campaign aims to adopt policies and implement quantifiable measures to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and enhance urban livability and sustainability. • Startedat 1993, and as of 2008, more than 800 cities globally participate in the campaign. Most active countries are USA and Australia. No participants from Turkey • Methodology; adoption of a Local Government Resolution by an elected council or authority which indicates that the local government proceeds to undertake and complete five performance milestones • CCP’s Greenhouse Emissions Software HEAT (Harmonized Emissions Analysis Tool) is available for conducting emission analysis and evaluating emission reduction measures and tracking measures.

  9. ICLEI-Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Campaign Harmonized Emissions Analysis Tool (HEAT) User friendly Windows-based Adaptable IPCC oriented More than 800 cities

  10. Framework of the Campaign in Turkey • Aim: To build capacity within the local authorities for quantified and standardized analysis of GHGs and development of time-based mitigation targets by promoting Cities for Climate Protection Campaign of ICLEI. • Time Frame: December 2008-July 2009 (8 months) • Project Activities: Before elections; • campaigns for candidate officials and campaigns for voters (participation to TV, radio programmes, preparation and dissemination of informative brochures) • Software translation After elections; • Signatory meeting for elected officials to sign ICLEI-CCP Local Government Resolution • Technical training about climate change and software use for experts (high and technical level) from municipalities which have decided to participate in the campaign • Establishment of a Secretariat to sustain the implementation of the campaing after the end of the project.

  11. Efforts of Local Governments • Experience of LA21`s in Turkey could be a basis for the campaign, • Istanbul has been a member of C40 countries and ISTAC participated to local government session of COP14, • Mr. Murat Karayalcin (a candidate for Ankara Metropolitan Municipality) announced his support to Greenpeace`s Carbon Friendly Municipality Campaign ICLEI CCP Campaign aims to provide a technical support to all of these independent efforts in a systematic manner

  12. Expected Outcomes from the Campaign • Increasing capacity at local level may; Contribute to the improvement of national greenhouse gas inventory calculations Contribute to policies, measures and strategies that Turkey can follow for the Kyoto Protocol and post-2012 global climate change regime Provide a basis for awareness raising and implementation activities at the local level in adaptation to climate change

  13. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION...gulcin.ozsoy@rec.org.trhande.ozut@rec.org.trinfo@rec.org.trwww.rec.org.trwww.yesilkutu.netwww.abcevreodulleri.infowww.sd-certificate.infowww.sustainabilityseminars.infowww.iklimlerdegisiyor.info

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