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Navigating around ICT and ASIA

Navigating around ICT and ASIA. Tapping into ICT savvy students. I am future’s child…. I am future’s child. I am 16 years old. I will be alive and well in 2070. My children will see the 22nd century. Can you even imagine what the world will be like for them?

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Navigating around ICT and ASIA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Navigating around ICT and ASIA Tapping into ICT savvy students

  2. I am future’s child… I am future’s child. I am 16 years old. I will be alive and well in 2070. My children will see the 22nd century. Can you even imagine what the world will be like for them? Wherever I live and work I will certainly be mixing in a multi national, multi cultural and multi faith setting; white people may be the ethnic minority. Are you confident you can design a curriculum that will equip me to live in my world? I am sixteen years old and I am sitting in one of your classrooms today.

  3. Australian leaders speak… Heather Ridout, CEO, Australian Industry Group, Kathe Kirby, Executive Director, Asia Education Foundation

  4. Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians Goal 1 Equity and Excellence: schooling contributes to a socially cohesive society Goal 2 Successful learners: able to make sense of their world Confident and creative individuals: have a sense of self worth and identity; relate well to others Active and informed citizens: appreciate Australia’s social, cultural and linguistic diversity; communicate across cultures especially Asia; act as responsible global and local citizens

  5. Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians ‘India, China and other Asian nations are growing and their influence on the world is increasing. Australians need to become ‘Asia literate’, engaging and building stronger relationships with Asia…’

  6. Australian Curriculum Intercultural Understanding: required by all students Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia: priority for all students

  7. Studies of Asia wikispace https://studiesofasia.wikispaces.com/ Great examples of cross cultural collaborative projects on wikis • http://www.bridge.edu.au/en/collaborations/collaborations_landing.html Where to get your free ad-free wikisite: • http://www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers

  8. Contact: Lindy Stirling 9637 3620 96372040 stirling.lindy.j@edumail.vic.gov.au Studies of Asia Project Officer

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