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The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow

PPC advertising is a great way to drive traffic, leads, and sales. However, it is important to follow best practices for the channel to ensure you get the most out of it.<br><br>

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The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow

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  1. 6/2/23, 7:57 PM The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow - WriteUpCafe.com The Dos and Don’ts of PPC Advertising – Best Practices to Follow writeupcafe.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-ppc-advertising-best-practices-to-follow PPC advertising is a great way to drive traffic, leads, and sales. However, it is important to follow best practices for the channel to ensure you get the most out of it. One of the most important things you can do is create a buyer persona to help you target your ads to the right audience. This will give you better results in the long run. https://writeupcafe.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-ppc-advertising-best-practices-to-follow/ 1/5

  2. 6/2/23, 7:57 PM The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow - WriteUpCafe.com 1. Optimize Your Ads PPC is a great way to drive quick, targeted traffic. By funneling traffic through your ads, you can quickly test and iterate on new products, landing pages, and content to find out what works best for your business. The first step is to choose keywords that will be a good fit for your business. You can do this by studying your competition and using Google Ads’ quality score feature. Next, you need to target those keywords with an ad campaign. You can do this by creating multiple ads and trying them out until you find one that drives the best results. You’ll also want to make sure that your ad copy is clear and compelling. Optimising your ad copy will help you get more clicks, reduce your CPC (cost per click), and increase conversion rates. This is especially important if you’re selling low-ticket items that are prone to impulse purchases, or products with a longer customer journey. For example, if someone searches for “3D printer” and you send them to your product page without offering a solution, they’ll likely bounce off your site. 2. Optimize Your Landing Pages Your landing pages are a critical component of your PPC campaigns. They should be designed to seamlessly transition from your ad copy and encourage the targeted searcher to take action. Landing page optimisation is particularly important for mobile advertising. If your landing page isn’t mobile-friendly, it can negatively affect your ad performance and Ad Quality Score. One of the best ways to ensure that your landing page is mobile-friendly is to use Google’s Test My Site tool. This will tell you how well your site loads on a mobile device and provides recommendations on how to improve it. Another way to ensure that your landing pages are optimized is to perform regular A/B testing. This will allow you to find out which elements are performing the best, and then double down on those. Finally, it’s important to track conversions after a user interacts with your ad. This can help you understand what is causing people to click away from your ad or leave your website, and it can also tell you which of your PPC campaigns are generating the most ROI. https://writeupcafe.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-ppc-advertising-best-practices-to-follow/ 2/5

  3. 6/2/23, 7:57 PM The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow - WriteUpCafe.com If you haven’t already, start using a heatmapping tool to see where your users are dropping off. This will give you insight into where you should optimize your ad copy, and it’ll make sure that you’re providing the best possible customer experience. 3. Optimize Your Ad Copy When it comes to PPC packages, your ad copy is one of the most important elements to optimize. It's what convinces users to click and take action on your ad, so it's crucial that it conveys the right message in a way that is both appealing and persuasive. Fortunately, there are several strategies that you can use to help improve your ad copy and increase your click-through rate. For starters, you should always match your ad copy to the searcher's need. For example, if a mobile user is looking for a local service depot to change the oil in their car today, your ad copy should contain information about an extra vehicle check, a current coupon and a way for them to request an appointment online. Another strategy that can help boost your ad's performance is to track the results of your campaign. This can help you determine what keywords and ads are working best, and which ones need improvement. You can also use ad extensions to improve your ad's CTR and overall visibility on the search engine results page. Some ad extensions can be automated, while others require manual input from the advertiser. A good PPC agency will have extensive experience using ad extensions and can help you maximize your campaign's effectiveness. 4. Optimize Your Ads for Mobile PPC ads are a great way to get your business noticed online. They can quickly shoot you to the top of SERPs and get your site in front of potential customers. Your PPC ads can be a great way to generate new leads or sales for your business, but they need to be optimized in order to work well. This means that your landing pages need to be quick and easy to load on mobile devices. A slow website can result in a huge increase in bounce rates and low conversions. Fortunately, it is possible to improve your website’s speed with a few easy tweaks. Getting your website and landing page optimized for mobile isn’t an exact science, but it can be done. Start by checking your website’s mobile page load time in Google’s PageSpeed Insights. If you have any issues, you can take steps to resolve them immediately. Click here to read more: https://www.espinspire.com/pay-per-click-management.php https://writeupcafe.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-ppc-advertising-best-practices-to-follow/ 3/5

  4. 6/2/23, 7:57 PM The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow - WriteUpCafe.com 5. Optimize Your Ads for Google Maps Whether you run a local pizza shop or a shipping company, having Google Ads tied with your business on Google Maps can help you be a top choice for consumers when they are looking for a service in their area. As the mobile era has rolled in, people are becoming more dependent on Google Maps to find businesses they need to visit. That means Google is constantly looking for ways to enhance the user experience and make it easier for users to get what they’re looking for. To do this, Google is adding features to Maps that help users find places they need quickly and easily. These updates include group planning, promoted pins, and local inventory search. For businesses, this means boosting your visibility by using keywords that are relevant to your industry. Using these keywords will help you rank well on Google Maps and other search engines. Another way to boost your Google Maps ranking is by getting other businesses to write reviews about your business. By gathering more reviews, you will increase your overall Google Maps presence and drive more traffic to your business. 6. Optimize Your Ads for Social Media PPC ads are one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies because they allow you to set a maximum budget and only pay when someone clicks your ad. That means you won’t have to worry about going over your budget or spending your ad money on people who aren’t interested in your product. Another key advantage of PPC advertising is that it allows you to target people with intent. You can do this by targeting keywords that are relevant to your product or service, rather than trying to catch the attention of everyone in your niche. For example, instead of targeting a broad keyword like “free shipping,” focus on a more specific long-tail phrase like “get free shipping on all orders today.” This will help you to attract more qualified traffic at a lower cost. Aside from focusing on the right keywords for your business, it’s also important to optimize your ads for social media. By creating campaigns that target social media platforms, you can reach audiences across the world and increase your visibility. Social media PPC campaigns often run at a cheaper price than traditional search ads, which makes them a great choice for budget-conscious businesses. You can also utilize remarketing to target people who have already visited your website or engaged with your https://writeupcafe.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-ppc-advertising-best-practices-to-follow/ 4/5

  5. 6/2/23, 7:57 PM The Dos and Don'ts of PPC Advertising - Best Practices to Follow - WriteUpCafe.com social media posts. Retargeting is also a great way to remind potential customers of your products and services, which can lead to more sales. 7. Optimize Your Ads for Devices PPC advertising is a form of online marketing where you pay every time someone clicks on your ad. It's an excellent way to generate leads and boost conversions, but it's crucial to optimize your ads regularly to maximize your results. The first step to optimizing your PPC ads is ensuring that they are relevant. This means targeting the right keywords and phrases that your target audience uses to search for products or services similar to yours. It's also important to consider long-tail keywords, which are less competitive and can result in lower costs per click (CPC). Adding negative keywords can prevent you from getting irrelevant clicks, improving your quality score, and maximizing your ad spend efficiency. You can also use ad extensions to improve visibility and increase the number of clicks on your ads. For example, Google Ads includes options such as call buttons and review extensions that allow users to leave a review or contact your business directly from their ad. Another key to optimizing your PPC ads is to create a dedicated landing page for each keyword and phrase you're bidding on. This ensures that you're providing the best user experience for your visitors, increasing their likelihood of converting. Thanks for visiting writeupcafe https://writeupcafe.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-ppc-advertising-best-practices-to-follow/ 5/5

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