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Classification. I. Carl Linnaeus. Classification System 1. Taxonomy – the science of naming organisms and assigning them to groups a. Similar structural characteristics b. Similar functions & behaviors. 2. Taxa – different levels of classification

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  1. Classification

  2. I. Carl Linnaeus • Classification System 1. Taxonomy – the science of naming organisms and assigning them to groups a. Similar structural characteristics b. Similar functions & behaviors

  3. 2. Taxa – different levels of classification DOMAIN (3 largest groups – Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya) a. Kingdom – Animalia b. Phylum – Chordata c. Class – Mammalia d. Order – Carnivora e. Family – Felidae f. Genus – Felis g. Species – Domesticus

  4. B. Naming System 1. Binomial nomenclature – two-part scientific name 2. Made up of the organism’s genus and species names 3. House cat – Felis domesticus (if typed) or Felisdomesticus (if written) a. Whole name is in italics or underlined b. Genus is capitalized; species is lowercase

  5. II. Taxonomy Today • Taxonomy & Phylogeny 1. Phylogeny – evolutionary history 2. Species that are closely related by evolution are grouped together 3. Homologous structures – classify more closely together (Human arm & whale flipper) 4. Analogous structures – similar structures that develop separately in organisms not closely related – classified further apart (Bat wing & butterfly wing)

  6. B. Biochemical Taxonomy 1. Compare nucleotide sequence in DNA or RNA 2. Compare amino acid sequence in proteins 3. Similar sequences? Classify together

  7. III. Six Kingdom Classification System • Archaebacteria (Domain Archaea) - Prokaryotic - Unicellular - Auto/Hetero - Some are mobile (flagella) - Methanogens (make methane - found in harsh environments) Halophiles (love salt – Dead Sea) Thermophiles (love heat – hot springs, thermal vents)

  8. http://minst.org/images/23899A.jpg http://filebox.vt.edu/users/chagedor/biol_4684/Microbes/natrono.html Examples of halophilic (salt loving) bacteria

  9. B. Eubacteria (Domain Bacteria) - Pro - Uni - Auto/Hetero - Some are mobile (also by us!) - In your yogurt, on your hands, E. coli in your large intestine, disease-causing like Strep

  10. Streptococcus http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/t028/T028362A.jpg Escherichia coli (E. coli) http://www.astrographics.com/GalleryPrints/Display/GP2144.jpg Bifidobacteria (the kind in your yogurt) http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/gnn_images/news_content/10_02/bifido/bifido_1.jpg

  11. C. Protista - Eu - Uni (multi – colony) - Auto/Hetero - Yes (cilia or flagella) - Amoeba, paramecium, euglena

  12. http://arnica.csustan.edu/Biol1010/classification/euglena.JPGhttp://arnica.csustan.edu/Biol1010/classification/euglena.JPG Euglena Amoeba http://greggsutter.com/mt/archives/freelivingameoba.jpg Paramecium http://upsidedownhippo.com/archives/Paramecium.jpg

  13. D. Fungi - Eu - Multi - Hetero - Not mobile - Mushrooms, ringworm, athlete’s foot, mold

  14. Microsporum gypseum (Causes ringworm) http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/staticfiles/NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/Photography/Images/POD/r/ringworm-fungus-522315-lw.jpg Mushroom http://www.seattle.net/media/mushroom-thumb.jpg Microsporum canis(Causes athlete’s foot) www.provlab.ab.ca/mycol/image/derm/mcanmic.jpg

  15. E. Plantae - Eu - Multi - Auto (photosynthesis) - Not mobile - Mosses, ferns, flowering plants

  16. F. Animalia - Eu - Multi - Hetero - Yes - Sponges, worms, insects, mammals, etc.

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